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Jonsson School Bylaws
Jonsson School Bylaws
1. Preamble
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of these bylaws is to provide rules of governance that the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science will follow in the execution of its day-to-day business. These bylaws also serve as guidelines that the constituent departments within the School should observe in drafting their own bylaws. The bylaws of the departments should be consistent with, and must not contradict, the bylaws of the School.
1.2 Terminology and Rules of Order
In this document, the term “School” denotes the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, the term “Dean” denotes the Dean of the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, and the term “University” denotes the University of Texas at Dallas. A “majority” shall mean more than 50% of those voting.
All School and departmental meetings, as well as the meetings of all standing and temporary committees of the School and its constituent departments and programs, shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order (current edition), unless otherwise specified in the University’s Handbook of Operating Procedures (UTDPP1088 – Faculty Governance) or the Jonsson School Bylaws.
1.3 Table of Contents
1. Preamble
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Terminology and Rules of Order
1.3 Table of Contents
2. Faculty
2.1 Members
2.2 Membership in the Voting Faculty
2.3 Meetings of the Faculty of the School
2.4 Hiring of Faculty
2.5 Joint Appointments
2.6 Switching Department Affiliation
2.7 Joint Appointment with Other Schools
3. Officers
3.1 Dean
3.2 Associate / Assistant / Other Deans/Administrators
3.3 Department Heads
4. Standing Committees
4.1 Jonsson School Faculty Personnel Review Committee
4.2 Jonsson School Academic Affairs Committee
4.3 Jonsson School Graduate Council
4.4 Jonsson School Undergraduate Council
5. Adoption, Amendment and Interpretation of the School Bylaws
5.1 Adoption
5.2 Amendment
5.3 Interpretation
2. Faculty
2.1 Members
The Faculty of the School consists of all persons appointed at least half-time for at least nine months during the current academic year to one of the following positions:
- Professor (tenured/tenure-track)
- Associate Professor (tenured/tenure-track)
- Assistant Professor (tenured/tenure-track)
- Non-tenure-track faculty of instruction
- Assistant Professor of Instruction (or Senior Lecturer 1)
- Associate Professor of Instruction (or Senior Lecturer 2)
- Professor of Instruction (or Senior Lecturer 3)
- Non-tenure-track faculty
- Assistant Professor of Practice (or Clinical Assistant Professor)
- Associate Professor of Practice (or Clinical Associate Professor)
- Professor of Practice (or Clinical Professor)
- Emeriti Faculty
2.2 Membership in the Voting Faculty
The Voting Faculty of the School shall consist of all tenured/tenure-track Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors appointed at least half-time for at least nine months during the current academic year, together with a number of non-tenure-track Professors/Associate Professors/Assistant Professors of Instruction/Practice, Senior Lecturers, and Clinical Assistant/Associate/Professors (hereafter, “non-tenure-track faculty”) appointed at least half-time for at least nine months during the academic year to be determined as described below.
Each department shall appoint a number of eligible non-tenure-track faculty (as defined above) to the Voting Faculty of the School, such number to be not less than 10% nor greater than 25% (rounded to the nearest integer) of the total number of tenured/tenure-track faculty in the respective department, who, at the start of the fall semester, are appointed at least half time for at least nine months. Each department shall appoint/elect its voting non-tenure-track faculty members according to the department bylaws. Departments whose eligible non-tenure-track faculty numbers less than 10% of the tenured/tenure-track faculty shall appoint all eligible non-tenure-track faculty to the School Voting Faculty.
2.3 Meetings of the Faculty of the School
Conduct of meetings
- At least three working days’ written or email notice must be given of meetings of the Faculty of the School. The notice of a meeting must include a proposed agenda.
