EPALE Stakeholders
EU Stakeholders
DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
European Commission department responsible for EU policy on education, youth, sport and culture.
DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
European Commission department responsible for EU policy on employment, social affairs, skills and labour mobility.
European Education and Culture Executive Agency
European Commission Agency managing funding for education, culture, audiovisual, sport, citizenship and volunteering.
EAAL National coordinators
Coordinators facilitating the cooperation between European countries and the EC in implementing the European Agenda for Adult Learning.
Network devoted to explain how education systems are organised in Europe and how they work.
Erasmus+ National Agencies
Main national contact points managing the Erasmus+ programme, based in countries associated to the programme
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Tranining
EU Agency supporting the promotion, development and implementation of EU policy in the field of vocational education and training.
European Training Foundation
EU Agency helping transition and developing countries improve their human capital through education, training, and labour market system.
Európske zainteresované strany v oblasti vzdelávania a učenia sa dospelých
European Association for the Education of Adults
European NGO linking and representing European organisations directly involved in adult learning.
Lifelong Learning Platform
Umbrella gathering European organisations active in the field of education, training and youth.
European Basic Skills Network
Association of policy level stakeholders engaged in basic skills training for adults.
European Society for Research on the Education of Adults
Organisation supporting the advancement of high quality research on the education and learning of adults in Europe.
European University Continuing Education Network
Association promoting the advancement of lifelong learning within higher education institutions.
Medzinárodné zainteresované strany v oblasti vzdelávania a učenia sa dospelých
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
UN organisation promoting lifelong learning with a focus on adult learning, continuing education, literacy and non-formal basic education.
International Council for Adult Education
Global network advocating for youth and adult learning and education as a universal human right.