The EQAVET Framework includes a series of indicators and indicative descriptors.
The EQAVET indicators
The EQAVET Framework includes ten reference indicators which can support the evaluation and quality improvement of national/regional VET system when implementing the EQAVET Framework.
10 EQAVET indicators to assess the quality of vocational education and training
Indicator 1: Relevance of quality assurance systems for VET providers
Indicator 2: Investment in training of teachers and trainers
Indicator 3: Participation rate in VET programmes
Indicator 4: Completion rate in VET programmes
Indicator 5: Placement rate of graduates from VET programmes
Indicator 6: Utilisation of acquired skills at the workplace
Indicator 7: Unemployment rate in the country
Indicator 8: Prevalence of vulnerable groups
Indicator 9: Mechanisms to identify training needs in the labour market
Indicator 10: Schemes used to promote better access to VET and provide guidance to (potential) VET learners
The same indicators can be used to measure the quality of provision at the system and provider level. In many contexts, there are agreements on the definitions of these indicators and how data is collected. This enables information from individual VET providers to be collated and analysed in order to provide system level data.
The 2022 report from the EQAVET Secretariat highlighted how often each of the ten indicators are being used in initial and continuing VET.
The EQAVET indicative descriptors: system level
The EQAVET indicative descriptors help Member States to analyse their quality assurance system(s) and gauge how much progress has been made.
The indicative descriptors can be applied to both initial and continuing VET and are applicable to all learning environments: school-based provision and work-based learning including apprenticeships schemes.
There are specific indicative descriptors associated with each of the four phases of the quality cycle:
Planning – Implementation – Evaluation – Review.
The full list of indicative descriptors for each phase of the quality cycle at system level is available to download here.
The EQAVET indicative descriptors: provider level
The EQAVET Framework includes indicative descriptors which help VET providers to analyse their approach to quality assurance and gauge how much progress has been made in improving the quality of provision. They can be applied to both initial and continuing VET and are applicable to all learning environments: school-based provision and work-based learning including apprenticeships schemes.
There are specific indicative descriptors associated with each of the four phases of the quality cycle:
Planning – Implementation – Evaluation – Review.
The full list of indicative descriptors for each phase of the quality cycle at provider level is available to download here.
Further information
Find out how Member States are implementing the indicative descriptors and indicators by reading the case studies available on the virtual library.