Alice Valkárová first studied nuclear and particle physics in Charles University in Prague. She gained her Ph.D. in 1980 in Russia during her long-term stay at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna where she analyzed antiproton-proton interactions. In 1997 she started participating in a H1 experiment which studied electron-proton interactions in the H1 experiment at HERA electron-proton particle accelerator in DESY laboratory (Hamburg, Germany). She was a member of the H1 experiment Executive Committee from 2009-2012. In 2001 she received a DrSc. (Doctor of Science) degree for “Diffraction and Photoproduction at HERA”.
From 2006-2014 she was a President of the Czech Physical Society and a member of Presidium of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists. Since 2009 she is the member of national comittee of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, (IUPAP). She is the author and co-author of many publications studying electron-proton interactions, and has authored over 300 peer-reviewed journal publications.
In 2015 she received the Milada Paulová Award for physics, for recognition of lifelong research achievements and contribution to advancement of research, awarded by the Government of the Czech Republic. From 2010, she has been a member of the ERC Advanced Grant Panel PE2 „Fundamental Constituents of Matter“.
In November 2016 Dr. Valkarova was appointed by the Government of the Czech Republic as a President of the Czech Science Foundation. Her four-year term was completed in December 2020 and now she will become a member of the five-members Presidium of agency for another four years. She is Fellow of Institute of Physics and a member of European Physical Society.
Mandate ERC Scientific Council: 1 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2024 (1st term)