Izglītības un politikas sinerģija
2024. gada 18. decembrī no plkst. 11.00 līdz 17.00 pēc Latvijas laika (no 10.00 līdz 16.00 pēc Viduseiropas laika) EPALE rīkos tiešsaistes diskusiju “Izglītības un politikas sinerģijas: nabadzības cikla pārraušana”.
Mēs sāksim plkst. 11.00 pēc Latvijas laika (plkst. 10.00 pēc Viduseiropas laika) ar tiešraides diskusiju starp ekspertiem un turpināsim sarunu ar EPALE lietotājiem rakstiskā diskusijā komentāru sadaļā līdz plkst. 17.00 pēc Latvijas laika (plkst. 16.00 pēc Viduseiropas laika).
Šajā pasākumā piedalīsies Elisabeth De Vleesschauwer no GO! Briselē un Mathis Porchez, Eiropas Komisijas Nodarbinātības, sociālo lietu un iekļautības ģenerāldirektorāta (DG EMPL) ekonomikas un politikas analītiķis; to vadīs Eiropas Pieaugušo izglītības asociācija (EAEA).
Skatieties tiešraidi šeit!
Elisabeth De Vleesschauwer politikas speciāliste ir GO! Izglītība Flandrijas kopienā, kas specializējas nabadzības mazināšanas, iekļaujošas izglītības un vienlīdzīgu iespēju jomā. Viņa iestājas par pieejamu un vienlīdzīgu izglītību, sniedzot nozīmīgu ieguldījumu GO! memorandā 2024. gadam.
Mathis Porchez ir Eiropas Komisijas Nodarbinātības, sociālo lietu un nodarbinātības ģenerāldirektorāta ekonomikas un politikas analītiķis, kurš nodarbojas ar sociālo politiku un nodarbinātības stratēģijām. Viņš strādā pie ES mēroga iniciatīvām nabadzības mazināšanai, iekļaušanas veicināšanai un nevienlīdzības novēršanai darba tirgos.
Par ko mēs diskutēsim
Sarunā, kurā aicinām jūs dalīties ar saviem viedokļiem un pieredzi, tiks apspriestas šādas tēmas:
- Nabadzības mazināšanas definēšana: izpratne par tās nozīmi un problēmām, ar kurām saskaras kopienas.
- Veiksmīgu iniciatīvu paplašināšana: stratēģijas, lai paplašinātu vietējos sasniegumus, piemēram, GO! Brussels, plašāku auditoriju.
- ES mēroga stratēģijas: Eiropas Komisijas loma nabadzības mazināšanas politikas veidošanā visās dalībvalstīs un pasākumu pielāgošanā konkrētām problēmām.
- Kopienas vadīti centieni: kā vietējās iniciatīvas papildina valdības un NVO stratēģijas.
- Darba tirgus reformas: politika, kas nodrošina sociālo integrāciju atstumtām grupām, tostarp sievietēm, migrantiem un lauku iedzīvotājiem.
Komentāri jau ir atvērti, tāpēc varat sākt dalīties savās pārdomās, pieredzē un ieteikumos!
You're absolutely right - cooperations between health / social / family services / NGOs can be very beneficial, they can help outreach and provide the enabling context for better access and participation
Examples or projects?
Do you have any examples or projects that are addressing people in poverty / people at the risk of poverty?
NEETs for NEETs | CEDEFOP In the NEETs For NEETs Erasmus+ funded project, partners believe that NEETs know best about their situation, and thus could train those professionals working with them on how to improve co-creative mindsets at different workplaces. The idea is to create these NEETs-led training activities together with NEETs, rather than creating empowerment tools for NEETs without their say in it.
Poverty in Portugal The…
Poverty in Portugal
The National Statistics Institute, based on the Living Conditions and Income Survey (ICOR) carried out in 2023, recently revealed that poverty has increased in Portugal. It rose by 0.6 percentage points (pp), from 16.4 per cent in 2021 to 17.0 per cent in 2022. In 2022, 1.781 million people had incomes below the poverty line.
In addition, the worsening of poverty among children and young people was more significant than among the population as a whole, with the poverty rate among the under-18s rising from 18.5 per cent to 20.7 per cent. In 2022, around 346,000 children and young people lived in poor families.
Significant increases in the level of poverty are also visible in particularly vulnerable groups. The poverty rate among single-parent families increased by 3.2 pp, among the unemployed by 3.3 pp and among other inactive people by 3.4 pp.
In educational terms, our situation is not good either. The recent PIAAC results showed very poor performance in all three dimensions: literacy, numeracy and problem-solving.
In my opinion, we need new approaches and very quickly!
Any comments or reflections on the live discussion?
Do let us know what you think about the arguments made in the live discussion
We are about to start!
Hi everyone,
The live streaming is about to start!
Be ready to post your comments and questions to the speakers here :)
Enjoy the discussion!
Sara - EPALE Team
Welcome to our discussion!
Please listen to the live presentation at 10.00, and if you have any reflections on the topics mentioned there, please post them here.
See you then,
Erasmus+ - inclusion and equality
As a former university academic and manager in Northern Ireland, I am concerned that, as a result of Brexit, our young people have been deprived of the great opportunities offered by Erasmus+ (despite the fact that a substantial majority of our electorate voted to stay within the EU). Any views on this would be most welcome.
Brexit and Erasmus+
You're absolutely right. E+ is such an enrichment, and it is very sad that the UK can no longer access it. Hopefully, there will be an agreement to return.
And taking our topic into consideration, we should make E+ accessible for all.
