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Publications (192)
RSSThe Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe report provides an in-depth analysis of recent labour market and wage developments in the EU, the euro area and Member States, primarily from a macroeconomic perspective.
Since its founding, the European Union (EU) has undergone several rounds of enlargement, expanding from the original six Member States to 27 today. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the European Union's fifth enlargement which took place in 2004.
In an era where travel is more accessible than ever, ensuring access to necessary healthcare services while abroad is crucial for European citizens. Over the past two decades, the EHIC has become a symbol of European unity and healthcare accessibility across countries.
Increasing attention has recently been paid to the situation of domestic workers at EU level. The European Parliament, social partners and stakeholders have called on the European Commission to improve their working conditions and social protection within the limits of its Treaty competence.
The topic of the Thematic Review 2022-2023 regards the application of EU labour law in the long-term care sector. The report focuses on three main categories of LTC workers: personal care workers, nurses and domestic care workers.
The LTC labour market contains mostly workers with a medium educational level, although the increasingly complex skills required in the sector point to the need to improve initial and continuing training and qualifications.
This final report summarises the outcomes of the study “Transport poverty: Definitions, indicators, determinants, and mitigation strategies” commissioned by DG EMPL.
This toolkit presents how stakeholders may use the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) to finance staff training to support independent living and community inclusion of persons with support needs.
On 7 June 2023, the European Commission adopted a Communication on a comprehensive approach to mental health. The Communication included, as one of the flagships, a Peer Review on legislative and enforcement approaches for addressing psychosocial risks at work in Member States of the EU.
The 2024 edition focuses on long-term care as the SPC’s Thematic Social Reporting in 2024 takes stock of the implementation of the Council Recommendation on access to affordable high-quality long-term care, as a deliverable of the European Care Strategy.