- Meetings of the Faculty are normally called by the Dean. A meeting may also be called at a specified date and time as a result of a petition signed by at least five members of the Voting Faculty and delivered to the Dean or a member of the Academic Affairs Committee at least four working days prior to the date of the meeting. If a meeting is called by petition, the petition must specify at least one topic to be placed on the agenda. The special meeting shall be chaired by the chair or a member of the Academic Affairs Committee and will be open to all members of the faculty except the Dean and their direct reports. The meeting will adhere to all the rules and regulations stated in these bylaws.
- An item may be placed on the agenda of a meeting of the Faculty of the School by the Dean or through a petition signed by at least two members of the Voting Faculty and delivered either to the Dean or to a member of the Academic Affairs Committee at least one working day prior to the date of the meeting, or through a motion to amend the agenda made at the meeting, provided that the motion carries.
- A meeting can be postponed by a majority vote of those present.
- The Dean shall preside at meeting of the Faculty of School. In the absence of the Dean, an Associate Dean or designee, or the Chair or a member of the Academic Affairs Committee may preside at such meetings.
- During the fall and spring semesters, a quorum shall consist of 50% of the members of the Voting Faculty. During the summer semester, a quorum shall consist of 60% of the members of the Voting Faculty. In no case will a quorum exist if the number of non-tenure-track faculty members present exceeds the number of tenured/tenure track faculty present. No business may be transacted in the absence of a quorum or when the University is closed.
- A meeting of the Faculty of the School must be convened at least once in each nine-month academic year.
- The convener of a Jonsson School faculty meeting is responsible for ensuring that business minutes are recorded at each meeting and are circulated to the Voting Faculty for approval. Copies of minutes of all departmental and School faculty meetings will be held in an online repository, such as box.com, and made available to all faculty and staff, except for those meetings described in item 9 below.
- All non-voting Faculty may attend School and departmental faculty meetings and participate in discussions, except when the faculty meets in executive session or when matters subject to privacy protection are under consideration, in which case only members of the voting faculty may attend and have access to the minutes.
- No motions may be made or passed in executive session.
Rules for voting in School and departmental faculty meetings:
- Only members of the Voting Faculty, as defined above, may vote.
- Any member of the Voting Faculty who is present at a meeting may request a vote by secret ballot on any motion presented, other than non-debatable motions.
- Proxy voting is not allowed.
- A member of the Voting Faculty who cannot attend a meeting may cast a vote in absentia on any matter on the agenda distributed prior to the meeting, other than matters pertaining to promotion and tenure, provided that the vote is delivered by email or in writing to a member of the Academic Affairs Committee, clearly specifying the intent.
- Votes on the approval of minutes of the most recent meeting of the Faculty of the School may be cast by email.
2.4 Hiring of Faculty
- Each year the Dean shall recommend search plans and the rationale for the hiring plan in consultation with the department heads, program heads, and the department faculty, taking into consideration the number and distribution of positions that the School wishes to fill.
- Each department shall recommend one or more Faculty Search Committees to the Dean consisting of a subset of the tenured and tenure-track faculty members in the department. Faculty Search Committees may also include members from more than one department and/or from outside the School in special circumstances. Non-voting faculty members may be appointed to faculty search committees at the discretion of the departments. Membership from outside the department and non-voting faculty members shall not constitute a majority of the committee.
- Each departmental committee or special committee shall conduct the search process for each position according to the University policies and procedures and departmental bylaws, including advertisement of the positions, review of applications, invitations to prospective candidates for interviews, solicitation of faculty inputs for the candidates, and communication of the recommendations of the faculty to the Dean.
- Each department shall conduct the search process and make final recommendations to the Dean as per the departmental bylaws. All recommendations from the search committee for faculty hiring offers with tenure must be voted upon by the appropriate tenured faculty members in the corresponding department according to the university policies and procedures.
- Hiring of non-tenure-track faculty may be conducted by individual Departments on an ad hoc basis as dictated by enrollment, subject to approval of the Dean.
2.5 Joint Appointments
Given the interdisciplinary nature of modern research and teaching, it is important that departments within the School have the ability to appoint tenured/tenure-track faculty members jointly with other departments of the School, or jointly with other departments or programs of the University.
