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EPALE - Elektronisch platform voor volwasseneneducatie in Europa


Gendergelijkheid en volwasseneneducatie: huidige trends en toekomstperspectieven

Profile picture for user NSS EPALE Nederland.
NSS EPALE Nederland

Denk met ons mee over gendergelijkheid in en voor volwasseneneducatie!

Op woensdag 30 oktober 2024, van 10.00 tot 16.00 uur CET, organiseert EPALE een online discussie over gendergelijkheid en volwasseneneducatie, waarbij huidige trends en beste praktijken worden geanalyseerd met het oog op de inspanningen van de EU om de genderkloof te dichten.

We beginnen om 10 uur CET met een live-stream uitwisseling tussen experts en zetten het gesprek voort met EPALE gebruikers met een schriftelijke discussie in de commentarensectie tot 16 uur CET.

Sylvia Liuti, expert op het gebied van gendergelijkheid, directeur Internationalisering en EU-projectmanagement bij FORMA.Azione en erelid van de Gender Equality Task Force van EAEA-EfVET-EARLALL, en Piotr Sadowski, secretaris-generaal van Volonteurope, vicevoorzitter van de Conferentie van INGO's in de Raad van Europa en voormalig voorzitter van het Sociaal Platform, nemen deel aan de livestreamsessie; die wordt gemodereerd door Andrea Lapegna, adjunct-directeur van het Platform Een Leven Lang Leren.

Bekijk de streaming hier!

Het Europese actieplan voor de pijler van sociale rechten heeft aangegeven dat tegen 2030 60% van de volwassenen elk jaar een opleiding moet volgen. Hoewel dit een universele doelstelling is die de lidstaten nastreven, vereist een leven lang leren een genderbewuste aanpak in lijn met de huidige gendergerelateerde ongelijkheden in onderwijs, opleiding en werkgelegenheid.

Vandaag de dag zien we algemene ongelijkheden in inschrijvingen, participatie, werkgelegenheid, enzovoort - en de meeste daarvan zijn sectorgevoelig. Vrouwen domineren bijvoorbeeld bij afgestudeerden in onderwijs, gezondheidszorg en werk, terwijl ze slechts 13% uitmaken van de afgestudeerden in STEM VET (Europees Instituut voor Gendergelijkheid). Volgens recente studies nemen vrouwen meer dan mannen deel aan volwasseneneducatie in Europa, vooral aan informele voorzieningen. De inschrijvingscijfers worden echter niet gevolgd door dezelfde werkgelegenheidscijfers. Volgens de Europese Commissie is er in de EU bijvoorbeeld een ongelijkheid in het aantal werkende burgers, waarbij het percentage werkende mannen in 2019 (79,0%) 11,7% hoger ligt dan dat van vrouwen (67,3%).

Een leven lang leren speelt een belangrijke rol bij de re-integratie van vrouwen op de arbeidsmarkt na een loopbaanonderbreking als gevolg van zorgtaken of gezondheidsproblemen. Het kan een katalysator zijn voor meer gelijkheid tussen mannen en vrouwen, op voorwaarde dat zowel vrouwen als mannen er toegang toe hebben, ondanks de beperkingen van werk en gezin. Gebrek aan tijd of financiële middelen kan de toegang tot volwasseneneducatie en -opleiding echter aanzienlijk belemmeren en bepaalde groepen vrouwen en mannen meer dan andere hinderen.

Via deze online discussie bespreken we enkele cijfers over gender(on)gelijkheid in volwasseneneducatie en -opleiding. Ook bespreken we wat werkt en wat niet, met als doel de overdracht van goede praktijken in andere EU-gebieden te inspireren.

Je kunt al reacties plaatsen, dus deel vast je ervaringen en suggesties! 

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wo, 10/30/2024 - 12:14

Good morning!

In Portugal, public education and training policies ensure gender equality in terms of access and conditions for studying. 

However, there are cross-cutting aspects that still leave women unequal. For example, it is mainly women who do the housework and look after the children and often the elderly in their family, and they don't have time to get qualifications or re-skill. 

They tend to earn less in their jobs (even though they have the same duties as men), except in public jobs (where pay progression is equal for women and men).

In education, it is essential that the areas of science, technology, engineering and maths are more attractive to girls, as these are areas that are more valued by the labour market.

Portugal, with 67.4, is still below the EU average (70.2) in the Gender Equality Index 2023.

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Thank you for sharing the situation in Portugal, Dora! If access to education is equal but then croiss-cutting issues get in the way, I guess it goes back to the cultural shift we were discussing live...

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Although there is a gender pay gap, attention should also be paid to occupational segregation. Men do not choose to work in professions with lower pay and male representation is low.

