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Highlights report - 2nd meeting of the Thematic Group on the Design and Implementation of Eco-schemes in the new CSPs

The second meeting of the Thematic Group (TG) took place on 20 February 2024 and discussed topics that TG members identified as priorities during informal group discussions between meetings. This included exploring the role of eco-schemes in relation to green architecture and recommendations on how to improve the design and uptake of interventions that increase climate and environmental ambition.

  • 2023-2027
A field of flowers with trees and blue sky

The second meeting of the TG on the Design and Implementation of Eco-schemes in the new CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) allowed members to build on topics discussed during four informal discussions between TG meetings and draft solutions to identified issues and recommendations for improving the design and implementation of eco-schemes.

In the first session, facilitators reported back on key messages from each informal discussion, which focused on; how to raise awareness of eco-schemes, administration of eco-schemes, eco-schemes and their interaction with the green architecture, and targeting/regionalising eco-schemes.

During the first round of parallel group sessions, members drafted solutions to the issues raised on the four topics of the informal sessions. During the second round of parallel group sessions, members came up with recommendations for the successful design and implementation of eco-schemes. Key recommendations included scaling up peer-to-peer learning and demonstration activities, setting up helpdesks to establish direct lines of communication with farmers and advisors, and reflecting on the need for two CAP ‘Pillars’ or funds as part of the discussions on the future CAP.

The meeting concluded with next steps, including a new Thematic Group on Green Architecture, which will look into the strategies taken by Member States to address their environmental and climate needs.


EU CAP Network



English language

Highlights Report - Design and Implementation of Eco-schemes in the new CAP Strategic Plans

(PDF – 2.38 MB – 2 pages)