Here you will find a series of inspiring environmental success stories - from protecting and restoring nature, to reducing waste and pollution, and acting on the climate crisis.
With the help of EU funding, these projects are helping to implement the European Green Deal on the ground. They contribute to the shift towards a circular, energy efficient, climate-neutral Europe and help protect and improve the quality of the environment.
The European Union funds projects that protect and restore the environment, across Europe and beyond. The LIFE programme, for example, is the EU's funding instrument entirely dedicated to environmental, climate and energy objectives. It has already written thousands of success stories since 1992.
Discover a variety of these successful projects below.
How do shifting gender roles, migration, and climate resilience shape development? REACH-STR bridges social change and climate action.
Hydro4U focuses on small-scale hydropower in Central Asia to address water scarcity, energy security, and to foster regional cooperation.
The LIFE Marsh Meadows project works to restores wetlands in Latvia and Lithuania to boost biodiversity and support local communities.
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Success stories (71)
RSSThe LIFE Dutch Dune Revival project has restored 190 hectares of dunes - a natural defence against the risk of coastal flooding - with the support of EU funding.