2.5.1 Definition
A “joint appointment” (also called a “split appointment”) is defined as a percentage appointment of a tenured/tenure-track faculty member, hereafter “the appointee,” among two or more departments for at least nine months. The sum of such percentages (total appointment) shall not be less than 50% nor more than 100% for nine months. The percentage appointment in at least one of the participating departments, designated the “home department,’’ shall be 50% or greater. It is expected that the participating departments will provide a percentage of the salary for the appointee at their respective appointment percentage. Joint appointments are distinct from “affiliated” or “courtesy” and “adjunct” faculty appointments, which are established according to departmental bylaws, and do not entail faculty salary support.
A joint appointment comes with a number of privileges and responsibilities for the appointee. Privileges include access to the resources of the department (these include physical resources as well as students), and the ability to shape department policy as determined by the School and departmental bylaws. Duties and responsibilities include upholding the reputation of the department and the School by conducting high-quality research and teaching, and providing service inside and outside the University.
2.5.2 Procedure for New Hires
An applicant that is being considered for a tenured/tenure-track appointment by more than one department in the School may be offered a joint appointment as defined above. The faculty of the participating departments should be included in the hiring process as early as possible. A joint appointment of a tenured/tenure-track faculty member shall follow the hiring process described in the faculty hiring section 2.4 above in each participating department.
Prior to the proffering of an offer of employment, the participating departments should prepare a single Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which should have the approval of the faculty in the respective departments and be signed by the respective department heads. The MOU should clearly describe, at a minimum, the following:
- The justification for a joint appointment. The MOU should clearly articulate the interdisciplinary nature of the joint appointment based on the research interests and needs of the appointee. Appointees whose primary needs include the ability to advise PhD students in more than one department, access to shared research space or equipment, or who may occasionally teach courses in more than one department, should be given affiliate appointments rather than joint appointments.
- The percentage appointment in each department as well as the department that will serve as the “home department” as discussed below.
- Voting privileges of the appointee in each department. Voting privileges of the appointee in the School will be as defined in Section 2.2. Voting privileges of the appointee in the departments will be determined according to the bylaws of the individual departments. In all cases, the appointee shall have full voting privileges in the home department.
- The procedures for annual evaluations, mid-probationary evaluations, evaluations for promotion and tenure, and salary raises. The home department shall be responsible for conducting all such evaluations and for recommending annual salary increases to the Dean. The participation of the non-home department(s) in the above shall be clearly articulated in the MOU.
- Access to research personnel. It is expected that the appointee will have the right to recruit and support graduate students, postdoctoral associates and other research personnel as needed in a manner identical to that of faculty in all participating departments.
- Allocation of office space, graduate student space, research laboratory space, technical support, such as laboratory technicians and computer support, as well as administrative assistant support. Based on the particular nature of the appointee’s research, resource allocation may reside in one department, not necessarily the home department, or may be split among multiple departments.
- Clear expectations for teaching and service. Particular attention should be placed on ensuring a fair and equitable set of expectations in relation to other faculty positions not arranged as a joint appointment. It is important that the teaching and service loads of the appointee are not greater than those of a non-jointly appointed faculty member in each of the participating departments.
- The term of the joint appointment. The MOU should specify a fixed term of the joint appointment and the procedure that will be followed either to renew or terminate the joint appointment. The percentage breakdown of the joint appointment may be adjusted at the time of renewal based on mutual agreement of the appointee and the respective departments. If a joint appointment is terminated for any reason other than denial of tenure, the appointee will be appointed 100% in the home department. If an appointee is denied tenure their joint appointment will be continued for the duration of any terminal appointment in the school.
2.5.3 Joint Appointments of Existing Faculty Members
From time to time a current faculty member in the School may wish to request a joint appointment in another department, to change the percentage breakdown of an existing joint appointment, or to switch their appointment entirely to another department.
