The 2024 EPALE Community Stories Initiative
Bloom, baby. Bloom!
Adult learning and education enables individuals and social groups to gain power over their environment and destiny. Participation in adult education (whether formal, non-formal or informal) can empower individuals, equipping them with new tools and opportunities, increasing their self-confidence and capacity to find employment, and to take control of their destinies.
That is how adult education enables people to develop awareness of themselves and their environment, and ultimately encourage them to be active players in their social role.
From the individual’s perspective to the societal one, Adult learning has the power to impact communities, to shape them, and to collectively play a role for development. While fostering personal empowerment, it promotes social engagement, and contributes to societal positive changes.
So, what’s your story of transformation and empowerment? How has adult learning and education changed your life? How has it rewritten your destiny? Or how has it changed the lives of your students?
The stories will be published on EPALE and compiled in a digital publication, the EPALE Community Storybook. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of this Storybook!
Eligibility: all EPALE users are welcome to share their stories
Submission dates: 8 April 2024 – 31 July 2024
Visual materials: Images and links to videos are welcome
How to participate: Fill out the webform and share your story!
I'm having a wonderful expierence in this school of AAAS in Barga (Lucca) with the Teacher Renato Luti.
and I'm very pleased to take part of Epale "SHARE YOUR STORY".
Corso 825 Hours . CPIA Lodi Italy
Di seguito le mie impressioni sul viaggio in Spagna.“ sono stata favorevolmente colpita dall’organizzazione del viaggio. La scuola spagnola mi è piaciuta sia per la struttura utilizzata, infatti le classi sono molto belle, sia per la formazione che la scuola offre agli emigrati che vengono seguiti anche per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro secondo le direttive del governo. Le città visitate mi sono piaciute molto perché sono ben curate e ordinate. Ho apprezzato sia la cordialità e la simpatia della gente del posto sia la loro cucina. Il viaggio oltre avermi fatto conoscere un’altra cultura mi è servito anche per migliorare la conoscenza della lingua italiana infatti grazie all’aiuto del Direttore e della professoressa Emanuela ho iniziato a parlare in italiano con gli altri partecipanti del viaggio “
EPALE zajednica
Odlična inicijativa za deljenje dobrih primera iz prakse. Potrebno je dalje širenje mreže profesionalaca u ovoj oblasti, a vidljivost doprinosi promociji entuzijasta i institucija i omogućuje nove oblike saradnje.
StoryBook EPALE wydaje mi…
StoryBook EPALE wydaje mi się taką niedocenioną inicjatywą - a szkoda, bo jest to ciekawe - i estetycznie piękne działanie. Musiałam się przekonać do tej formy, ale jak już złapałam bakcyla to oglądałam materiały kilka lat wstecz. Serdecznie polecam - jako narzędzie autorefleksji i tworzenia europejskiej mozaiki historii.
Puiki iniciatyva
Skaitykite 2020‒
2022 m.
How education changes you
The world of learning has strengthened my personality and given me wings to pursue new goals in my career.
My future training goals are defined ,such as advancement in digital environment, training integration forms of artificial intelligence applications Generative AI integration ,basic principles of instructional design integrated in University training programs.
A training organization was the beginning and everything came very quickly.
Partner in an educational organization NGO.
Great job!
Great job!