Online-Diskussion - Kreativität und Kultur für den sozialen Zusammenhalt
Am Mittwoch, den 7. Dezember, von 10 bis 16 Uhr MEZ, veranstaltet EPALE eine Online-Diskussion über Kreativität und Kultur für den sozialen Zusammenhalt.
Die schriftliche Diskussion wird durch einen Live-Stream (10:00 bis 10:40 Uhr MEZ) mit Rasha Shaaban (Göteborger Nationalmuseen für Weltkultur), Helen O'Donoghue (Irish Museum of Modern Art) und Niels Righolt (Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture) eingeleitet, die ihre Perspektiven, Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen mitteilen werden.
Sehen Sie sich das Streaming hier an:
Auf den Live-Stream folgt eine moderierte schriftliche Diskussion mit den Beiträgen unserer EPALE-Community-Mitglieder.
Während dieser Online-Diskussion werden wir versuchen, uns gemeinsam eine Zukunft vorzustellen, in der Kunst und Kultur eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Lösung globaler Herausforderungen (wie Klimawandel, Ungleichheit zwischen den Geschlechtern und Korruption) spielen, indem wir die vielen Verbindungen zwischen Bildung, Kreativität und Kultur aufzeigen und dabei die folgenden Fragen erörtern:
Wie können kulturelle Praktiken in einer Zeit, in der unsere demokratischen Werte bedroht sind, die Integration und das interkulturelle Verständnis fördern und die Mitglieder unseres europäischen Familienhauses zusammenbringen?
Welche Rolle spielen kulturelle Praktiken und Kultureinrichtungen bei der Förderung von bürgerschaftlichem Engagement und demokratischer Teilhabe?
Welche Rolle spielen multidisziplinäre Kulturräume, wenn es darum geht, neue Wege der Bildung und des Lernens zu finden?
Wie können wir durch lebenslanges Lernen integrative und auf den Menschen ausgerichtete Gesellschaften wirksam gestalten?
Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, Ihre Erfahrungen und Initiativen einzubringen.
Die Kommentare sind bereits geöffnet, so dass Sie Ihre Gedanken, Ressourcen und Vorschläge mitteilen können.
Cultural diversity
I believe the diversity of cultures is a rich resource for maintaining democratic values. Everyone can share their cultural perspective, thus enriching everyone. It creates an environment in which cultural diversity is accepted and respected.
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Идеите са прекрасни.
Идеите са прекрасни.
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farewell and thank you
To everyone who participated in today's event, my sincerest thanks.
It was a pleasure working with Sara, Claudia and meeting and discussing the themes of today's discussion with Niels and Rasha.
I look forward to seeing an ongoing discussion emerge on this platform over the next few days and will keep in contact...
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Networking visits to cultural institutions in EPALE
Hello everybody, big thanks to the organizers of the discussion for choosing this very important topic. I am especially pleased as in couple of months, we are organizing a networking visit to Netherlands, visiting some Dutch cultural institutions, museums, galleries etc. to get to know the best practice in cultural education, promoting of cultural education in cummunities, social cohesion and other themes. The visit will enable to share best practice between people working in Czech cultural institutions and the Dutch ones. All this within EPALE project. We have a great partner in Holland, the National Centre of Expertise for Cultural Education and Amateur Arts from Utrecht, so if you intend to focus on Dutch cultural and educational system, this is a good pick for a partner.
Next year, we are also planning another networking visit - within EPALE and the same topic - to some other EU country with high expertise in cultural education but we haven´t ´picked this one yet. If you have any recommendation for a partner, please go ahead.
Martin, the Czech EPALE
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possible partners
@Martin, maybe this is a possibility for Niels or Rasha?
I will not be at the IMMA next year so cannot propose you come here!
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Get in touch
Hello Martin,
You are very welcome to visit our Museums in Gothenburg and Stockholm.
Please get in touch at rasha.shaaban(at)
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Creativity and participation
Thank you very much for the interesting discussion! Creativity, culture and art should be seen as a powerful way to deal with various themes and to be strong part of education. At the KSL Study Center in Finland, we have thought a lot about the possibilities of creativity and culture in relation to activism and civic activity. This year we also published a publication in English about craft activism in Finland, where the activists themselves reflect on their own relationship with activism, craft and art. The publication can be viewed here and is available for free download or delivery abroad until the end of this year.
In my opinion, the publication also opens up well how, through crafts and creativity, people feel they can influence global challenges and participate in the discussion.
