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Agri-food matters prioritised by National Networks
National Networks (NNs) have started their 2024 activities with topics identified as priority areas for NN attention including AKIS, sectoral interventions, eco-schemes and LEADER among others.
Thematic Groups: it’s been a busy spring!
Our recent Thematic Groups have gathered a lot of knowledge about the CAP's green architecture, Monitoring Committees, eco-schemes and support for farmers’ mental health.
Environmental benefits flow from Thematic Group networking
Our thematic work to support environmental protection, including biodiversity, and climate is advancing with the launch of a new Thematic Group on Green Architecture: Designing Green Strategies.
Animal welfare matters for the Common Agricultural Policy
This policy insights article focuses on how the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) supports animal welfare in the EU…
Thematic Group on Green Architecture: Designing Green Strategies
This Thematic Group (TG) gives you the opportunity to share experiences about the different approaches Member States chose in the implementation of the Green Architecture. We will explore the interactions of the different interventions and examine how green strategies work in practice.
Join our new Thematic Groups and share your EU expertise
June saw the completion of several Thematic Groups (TG) organised by the CAP Implementation Contact Point as well as preparations for the launch of new TGs that will help to build on the momentum achieved by the Network’s thematic activities so far.
CAP Strategic Plan Factsheet: Denmark
This factsheet provides summary information and financial data about the CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) of Denmark. The data and figures presented in this factsheet come from Denmark’s CSP approved on 31/08/2022.
CAP Strategic Plan Factsheet: Netherlands
This factsheet provides summary information and financial data about the CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) of Netherlands. The data and figures presented in this factsheet come from Netherland’s CSP approved on 13/12/2022.
CAP Strategic Plan Factsheet: Estonia
This factsheet provides summary information and financial data about the CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) of Estonia. The data and figures presented in this factsheet come from Estonia’s CSP approved on 11/11/2022.
CAP Strategic Plan Factsheet: France
This factsheet provides summary information and financial data about the CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) of France. The data and figures presented in this factsheet come from France’s CSP approved on 31/08/2022.