Latest news

A new Thematic Report for the assessment of sectoral support
Researchers, evaluators and experts from Managing Authorities explored effective approaches in a dedicated Thematic Working Group.
- Evaluation

Evaluating CAP simplification: Member States are embracing the challenge within CAP Strategic Plans
The report from the eighth Good Practice Workshop in Budapest offers insights on how to improve the assessment of administrative burden and overregulation.
- Evaluation

Assessment of results-based interventions
Experts analysed examples of result-based interventions in EU countries and outside the EU. They highlighted the role of evaluation in designing these interventions to protect the environment.
- Evaluation
Latest publications

Assessment of the progress in implementing the Evaluation Plans of RDPs 2014-2022. Chapter 2 of the AIRs submitted in 2024
This summary report outlines the progress made in 2023 by EU Member States and the UK in implementing the evaluation plans of 115 Rural Development Programmes, highlighting trends, key findings and completed evaluations.
- Evaluation

Use of factors of success in evaluation
These guidelines summarise the main outcomes of the Thematic Working Group on the ''Use of factors of success in evaluation'', and can be used by Member States as a basis for tendering and conducting their evaluations under CAP Strategic Plans.
- Evaluation

Latvian communities of ground and rove beetles in differently managed agrocenoses
An evaluation of the impact of the Rural Development Programme's (RDP) organic farming measure (M11) on the biodiversity of beetles in Latvia.
- Evaluation