Riina Näsi Culture producer, Art educator
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thanks for sharing your publication
HI Riina,
thank you for sharing this information, I am excited to read the publication as it resonates with a recent showing of the IMMA Collection under the title 'Social Fabric',
that exhibition featured some textile work that is often undervalued in the arts world.
and featured the work that socially engaged Irish artist Wendy Cowan made with women in Dublin in the late 1980s. you might be interested in following her . She now works in Australia and is completing a PHd which is reflecting on her practice/ story telling/ textiles....
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Crafts and expression
Thank you very much for the reply and the new information. Good if the publication sparks ideas and resonates with other projects.
In publication the activists even reflected a bit on why crafts have been undervalued in the art world and as a means of expression.
Thanks a lot again for this information! It's great to hear what kind of projects there are internationally and to find new creators whose work to follow.
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Life long learning as part of culture
Is lifelong learning belonging to our culture? Are we possessing learning as our cultural value? Do we convey the message of lifelong learning to our younger generations in families, schools, and local communities? I come from a green and creative country – Latvia. We have a strong tradition of folk dances, choir singing, and cultural heritage preservation across generations and years. Lifelong learning is becoming more and more popular in my country and across EU. Why? Because we need new 21st skills linked with digitization and globalization. We learn these skills by doing. Creativity and cultural diversity is also promoted across lifelong learning. I do believe that lifelong learning should be part of our culture now-a-days.
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. We learn these skills by doing.
I agree with your observations and am a firm believer in learning through doing...
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Working with refugees and migrants as an Artist
Here is a link to the manifesto by RISE network for artists who are working with refugees and asylum seeks.…
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RISE manifesto
@Rasha thank you for this manifesto- it is a very important document to have...
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Multidisciplinary culture spaces and obstacles
This is an interesting and important point. It would be interesting to know what is preventing the introduction of culture and multidisciplinary culture spaces..
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culture and multidisciplinary culture spaces
HI Linda
I am curious, what do you mean by your you have specific examples?
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culture and multidisciplinary culture spaces
I mean what are the main obstacles to introduce culture and multidisciplinary culture spaces in education and vice versa.
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Family friendly cultural institutions
Thank you for interesting topic for discussion. Fully agree with speakers about the power of cultural institutions in challenging thinking, educating, reminding about the values, raising awareness about important issues.
It is wonderful to hear about examples of museums which are actively trying to be relevant, reach out to the community, and are actively attract students.
As a mum of small children I really enjoy when cultural institutions, libraries and museums make sure they are family-friendly. This ensures both, developmental opportunities for children and also opportunity for parents to visit this place. E.g., National Museum of Arts of Latvia has a "bag for children" with various interesting tasks for children that makes sure they are busy during the visit, e.g., searching certain character in paintings.
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Culture is one of the brightest manifestations of human civilization.
I believe that culture is becoming extremely important for the inclusion of individual communities within the national culture and existing cultural diversity to an extent that makes sense of the results of smart growth pursued by the European Union through investment in education, creativity and innovation.
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Promoters of creativity
Not only adult educators play a key role in fostering creativity. For example, in our country, it is NGOs that play a major role in promoting the creativity of adults by organizing art, etc. events for different target groups. The operation of several social enterprises also includes activities that promote creativity.
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Hi Anna, For sure. I agree…
Hi Anna,
For sure. I agree with you that adult educators in the informal sector play a very important role in promoting creativity. They complement the work of teachers at schools and universities.
Taking part in youth exchanges and cultural activities were very important for my personal and professional growth.
Being exposed to other cultures through intercultural dialogue programmes and Erasmus+ programmes have been extremely invaliable for me.
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I agree with you both,…
I agree with you both, people often encounter art through a familiar activity or organisation. It is the power of peer to peer influence that has created many new participants on our museum's programmes as the trusted peer will often be the person to suggest a new experience. This was the subject for research in a very early EU learning programme that I was involved in and I have written about it in one of my Blogs (#2) on this platform.
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Adult educators are interdisciplinary actors
Adult educators are like interdisciplinary actors! Erasmus is a great opportunity to offer adult learners and educators opportunity to learn not only new horizons but also cultural diversity. I am working with KA1 adult educator, staff and learner mobilities. Always we receive feedback from international participants that learning mobility widened their understanding of life and culture.
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I absolutely agree
@Iveta, I absolutely agree- EU programmes and partnerships create safe spaces for diverse communities to meet...
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Mind the gap: Exploring the power of storytelling
Mind the gap: Exploring the power of storytelling
Can our gaps bring us closer to each other? Storytelling has the power to build human bridges beyond any cultural or socio-economic barrier.
Did you already read Rasha Shaaban's blog post on EPALE?
Claudia (EPALE Moderator)
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@Claudia! thanks for advise…
@Claudia! thanks for advise to read Storytelling post by Rasha! I will now remember 3 Ps = Person, Problem and Place.