Manifesto A New Dawn for Humanity: Embracing the Future Together
We are in the marks of the beginning of a transformative journey, one that unites every human being in the pursuit of a world where poverty, hunger, injustice, and inequality are relics of the past. This is not merely a vision but a call to action, a manifesto for the next generation of humanity. The manifesto to global change, that will lead to results that no government or current structure have yet succeeded at, includes topics that will lead to a new era and a revolutionary social innovation in
Empowering Through Education
Education is the bedrock of progress. We envision a global education system that is accessible, equitable, and tailored to the needs of every individual. By leveraging technology and innovative teaching methods, we can ensure that knowledge is not confined by geography or socio-economic status. Lifelong learning becomes the norm, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability in an ever-changing world.
Harnessing Technological Innovation
Technology, when harnessed ethically and inclusively, has the power to solve the most pressing challenges. From renewable energy solutions that eradicate dependence on fossil fuels to advancements in medical science that make healthcare universally accessible, our focus is on sustainable development that benefits all of humanity. Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, and other emerging technologies will be tools for empowerment, not division.
Building an Equitable Society
True progress is measured by the well-being of all its members. We commit to creating systems that ensure fair distribution of resources, opportunities, and privileges. This means dismantling structures that perpetuate inequality and establishing frameworks that promote social justice, economic fairness, and equal rights for everyone, regardless of their background.
Fostering Global Collaboration
No single nation or organization can achieve these monumental changes alone. We must cultivate a spirit of global collaboration, where countries, communities, and individuals come together to share knowledge, resources, and support. By transcending borders and embracing diversity, we create a unified front against the challenges that threaten our collective future.
Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship
Our planet’s health is intrinsically linked to our own. Sustainable development is not an option but a necessity. We pledge to protect our environment through responsible consumption, conservation efforts, and the adoption of green technologies. Preserving biodiversity and combating climate change are paramount to ensuring a habitable world for future generations.
Promoting Peace and Security
Peace is the foundation upon which all other advancements are built. We advocate for the resolution of conflicts through dialogue, understanding, and cooperation. Strengthening international institutions and fostering a culture of peace ensures that security is maintained not through force, but through mutual respect and collaboration.
Cultivating Human Potential
Every individual possesses unique talents and strengths. By creating environments that nurture personal growth, mental well-being, and physical health, we unlock the full potential of humanity. Emphasizing empathy, emotional intelligence, and social responsibility fosters a society where compassion and kindness are as valued as innovation and achievement.
Redefining Governance and Leadership
True leadership is rooted in service, transparency, and accountability. We advocate for governance systems that are inclusive, participatory, and responsive to the needs of the people. Decentralization can be a path and innovative solution for combat power injustice and more equality as it is all about power. New innovations and technology of governance and development of humanity is needed to compete with the structure and current system. Participantory and direct democracy is empowering communities to have a voice in decision-making processes ensures that leadership remains a true representation of the populace's desires and aspirations. A next generation way of governence to compete with the current structure and social construct of society power management could be effective to redirect the focus from economic power and economic growth of a nation and influence by the big industries and market, to more solutions and effective altruistic outcomes to combat poverty and world hunger as first priorities of actions in local and global politics and governance.
More Urgent Than You Think. Let's Rethink
As the world population is increasing to 10 billion in the year 2050 projection, and up to that same time the Sub-Saharan Africa will double in population. As today the most populated regions of poverty and hunger is Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and the global south, and if humanity still follow the same structure of global governance and humanity development strategy, by year 2050 or even 2100 the world population percentage of poverty and world hunger could be the same or even higher if we don't do something different and start now. Even if the percentage could decrease, the amount of people could actually increase as world population in these regions ,eg Sub-Saharan Africa in increasing the most in the whole world. If a system and model of humanity development is not working, instead of doing smaller revisions and small contributions on a flawed system that created issues, it is more effective to do a new evolution, the next generation, the 2.0.
Ensuring Economic Inclusivity
Economic systems must evolve to support inclusive growth. This entails creating opportunities for entrepreneurship, ensuring fair wages, and establishing social safety nets that protect the most vulnerable. By fostering a culture of innovation and supporting small and medium enterprises, we drive economic resilience and shared prosperity.
Legacy of Unity and Progress
Our collective actions today will define the legacy we leave for future generations. By committing to these principles as education, innovation, equity, collaboration, sustainability, peace, human potential, governance, and economic inclusivity, then we lay the foundation for a civilization that thrives in harmony with itself and the planet.
A Call to Action
Let us embrace this vision with unwavering determination and boundless optimism. Each one of us holds the power to effect change, to inspire others, and to build a world where every individual can flourish. Together, we can transcend the limitations of the past and usher in an era of unprecedented progress and harmony.
By reading this manifesto you can be part in shaping the future. The time for change is now. Together, we will create a legacy that endures for eternity.
This manifesto is not just words but a pledge to humanity. Let it echo through the generations as a testament to our commitment to a better, brighter future for all.
Stakeholder cooperation
What we see at the European level is that partnerships between adult education (and other education sectors) with the social sector and other sectors are very effective. The European Alliance for a Just Transition is, in my opinion, a good example of how cooperation can look and how to speak with a common voice to policymakers. The European twin transition strategy is undoubtedly important, but we must also be aware that these transitions have further increased inequalities and can even actively contribute to impoverishment if there are no appropriate political means to counteract inequalities. Adult education plays an important role in empowering people to participate in political decision-making processes and to counter developments that can have a negative impact on the individual, but also community and society levels. In addition, adult education creates spaces in which dialogue between stakeholders can take place in a democratic, safe and respectful way. Organisations from other sectors are also increasingly recognising this, and we are seeing a great deal of interest here, for example, in our work on transformative learning.