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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

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Small-scale Partnerships

About the opportunity

Small-scale Partnerships aim to reach out to grassroots organisations or those less experienced in Erasmus+. They are designed to widen access to the programme to small-scale actors and individuals who are hard to reach in the fields of school education, adult education, vocational education and training, youth and sport. They do this by having

  • lower grant amounts awarded to organisations
  • shorter durations
  • simpler administrative requirements
  • reduced entry barriers
  • flexible formats – mixing transnational and national activities – to allow smaller organisations to reach people with fewer opportunities

Small-scale Partnerships can contribute to creating and developing transnational networks and linking up local, regional, national and international policies. They also support active European citizenship and bring the European dimension to local levels.

Who can apply

Any participating organisation established in a Programme Country can apply for a Small-scale Partnership. This organisation applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project. Any public or private organisation, established in a Programme Country (see "Eligible Countries") can participate in the partnership.

Irrespective of the field impacted by the project, Small-scale Partnerships are open to any type of organisation active in any field of education, training, youth, sport or other socio-economic sectors. Organisations carrying out activities in other fields (e.g. local, regional and national authorities, recognition and validation centres, chambers of commerce, trade organisations, guidance centres, cultural and sport organisations) can also take part.

Depending on the priority and the objectives addressed by the project, Small-scale Partnerships should involve the most appropriate and diverse range of partners in order to benefit from their different experiences, profiles and specific expertise.

Related policies

Small-scale partnerships aim to achieve the same priorities as those of Cooperation Partnerships.

Find out more

The Erasmus+ Programme Guide is the main source of information on Partnerships for cooperation. It contains all information about the priorities, award criteria, funding rules and more.

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