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The programmes mentioned by Helen O'Donoghue
The programmes mentioned by Helen O'Donoghue:
Collaboration with Universities of Sanctuary movement
SPICE European Funded programme currently with IMMA
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A Culture teaches through emotions
Cultural institutions have a high potential to reach people. If educational institutions appeal with logic, with the help of reason, cultural institutions appeal through emotions. This allows better access to at-risk adults. Cultural institutions also have the advantage of being physically closer to people. In Latvia, every village has a cultural center, but not every village has an educational institution. Cultural centers involve adults in choir singing, which is very popular in Latvia, in dance groups and amateur theater performances. It is an opportunity for people to express their activity, creativity, self-realization, which is the basis of a civic attitude. Cultural centers organize meetings with writers, actors, public workers, which broadens the horizons of community members and creates impulses for local activities. The best results are achieved when cultural institutions cooperate with educational institutions. Such cooperation networks are formed by active adult education coordinators in Latvian municipalities.
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Thanks Ingrida for this…
Thanks Ingrida for this comment. We shared your comment during our discussions.
Indeed cultural institutions appeal through emotions which makes their message very powerful. Do you remember that feeling when you came out of an exhibition once and you said to yourself "I am not the same person after I've seen this exhibition!" That is the intangible power of arts and creativity.
At the same time, we need to be careful when we attend cultural activities because it can be abused by people who support undemocractic values to brainwash through the strong emotional messages they send against a certain group of our community.
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It would be interesting to learn from colleagues about the research results - how often do we attend exhibitions,museums especially together with families.Because of that the visits of students from schools are of great importance especially if the teacher organizes discussions after attending of museums.It is of great importance to develop this interest to culture already in childhood and then later it will grow and develop more. It is too late to speak about the development of emotions in adult learning , of course we do it - we deepen and widen these emotions and attitude towards culture.
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To learn more about our guest speakers' institutions
To learn more about our guest speakers' institutions and commitment:
The Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture (CKI):
The Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA):
The Gothenburg National Museums of World Culture:
Claudia (EPALE Moderator)
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New ways of looking at things
Culture and arts are the most important ways that meaning is made and taken on. In the digital world, we live in now, arts can offer new ways of looking at things beyond specific solutions. Through the variety of intellectual and emotional experiences they offer, arts can teach people about complexity while also adding to the positive experience of being different. In this way, arts are an important way to deal with the cultural, social, economic, and religious tensions that exist inside and outside of Europe.
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I agree Liga. That is why,…
I agree Liga. That is why, in our programme Mind the Gap we work a lot with digital storytelling. It has proven to be a very powerful tool in this digital age.
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Liga and Rasha I also…
Liga and Rasha
I also support this and the current Programme of work (SPICE) that Adam Stoneman is carrying out at the Irish Museum of Modern Art, is critically engaging with the digital on many levels with many different groups for whom access to the actual building is challenging. -his contact details are
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Creative thinking as part of personal development
Creativity involves different ways of thinking, breaking the established pattern of valuing and creating. Divergent thinking is particularly important as it can generate ideas that are innovative. In order to think outside the model, one needs the freedom to become aware of the existing frameworks and boundaries of the model in order to be able to step outside them. People are much more creative if there is a chance that our ideas will be implemented, albeit at a later stage, thus seeing that our ideas can be useful. This sense of usefulness can be enhanced by clarifying goals: what we consider useful and what we want to achieve.
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Creativity skills for labor market
Creativity is one of the skills for a successful career in the labor market. The ability to create new ideas or products is at the heart of any company's development.
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Creativity skills for labor market
In your opinion what would be best way how to obtain creativity skills for labor market? How to be creative and provide additional benefits for employee and employer?
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Creativity skills for Labor Market
Greetings! It seems to me that the main prerequisite for creativity is activity. A person must be active and interested so that we can talk about creativity. Physically active, socially active. How to get creativity - not to settle for what has been achieved, to want to develop yourself both professionally and personally.
It is possible that passivity is an even better soil for creativity, but practical experience shows that the more active you are, the more intensively you engage and act, creativity seems to come alive. Creative people are always active, we see them, talk about them and admire them. The only thing that matters is how to present creativity in the labor market, to the employer? Is creativity today valued as a separate skill and how is it measured?
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2023 is going to be the…
2023 is going to be the European Year of Skills. I hope there will be a lot of focus on creativity and creative enterpreneurship skills by the different EU funding programmes.
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Creativity and brain health
in addition to the valuable points that you have all raised- we also need to think of creativity and brain health... research is taking place across the globe by a collaboration of scientists, medics, and artists and there is growing proof of the capacity for the regrowth of brain cells and one of the important factors is participation in creative activities. My Blog # 2 addresses this. The international Global Brain Health Institute is worth looking at.
