ERIAC joins EC consultations about the future of Roma policies for Roma

October 1, 2019

On October 1st, the European Commission organized a workshop entitled “Future policies for Roma” organised by DG Justice and Consumers in Brussels. The discussions at the workshop focused on forward-looking findings of the recent evaluation of the EU Framework and policy options to address the challenges identified. Participants included National Roma Contact Points, MEPs, civil society (at European, national and local level) as well as international organisations. To prepare the discussions, DG Justice and Consumers disseminated background papers to the participants.


Roma and non-Roma civil society united their demands for the post 2020 EU Roma Strategic Framework. Around 40 members of the civil society, including ERIAC, worked hard in September to coordinate and prepare civil society’s input into the ‘Workshop on future policies for Roma’. As a result, the civil society presented a string and unified position, requesting the commission to develop a new Roma strategy based on the so-called Policy-option-7-Final.


In its interventions, ERIAC advocated for the inclusion of Roma arts, culture, history and identity in the future EU Roma policy post-2020. Furthermore, ERIAC provided a written contribution to the European Commission – the position paper Roma inclusion as a precondition for social inclusion_ERIAC position paper_EU Roma post 2020.