Hi Howard, thanks for your prompt response. Bicycle insurance is like gold dust in Spain, which is why we went to so much trouble to source it for our clients. Cycling is one of Spain's favourite pastimes. We have a copy of your email enquiry clearly stating you didn't have a phone at the time, and emails that were sent to you but probably went into your junk folder or to an erroneous email address. We tried, thats the best we can do. We are sorry that you found it necessary to post a poor rating without getting back to us first. We work hard for our reputation, and all i can do is apologise that the email address you gave us to reply to, did not reach you.
Dear Howard, My sincere apologies if you did not receive the email reply to your request for our bicycle insurance. We did try several times. Your enquiry was on the Saturday morning and the email was sent by return first thing Monday morning. We were unable to contact you by phone as you didn't have one at the time. After several attempts and no replies we had no choice but to hope that you contacted us again in the future, Unfortunately this was not the case.
However, i do hope that your were able to find the insurance you required and if you contact us for the renewal, I will personally make sure that you are given the full discounts that we can apply to your policy and an extra discount for any inconvenience caused to you at the time. We are a very professional Company and we like to make sure that we do get back to our customers when we say we do. Again my apologies for your inconvenience. www.insuranceinspain.com pride ourselves in our commitment to this personal service.