Establishing a Joint Appointment
A faculty member who wishes to request a joint appointment at a non-zero percentage in a department separate from their home department should send a request in writing to the head of the department in which they seek to establish the joint appointment. If the request is approved, subject to a positive vote of the faculty in said department, then the head of said department shall initiate discussion and preparation of an MOU with all other departments in which the faculty member has a non-zero percent appointment. The MOU should include the identical items as described for a new hire.
Changing the Percentage of an Existing Joint Appointment
The percentage breakdown of a joint appointment may be requested at the time of renewal of the appointment and only at the time of renewal of the appointment and is subject to approval of all signatories of the MOU. Changes to the MOU necessitated by a change in the percentages of the appointment must be approved by the faculty in the respective departments.
2.6 Switching Department Affiliation
In the case that a faculty member wishes to switch their appointment entirely to another department, they should submit a memo to the Dean clearly articulating the reasons for the request. The decision to approve or deny such a request rests with the Dean. The Dean should consult with the respective departments and a vote of the faculty of the department to which the faculty member wishes to move shall be taken and considered by the Dean before making a decision.
2.7 Joint Appointment with Other Schools
In the event of a joint appointment of a tenured/tenure-track faculty member of the Jonsson School with another UTD School or with UT Southwestern Medical Center or the appointment of a tenured/tenure-track faculty member at the units with a department in the Jonsson School, the respective deans shall negotiate the appointment in consultation with the faculty of the participation programs. Issues of percentage appointment, indirect-cost return from research grants, teaching assignments, and other issues that may arise will be at the discretion of the Dean. In no case shall a faculty member from outside the Jonsson School have an appointment greater than 50% in the School.
3. Officers
3.1 Dean
- The Dean is the chief administrative officer of the School, and is responsible for the School’s day-to-day operation in accordance with its bylaws and University policies and procedures, its finances and physical resources, as well as for the safety of School personnel in laboratories and classrooms. The Dean, in consultation with the School’s faculty, also defines the vision for the School’s future. The Dean is to be selected according to the policies and procedures laid out by UTD. The Dean must be a tenured faculty member in the School. The Dean serves at the pleasure of the President and Provost of the University.
- The Dean may appoint committees and choose their members as needed, with the exception that standing committees mandated by School or departmental bylaws will be constituted as provided in the bylaws.
- The Dean may use his or her discretion in creating, filling and replacing administrative positions in the Dean’s office, including, but not limited to, associate/assistant dean positions and supporting staff positions. The Dean is encouraged to seek faculty input in a manner of his or her choosing when appointing Associate Deans (e.g., the Dean may seek faculty input through the department heads and program heads rather than directly).
- The Dean has final authority within the School for recommending faculty appointments to the Provost, and has all of the authority provided by the University (see UTDPP1077) with respect to promotions and tenure. The hiring, tenure and promotion of all tenured/tenure-track faculty in a particular department must be voted upon by the appropriate subset of the department’s faculty as provided in Section 2.4 of these bylaws.
- The faculty has primary responsibility for curricular matters. All decisions made by the Dean relating to curricular matters should have approval of a majority of the corresponding department/program faculty. Similarly, any curricular policy change approved by the faculty that has an administrative effect (e.g., needing additional resources beyond what the department currently has) requires the approval of the Dean.
- The Dean shall make an annual “State of the School” report to the faculty. The report should describe the progress the School has made in the past year, its accomplishments in the areas of research, teaching and service, and directions that the school may take in the near future, as well as problems that it may face.
3.2 Associate / Assistant / Other Deans / Administrators
The Dean may appoint appropriate administrators, including but not limited to associate and assistant deans, directors, etc. to carry out various administrative functions of the Jonsson School and to represent it at the University level. The key officers of the school and their responsibilities are described below; however, the Dean may reassign functions, responsibilities, duties and titles based on management style or administration structure.