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I agree with Helen that it is really important to participate in creative activities , but not always adults especially senior citizens know how to do it,it would suggest to say involvement in creative activities.
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The live stream has started!
The live stream has started!
Do not miss the live discussion, and feel free to post your questions to the speakers.
Claudia (EPALE Moderator)
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What quality education presupposes
One of the most important aspects of our century is social cohesion.Social cohesion is a challenge of the century we are going through. In the post-corona era, the role of the family and school is called to be redefined. But are we, the teachers, ready to face this challenge?
Civic engagement and democratic participation starts from home and school. If we as parents and teachers do not cooperate, we cannot be role models for our students. Schools which thrive and develop practise - on an everyday basis - understanding, social inclusion and acceptance of the "different other", cooperation, respect, teamwork and solidarity. In other words quality education, can be practised only in a workplace where self reflection and development is a priority.
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Mary this is so important
Hi Mary, this is so important and teachers need to be empowered to encourage children and older students to embrace the changes in culture that they are encountering. I would advocate that teachers avail of the professional development courses and possibilities that Museums and other arts organisations offer as a means to reflect with peers and develop innovative ways to do this valuable work. I have come across a number of programmes that explore 'developing empathy' in our schools and one such programme
was being carried out in the Museum of Modern Art in NYC when I was there in 2020.
Also Professor Pat Nolan of NUIG in Ireland has developed a very good programme.…
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We are 30 minutes away from starting the live discussion.
Hello EPALE community!
We are 30 minutes away from starting the live discussion. At 10 a.m. we will start the live stream!
Thank you for the already vibrant contributions, and keep on commenting and asking questions.
Claudia (EPALE Moderator)
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Even though everyone understands the importance of creativity in creating new ideas and solving complex problems, many adults feel barriers to engaging in creative activities. The audience can feel embarrassed and unwilling to open to new ideas/perspectives. We often hear comments that creative activities are more suitable for children. One of the obstacles is the disbelief that I can succeed. Educators can help adults make sure that everyone can develop creativity. Adult education has great potential for developing creativity through the appropriate hands-on and experiential teaching methods.
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I've encountered similar attitudes when choosing training methods for a group of adult learners. I believe that explaining the goal of the method and how it can facilitate creative exchange could be helpful in such cases.
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Creativity should be taught in school. In adulthood, there are indeed barriers to engaging in creative activities. There is a belief that the formal education system kills creativity in children, the difference is a certain inconvenience and requires a lot of effort from teachers.
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Hi Sanita a few thoughts!
often Adults need to 'unlearn before new learning can begin'
resistance to new experiences and situations can be as a result of a life time of learning how to survive (which in itself is a very creative act). As professional working in these fields we need to be sensitive about what we mean when we talk about 'creativity' and how, where and when we apply it.
What do we mean by 'creative activities'? and why do we assume that they have to to be 'hands -on'-
creative thinking, talking and listening -co constructive methodologies for 'creating a shared dialogue' have been developed in museums and galleries over the past forty years and are great resources to use when introducing adults into a 'creative space', be it a gallery, studio or class room workshop.
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At any age, creative thinking is priceless. For example, our imagination can help us to understand complex ideas. Using imagination and creativity leads to innovations, understanding, and development of theories in any profession. We can use various creative-artistic activities in adult education, for example, “Turn Your World Upside-Down”.
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Adult art beginners
Great discussion, would like to be able to listen full discussion.
Art and culture in my consideration is very important for expressing themselves, giving opinion in artistic way about the world issues. Also, I think adults can learn a lot from artists how to express themselves, how to look different at things.
We organized little project to get adult involved as beginners in art, to encourage participate. Many adults are usually more scared then kids, if asked to do something new. Project title "The Art to be a beginner" , "Māksla būt iesācējam"
We had 4 different online lectures (3 of them practical), first was a lecture by local Tukums museum on famous artists from the area. Next week activity was a sketching course "Draw easy" or "Zīmē viegli". Sketches were colored with watercolors. Next, was a lecture by artist (Grafikas Akadēmija) on lithography. It was a little historical introduction and a practical activity "a kitchen lithography". For a couple of participants working with oil paint was for first time, and it was good to learn that oil paint can be taken off from hands with oil, but not with water...As final activity was chosen a calligraphy with brush pen, considering that is it the easiest way to capture the idea of calligraphy. The result of the activities can be sees in this video Virtuālā izstāde I Māksla būt iesācējam 2022 - YouTube
The project was funded by local municipality trough program for little projects. Each participant received the package of materials before the activities.