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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

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Cooperation among organisations and institutions

The cooperation among organisations and institutions is expected to result in the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices at organisational, local, regional, national or European levels.


Partnerships for Cooperation

This action enables participating organisations to gain experience in international cooperation and to strengthen their capacities, but also to produce high-quality innovative deliverables. Depending on the objectives of the project, the participating organisations involved, or the expected impact, among other elements, Partnerships for Cooperation can be of different sizes and scope, and adapt their activities accordingly:

  • Cooperation Partnerships
  • Small-scale Partnerships

Explore Partnerships for Cooperation

Alliances for Innovation

Strengthens Europe's innovation capacity among higher education, vocational education and training, businesses and beyond.

Explore Alliances for Innovation

Capacity building (higher education)

Supports the modernisation, accessibility, and internationalisation of higher education in Partner Countries.

Explore capacity building for higher education

Capacity building (youth)

Consists of initiatives designed to foster cooperation and exchanges, improve the quality and recognition of youth work and support new non-formal learning mobility schemes in Partner Countries.

Explore capacity building for youth

Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM)

These projects support the design of high-level study programmes at master level, jointly delivered by an international consortium of HEIs from different countries worldwide.

Explore EMDM opportunities

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters are high-level integrated study programmes at master level.

Explore Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters


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