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Profile picture for user lllplatform.
Lifelong Learning Platform
wo, 10/30/2024 - 11:21

A big thank you to the speakers and to the community for engaging with this heart-felt topic! Some of the practices that were mentioned during the discussion are also listed below:The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has been influential in promoting gender equality through its work on intersectional and inclusive advocacy. EWL’s campaigns address structural inequalities impacting women, with initiatives like the #HerNetHerRights campaign, which tackles online violence against women. Their advocacy for inclusive policies in social affairs not only promotes awareness but also pushes for concrete actions at both national and EU levels.

The AGE Platform Europe highlights gender disparities among older adults, particularly in health, financial security, and social inclusion. AGE’s work integrates gender-sensitive strategies in its approach to lifelong learning and elder care, focusing on the gendered impact of ageing. They promote policies that address the unique economic and social challenges faced by older women, many of whom live below the poverty line due to lifetime pay gaps and career interruptions related to caregiving.

The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) also provides a valuable example by focusing on gender dimensions within poverty reduction strategies. EAPN’s gender-focused approach ensures that its poverty alleviation policies and programmes address the disproportionate economic and social vulnerabilities that women face. They work to integrate gender equality into anti-poverty policies by calling for stronger social protection systems and equal access to quality jobs for women.

One last good practice is LLLP's project iBOX (Inclusive Box), which aims at ensuring more inclusive organisations, more inclusive education approaches and actions, through a capacity building process to better face and respond to current and future societal challenges. This is also done through a gender-sensitive approach

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Eva Moravcová
wo, 10/30/2024 - 11:19

Lately, I’ve encountered a troubling trend of tokenism in DEI efforts, especially around transgender support. Policies are often applied in uninformed, superficial ways—focusing more on scoring political points than understanding or addressing real community needs.

In the Erasmus program, inclusion standards from the Erasmus Quality Standards are emphasized in many projects on paper. Yet, I’ve witnessed participant selection processes that intentionally exclude transgender individuals to avoid providing necessary support. Coordinators, often uninformed on the topic, make decisions based on stereotypes or anecdotal hearsay rather than an informed commitment to inclusivity.

Stereotypical views on gender and career paths remain present, with individuals pressured by family expectations to pursue "suitable" fields instead of following their own interests and living up to their true potential. Women might be even discouraged from seeking requalification later in life.

It’s equally disheartening that this critical discussion on gender equality and adult learning reached only 16 viewers on YouTube. Real change demands genuine engagement, accountability, and a commitment to inclusive, informed support—not just symbolic gestures.


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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
wo, 10/30/2024 - 10:27

Here are some links to go deeper:

MOVE UP, focused on how to make value out of the motherhood experience, thus increasing women/mother self-esteem, self confidence and their capacity to better access labour market and job opportunities:

GenderED Coalition, funded by CREA MIL (Media and Information Literacy) Programme and aimed at contrasting online gendered disinformation, by designing and implementing new narratives, social media campaigns. It includes also the definition of a Gender Competence Framework for MIL educators (such as journalists, teachers, gender equality experts, content creators, influencers, communication designers, etc.), as a crucial aspect of their professionalism:

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
wo, 10/30/2024 - 09:56

Good morning, we are about to start today's discussion.

Feel free to post your comments and questions to the speakers during the live streaming.

Enjoy the discussion :)

Sara - EPALE Team

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Elga Drelinga
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
do, 10/17/2024 - 08:07

A common view: women and men are equal. Women are more likely than men to go to university, to take a more active role in improving their professional qualifications,  change their specialition more flexibly. They take any job to support their families. However, women are more likely to suffer redundancies, receive lower wages, and employers prefer men when choosing employees (they have children, after all). Archaism. Unfair.

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Profile picture for user JaninaG.
Jana Galová
Community Hero (Gold Member).
EPALE Ambassador.
wo, 10/30/2024 - 13:05

Als antwoord op door Elga Drelinga

Your insights capture the issue perfectly: while women are often more active in lifelong learning and flexible in reskilling, they still face barriers like lower wages and employer bias. Despite higher participation in adult education, many women encounter discriminatory practices that hold them back compared to men. We need a gender-sensitive approach that supports equal access to learning and incentivizes employers to value reskilling regardless of gender. Lifelong learning has the power to transform careers and break down stereotypes, which is key to closing the gender gap. What effective practices or strategies have you come across on this topic?

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Profile picture for user nromelin.
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
zo, 11/24/2024 - 14:35

Als antwoord op door Elga Drelinga

I agree with Elga. For example, in Latvia, there are twice as many women with higher education as men with higher education, but women receive on average 15% less than men.

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