3.2.1 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ADAA) or Vice Dean is appointed by the Dean. Only a tenured full professor may be appointed to this position. The ADAA reports to and is evaluated by the Dean. The ADAA is responsible for faculty and academic affairs. The ADAA represents the School on the UT Dallas Graduate Council and interacts with the Dean of Graduate Education in all matters of general graduate education. The responsibilities of ADAA may include coordinating graduate programs, be a liaison with the Provost’s Office, all faculty review processes, handle academic disputes and grievances, represent the School on all appropriate University level committees, and any other duties assigned by the Dean.
3.2.2 Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education (ADU) is appointed by the Dean from the faculty of the School. The ADU reports to and is evaluated by the Dean. The ADU coordinates the schoolwide undergraduate initiatives and represents the School on the UT Dallas Council of Undergraduate Education and other appropriate University level committees. The responsibilities of ADU may include advising, student organization, career services, outreach, recruitment, engagement activities, and any other duties assigned by the Dean.
3.2.3 Associate Dean for Research
The Associate Dean for Research (ADR) is appointed by the Dean from the faculty of the School. The ADR reports to and is evaluated by the Dean. The ADR coordinates all schoolwide research activities and promotes a strong culture of research and external funding. The responsibilities of ADR may include identifying research opportunities, mentoring junior faculty in preparing competitive proposals, promoting multi-disciplinary research proposals, oversee research related awards, and other duties assigned by the Dean.
3.3 Department Heads
The Dean shall appoint department heads in consultation with the corresponding department’s faculty. Department heads must be tenured faculty members in the School, and shall serve at the Dean’s pleasure. A department head is the chief administrative officer of the department and the principal liaison between the department’s faculty and higher administration.
Functions and responsibilities of department heads include:
- Administration and day-to-day operation of the department in accordance with the bylaws of the department and the School.
- Provide vision and leadership to establish strategic goals for the department and set priorities for achieving these goals.
- Oversee the appointment and functioning of various committees within the department.
- Coordinate faculty recruitment and hiring with the department search committee.
- Lead the department’s effort in faculty career development.
- Oversee faculty annual evaluation together with the departmental Faculty Personnel Review Committee provided for in Section 4.1 of these bylaws.
- Oversee scheduling of courses, assignment of teaching duties, selection of undergraduate and graduate assistants, and other necessary tasks.
- Oversee enforcement of policies relating to ethical and professional conduct by faculty members, students, and staff of the school.
- Oversee the process for accreditation of the various degree programs in the department.
Each department head shall be formally evaluated three years after initial appointment as head and every six years subsequently using instruments from UTDPP1047.
A summary of each department head’s evaluation will be made available to the Dean. The evaluation will provide feedback for the Head and will constitute part of the Dean’s overall appraisal.
4. Standing Committees
Each School standing committee will elect its own chairperson, unless these bylaws or University policy provide otherwise. If a committee chairmanship is elective, the election of the chair should be the first item of business in the first meeting of the committee held after its appointment. A new chair may also be elected if the composition of the committee changes. The election of the new chair should be the first item of business during the first meeting of the altered committee. If a committee with an elective chairmanship does not elect a chair, then the Dean shall appoint a chair.
Each department shall elect their new standing committee members by May 31 of the prior academic year.
Each standing committee of the School shall write or revise its charge, subject to the approval of the School faculty.
Every standing committee, except the Faculty Personnel Review Committee, must keep minutes and if requested, must submit them to the School faculty and Dean.
Meetings and agendas of standing committees shall be publicly posted at least one day in advance in a manner that makes them accessible to all faculty. Any School faculty member may observe a meeting of a standing committee, except the Faculty Personnel Review Committee, and the voting members of a standing committee may invite the participation of others as non-voting members, except when the committee is in executive session or when matters subject to privacy protection are under consideration.
The chair of each standing committee in the school shall file a report with the Dean at the end of his or her term summarizing the activities of the committee during that term.
