FOCUS WEEK : Adult learning and sustainable development
EPALE organized two Focus Weeks: one on Art, Creativity, and Culture in Lifelong Learning (in 2021), and another on Learning Communities in Rural Areas (in 2022). When we discussed which topic we would like to focus on this year, we quickly agreed that climate change is a crucial issue. Who is concerned? What is the European Commission's position on climate change and environmental degradation? What role does adult education play in promoting sustainable development?
Throughout the last week of November, discover ten stories, including several Erasmus+ projects, that addresses topics such as sustainable agriculture, the environmental impact of avocado production, green skills, circular tourism, third-places as innovative, amongs others.
Green skills?
Green skills are essential not only for the transition to a sustainable economy but also for safeguarding the health of our planet and ourselves. These two elements are reflected in various pillars of European policy. The Green Deal, for example, aims for a sustainable, climate-neutral EU economy by 2050, with measures across sectors like energy, transport, agriculture, and industry, while fostering green innovations. The goal is to position Europe as a global leader in sustainability, accelerating the shift towards a circular economy, creating jobs, and protecting biodiversity at the same time.
The European Skills Agenda also emphasizes not just preparing people for new roles in energy, construction, and agriculture, but also promoting a climate-neutral society. This goes beyond technical skills—it calls for conscious green choices from every citizen in Europe.
Adult learning for sustainable development
Adult education plays a central role here. Adults must not only learn how to work more sustainably but also how to live more sustainably. How can we collectively contribute to achieving daily climate goals? What skills are needed to make mindful decisions regarding energy, resources, and food? What knowledge and expertise must we share to protect our health, that of the planet, and the economy?
The shift to a sustainable society is urgent and demands the broad application of green skills at all levels. This raises important questions about how to make these skills accessible to everyone, including those with less access to education or those further from the job market.
Focus Week – November 25-29, 2024
The EPALE teams from 9 countries : Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium (Dutch and French), Germany, Austria, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, and France are organizing a focus week on “Adult Learning for Sustainable Development” to share sustainable and green initiatives.
Read more about these inspiring examples and experiences on this page. Be sure to share your own experiences and ideas so we can continue working together towards a sustainable, green, and skilled Europe!
Below, you can explore an overview of all the contributions from the upcoming focus week:
25.11.2024 Monday Finland
| Erasmus+ adult education projects promote environmental responsibility | The significance of environmental responsibility grows in adult education projects funded by the Erasmus+ programme. The aim is to make green travel a norm, and it is being increasingly promoted in different ways. |
25.11.2024 Monday Germany
| The green revolution | Sustainability is one of the most important issues of our time, and the Erasmus+ program offers many potentials and opportunities in this context. Discover how sustainability can be learned playfully through the GoBeEco project. |
26.11.2024 Tuesday France
| Le Talus, a third place in Marseille, reinventing transitions! | Find out more about this garden, in search of meaning and exchange. To enrich its activities, the team went on an Erasmus+ mobility trip to Italy and Spain. |
26.11.2024 Tuesday Austria
| Community gardening and composting - experiencing nature and creating intercultural encounters | Experiencing natural cycles, observing nature, watching plants grow, promoting intercultural encounters between people - “Gartenpolylog” makes all of this possible. Through their Erasmus+ projects in the field of environmental education, they deepen and expand their work. |
27.11.2024 Wednesday The Netherlands
| Avocado shame and landscape pain | Feeling ashamed about eating avocados or feeling sick from the amount of waste we produce globally. At the Green Clinic, created by the Gouden Haas theatre company, you can get help for these concerns. EPALE-ambassador Lidwien Vos de Wael explored this creative way of expressing an urgent climate message and how adult learning plays a role in it too. |
27.11.2024 Wednesday Latvia
| Green skills for a greener life | The green skills integration in adult education by developing and piloting a non-formal education program and teaching materials for adult educators. |
28.11.2024 Thursday Belgium (French)
| Third places, territorial laboratories for social, economic and environmental emergences. | How to built a sustainable future together ? Third places are becoming first choice laboratories of fostering the change... Let's discover what is behind this multifaceted concept and and how society can take advantage of it to get through the transitions and improve the future. |
28.11.2024 Thursday Hungary
| Unlock the future of circular tourism with RE-CONNECT HUB | As the main outcome of the Reconnect HUB serves as a vital online platform that brings together all stakeholders in circular tourism, creating a space for learning, innovation, collaboration, and knowledge exchange. |
29.11.2024 Friday Belgium (Dutch)
| Outdoor learning in adult education | |
29.11.2024 Friday Poland
Green collars: qualifications and competencies in the service of sustainable development
| Green transformation and Green Deal are buzzwords we hear often. The first associations? The fight against global warming, air pollution, the climate crisis, species extinction, and biodiversity loss. How does this relate to education? |
Zielone umiejętności to…
Zielone umiejętności to kluczowy element transformacji w kierunku bardziej zrównoważonego świata. Artykuł doskonale podkreśla, jak ich rozwój wpisuje się w większe ramy europejskich polityk, takich jak Zielony Ład czy Europejski Program na rzecz Umiejętności. Ważne jest, aby pamiętać, że zielone umiejętności to nie tylko wiedza techniczna, ale również zmiana podejścia do codziennych wyborów — zarówno w pracy, jak i w życiu prywatnym.
Inicjatywy, takie jak tydzień tematyczny EPALE, są niezwykle istotne, ponieważ pokazują, że edukacja dorosłych może stać się siłą napędową zmiany. Warto jednak zwrócić uwagę na wyzwania, jakie stoją przed nami: jak zapewnić równy dostęp do tej edukacji, szczególnie dla osób wykluczonych lub znajdujących się poza rynkiem pracy?
Podczas planowania i wdrażania zielonych umiejętności kluczowe będzie połączenie teorii z praktyką. Konkretne rozwiązania, które angażują społeczności lokalne i uwzględniają ich potrzeby, mogą być szczególnie skuteczne. Zachęcam do podzielenia się przykładami lokalnych działań, które pomagają rozwijać zielone umiejętności i wzmacniają współpracę na rzecz wspólnych celów klimatycznych.