Conformity and

Operating ethically when it comes to environmental issues cannot be a choice as what is at stake is the future of our Planet.

As one of the most important Producer Responsibility Organisations for the management of WB, Erion Energy is committed to creating innovative management models capable of harmonising environmental sustainability and efficient waste management, actively contributing to the promotion of the circular economy in Italy.

Operating in an environmentally responsible manner means first of all safety.

Erion Energy adopts a Code of Ethics that inspires and guides the actions of its internal resources and suppliers, representing a virtuous model for the reference stakeholders.

In order to better meet regulatory compliance needs, the Producer Responsibility Organisation is also involved in the development and maintenance of a business processes management system implemented with the fundamental contribution of its employees and economic resources.

The Integrated Quality and Environment Management System is certified in compliance with standards UNI EN ISO 9001 and UNI EN ISO 14001, with certifications issued by DNV, and Quality and Environment System documentation is continuously updated to align with operational needs and regulatory compliance.

The Producer Responsibility Organisation adopts an Organisational Model pursuant to Law 231/2001.

Erion Energy is furthermore registered in the National Register of Environmental ManagersCategory 8.

Selection of suppliers
and quality of treatment

We strive to innovate and improve management processes by constantly ensuring the highest levels of quality and service, seeking to make a difference every day.

Erion Energy stands out for its ethical values and transparency, always performing with utmost attention, from the quality of the treatment to the high ethical behaviour and management standards, and to the strict compliance with all regulations.

Erion Energy Members can count on optimised operating models, capable of generating high levels of efficiency and, at the same time, a fair compensation for suppliers. Each partner is selected according to strict quality criteria thanks also to the adoption of high treatment and logistics standards. The Producer Responsibility Organisation makes use of specialist tools and skills to verify the quality levels such as, for example, audits aimed at analysing the correct maximisation of recycling rates and recovery of materials without dispersion of polluting substances into the environment.

How to
become a member?

Find out how to become a member of the most important Italian Extended Producer Responsibility system for the management of WEEE, Batteries, Packaging, Tobacco and Textile Products. A single service for every need.