Unfold's Modern Mobile Release Process and the Subtle Art of Making Them Boring

On the Unfold team at Squarespace, our mobile releases don't require much in the way of manual intervention or human oversight. In fact, we don’t have to give releases much thought at all.

But, this was not always true. This post is a look into what these non-eventful mobile releases are like, dig into how much more eventful they used to be, and walk through the work it took us to get here.

Outro: What You Did and What’s Next

The outro recaps what you did – write technical documentation! – and introduces next steps like organizing a collection of documentation, revising existing content, and expanding your technical writing skills by joining the technical writing community.

Part 4: Test, Edit, And Publish Content

After completing Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this tutorial, your once blank page now has technical writing – you're officially in the home stretch! Technical writing on a page becomes technical documentation only after you test, edit, and publish the content.

Do not underestimate the exponential payoff that comes from testing and revising content. More than one technical writer can claim that revision has either uncovered bugs in software or improved it.

Part 3: Draft Content That’s Accurate, Consistent, And Concise

In my opinion, creating good headings and organizing them in a way that’s helpful to readers is much more challenging than drafting content. So pat yourself on the back for completing Part 2 of this series and making it to Part 3. � � �

However, there are three things that undo exceptional headings and structure in technical documentation: content that is inaccurate, content that’s inconsistent, and content that’s inflated.

Part 2: Use Good Headings For Structure And Scanning

Part 1 of this tutorial introduced you to the content types that are most common in technical documentation. You also evaluated a real-life example as a reader, and you may have realized how headings are essential to a good reader experience. It’s because readers on the web do not read – they scan¹ . People actually read 25% slower on the web² and they only read 20% of the content on a page³. (This data is from 2008; I’m scared to know the percentage today.)

Part 1: Learn The Different Types Of Technical Documentation

In the same way the term “books� includes fiction, nonfiction, and biographies as genres, the term “technical documentation� includes many different content types. But what sets technical documentation apart from books are reader traits. These traits are a result of what the reader does as they read technical documentation – they use the app.

Technical Writing: How To Start

Writing is a learned skill. No one person is a good or bad writer. 🙂 When a colleague asked me to mentor them on technical writing, I searched for a single technical writing article, guide, book, or tutorial that addressed three key things. Since I couldn’t find one, I decided to create a tutorial on technical writing.

Developing Fluid Engine

Last month we shipped the biggest change to our core website editing experience in ten years: Fluid Engine. This blog post addresses how we arrived at the implementation, in addition to walking through a few technical and user experience issues that were core to the development of this feature.

A Better Way to Upload Images

Imagine you are editing your Squarespace website on your desktop browser and you want to add great photos that make your site stand out. At that moment, you realize those great photos are actually on your phone. Wouldn’t it be great if you could cut out all the intermediate steps and directly access your phone’s photo library right from the desktop browser into your Squarespace website?

How we use WebGL at Squarespace

Recently, we introduced Background Art as a new way for customers to add graphics to their websites. This feature leverages WebGL to generate abstract animated graphics client side. These graphics can be seamlessly added to a web page, offering an alternative to images and videos for section backgrounds.

More so than any other level of the management chain, front-line engineering managers are the most attuned to the day to day realities of shipping software. Giving them a collective voice to surface what works and what doesn’t is critical to understanding the efficacy of organizational policy and process.