Here you will find a series of inspiring environmental success stories - from protecting and restoring nature, to reducing waste and pollution, and acting on the climate crisis.
With the help of EU funding, these projects are helping to implement the European Green Deal on the ground. They contribute to the shift towards a circular, energy efficient, climate-neutral Europe and help protect and improve the quality of the environment.
The European Union funds projects that protect and restore the environment, across Europe and beyond. The LIFE programme, for example, is the EU's funding instrument entirely dedicated to environmental, climate and energy objectives. It has already written thousands of success stories since 1992.
Discover a variety of these successful projects below.
How the LIFE BEAVER project is promoting human - beaver coexistence, and inspiring others to follow suit.
Mercury pollution is a critical problem worldwide, with large socio-economic, environmental and health impacts. By utilising bacteria, we might have a solution.
The Galway Atlantaquaria embraced the WaterWiseEU campaign, to learn more about Galway's unique freshwater systems.
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Success stories (72)
RSSRead about this inspiring event in Romania where youngsters were shown how to prevent water pollution and promote sustainable water use at an outdoor workshop at the Glina wastewater plant.
In Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine, the 'EU4Environment – Water Resources and Environmental Data' programme is demonstrating how strategic water management and nature-based solutions can combat severe water scarcity.
Find out how the EU has been supporting water quality monitoring in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
Read our interview with Rewilding Europe, where we discuss how restoring nature can help protect us from climate change and boost water resilience.
Join the excitement as Hamelin, the European leader in school and office supplies, proudly participates in the 2024 Olympic Games. Hamelin introduces a unique line of eco-friendly products that celebrate the Olympic spirit. Experience the games with a touch of green!
The Danube River is Europe's lifeline, flowing through the territory of 19 countries—14 of which, together with the European Union, are ICPDR Contracting Parties—and supporting a rich tapestry of life, culture, and history.
The Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions, and Water Management has been a leader in water conservation and education for two decades, driven by two impactful initiatives: the Gen Blue platform launched in 2004, the Wasseraktiv platform established in 2009.
Check out this blog post exploring why cold water and outdoor swimming are here to stay and the recent research on how it can promote human and environmental well-being.
Discover the ALIANAz success story and read about their commitments to sustainable beauty.
Verdon is a traditional folk song from France, sung as a nursery rhyme and at Christmas