4.1 Jonsson School Faculty Personnel Review Committee
The Jonsson School Faculty Personnel Review Committee (FPRC) serves as the School Peer Review Committee mandated in UTDPP1064. Each department must have its own Faculty Personnel Review Committee for the annual evaluation of its faculty members. The School FPRC also serves as the School Peer Review Committee (SPRC).
The Jonsson School FPRC will be chaired by the Dean and shall consist of up to two members from each department, elected by secret ballot in conformity with UTDPP1064. Only full-time, tenured faculty members can serve on the School FPRC. At most one School FPRC member from each department can be an Associate Professor; the rest must have the rank of Professor. School FPRC members who are Associate Professors cannot participate in evaluations of full Professors. The composition of departmental FPRCs will be in accordance with the departmental bylaws.
Manner of appointment:
The members of the Jonsson School FPRC are elected by the voting faculty of each department. The normal term of service on the School FPRC is two years. No member may serve more than two consecutive terms. The appointments should be staggered so that at least one member is elected from each department every year. Each department shall elect their new representatives on the School FPRC by May 31 of the prior academic year. The appointment of members of the departmental FPRCs will be in accordance with the departmental bylaws. Exceptions to these rules may be granted by the Dean, for example, if there are an insufficient number of faculty in a department that qualify under the above rules.
Responsibilities of the School FPRC:
The School FPRC is responsible for post-tenure review of faculty as described in UTDPP1064.
Responsibilities of departmental FPRCs:
The departmental FPRCs are responsible for performing an annual evaluation of each faculty member, in accordance with University policy (UTDPP1077) for tenured/tenure-track faculty, and (UTDPP1062) for non-tenure-track faculty, and criteria defined by each department. Members of the departmental FPRCs will be evaluated by the cognizant department head.
The result of the evaluation of a faculty member by the School or departmental FPRC, whether for post-tenure review or for an annual review, must be communicated promptly to that faculty member by the department chair. The result of the evaluation will also be communicated to the Dean.
4.2 Jonsson School Academic Affairs Committee
The Jonsson School Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) acts as the School’s faculty Executive Committee. The function of the AAC is to advise the Dean, Associate Deans, and the School leadership on important matters related to Academic Affairs concerning the School.
The Jonsson School Academic Affairs Committee shall consist of up to two tenured faculty members elected by each department, plus one tenured faculty member appointed by the Dean, rotating among the departments. Each year the AAC will elect one member to serve as the Chair of the AAC.
Manner of appointment:
The members of the Jonsson School AAC are elected by the voting faculty of each department. The normal term of service on the School AAC is two years. Each department shall elect their new representatives on the School FPRC by May 31 of the prior academic year. The appointments should be staggered to provide continuity in the representation of each department.
The responsibilities of the AAC include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Resolution of questions and disputes concerning the interpretation of the School bylaws.
- Mediation and resolution of other disputes.
- Advise the Dean on any proposed modification to the school policy on academic affairs issues including promotion and tenure.
- Other duties as provided elsewhere in these bylaws.
The Dean is encouraged to consult with the AAC for advice on matters pertaining to the School. However, consultation with the AAC must not be used to circumvent School faculty meetings.
The AAC will meet at least once during each of the fall and spring semesters.
4.3 Jonsson School Graduate Council
The Jonsson School Graduate Council shall consist of Associate Department Heads or Directors for Graduate Studies from each department plus appropriate Associate and Assistant Deans related to graduate studies.
- Handle all school level issues pertaining to graduate studies.
- Assist the Dean and/or other administrators in handling graduate student issues, grievance, and other issues related to Graduate Studies that are not resolved at the department level.
- Assist the Dean’s Office in graduate student recruitment and enhancement, and overall graduate studies experience at UT Dallas.
- Manage application and selection processes and award Jonsson School Graduate Fellowships.
- Assist departments in graduate students’ and teaching assistants’ orientations.
- Handle effective teaching-related issues for Graduate Studies (UTDPP1006).
- Other Graduate Studies-related duties requested by the Dean.
4.4 Jonsson School Undergraduate Council
The Jonsson School Undergraduate Council shall consist of Associate Department Heads or Directors for Undergraduate Studies from each department, the Director of Undergraduate Advising, and the appropriate Associate and Assistant Deans related to Undergraduate Studies.
- Handle all school-level issues pertaining to undergraduate studies. This specifically includes, but is not limited to: 1.) All catalog materials, 2.) All proposals for the assignment of university credit to new courses, 3.) All proposals for new programs, 4.) Jonsson School Undergraduate Scholarships, and 5.) Other academic policy issues as assigned by the Dean.
- Assist the Dean and/or other administrators in handling undergraduate student issues, grievances and other issues related to Undergraduate Studies that are not resolved at the department level.
- Assist the Dean’s Office in outreach, undergraduate recruitment and enhancement, and the overall undergraduate studies experience at UT Dallas.
- In collaboration with the relevant Department Head nominate the members of the committee on Jonsson School Undergraduate Scholarships.
- Handle effective teaching-related issues for Undergraduate Studies (UTDPP1006).
- Other Undergraduate Studies-related duties requested by the Dean.
5. Adoption, Amendment, and Interpretation of the School Bylaws
These bylaws shall remain in effect in perpetuity unless and until they are amended in accordance with the rules outlined in this section. A copy of the amended bylaws shall be sent to each member of the faculty in printed or electronic form within one week after amendments to these bylaws have been approved according to the rules outlined below.
5.1 Adoption:
These bylaws shall take effect if they are approved by a two-thirds majority of the number of votes cast by all current voting School faculty provided that the number of votes cast is at least equal to 50%+1 of the number of voting faculty. The vote shall be by secret ballot and must be submitted in accordance with the previous voting procedure (online or paper).
5.2 Amendment:
The bylaws of the School can be amended only by a tallied two-thirds majority vote of the number of votes cast by all current Voting Faculty of the School provided that the number of votes cast is at least equal to 50%+1 of the number of voting faculty. The vote shall be by secret ballot and must be submitted in accordance with the previous voting procedure (online or paper). Such a vote can be called at a faculty meeting or by mail. Any member of the voting faculty may start this process by providing a written request to amend the bylaws containing:
- the exact wording of the suggested amendment to the bylaws,
- the signatures of at least 10% of the Voting Faculty agreeing to the exact proposed wording, and
- a clear explanation of the need for the amendment.
Each proposed amendment to the bylaws must be considered individually as part of a separate vote and request for a vote. Proposed amendments to the bylaws cannot be artificially linked for any reason. The written request to amend the bylaws shall be delivered to the chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, who shall distribute such request to the Faculty and the School administrators in a timely fashion.
Once the request to amend the bylaws has been delivered to the Faculty and the School administrators, a minimum two-week period for consideration of the amendment shall begin. At the conclusion of this period, a Faculty discussion meeting shall be held. The time period for voting on the proposed amendments is one week after the conclusion of the discussion meeting.
One member of the Academic Affairs Committee, one representative of the Dean’s office and one Voting Faculty member chosen by the Dean shall conduct the tally.
The amended Bylaws shall become effective immediately.
5.3 Interpretation:
The final responsibility for interpreting the School bylaws rests with the Academic Affairs Committee of the School. The interpretation given by the School AAC shall be final. Any interpretation provided by the AAC should be given in writing and made available to the whole school faculty. Any violation of the bylaws can be addressed through the University’s Faculty Grievance Procedure (UTDPP1050). If the faculty grievance due to the violation of bylaws is not satisfied by the University’s Faculty Grievance Procedure, such a faculty may exercise the policy and procedure set by the UT Dallas Academic Senate regarding the violation of bylaws.
Revision History:
- Revised: April 1998
- Revised: April 1998
- Addendum: April 9, 2009
- Revised: September 6, 2011
- Revised: May 2017
- Revised: March 7, 2022
- Revised: June 11, 2024
Copyright ©The University of Texas at Dallas