If pre-selected by a recruiting service for the tests (see useful information here), you will receive the invitation to attend the CAST Permanent reasoning tests in your EPSO account around 10 days before the tests take place.
Vai man ir jārezervē sava tiešsaistes pārbaudījuma kārtošanas laiks?
Nē, kandidātiem vairs nav iepriekš jārezervē pārbaudījuma kārtošanas laiks. EPSO jaunais ārējais pakalpojumu sniedzējs organizē un īsteno pārbaudījumus visiem kandidātiem vienlaicīgi
Precīzu pārbaudījumu datumu un laiku publicē attiecīgā konkursa lapā, tiklīdz tie ir pieejami. Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka jūsu pārbaudījumu datumu un laiku nav iespējams mainīt.
Vai vienu un to pašu pieteikumu varu izmantot vairākām funkciju grupām vai profiliem?
Nē, katram profilam un/vai funkciju grupai ir vajadzīgs atsevišķs pieteikums.
Plašāka informācija par profiliem un funkciju grupām atrodama te: Līgumdarbinieki (CAST pastāvīgā atlases procedūra) | Karjera ES iestādēs (europa.eu)
Kādi apliecinošie dokumenti man būs jāuzrāda saistībā ar CAST pieteikumu?
Kandidāti, kas piedalās līgumdarbinieku atlases procedūrās (CAST/P), nevar CAST/P pieteikumam piesaistīt apliecinošus dokumentus savā EPSO kontā. Apliecinošie dokumenti jāiesniedz atlases pārbaudījumu posmā un/vai pirms pieņemšanas darbā.
Kandidātiem ir jāspēj ar apliecinošiem dokumentiem pierādīt pieteikuma veidlapā norādīto informāciju (attiecībā uz viņu kvalifikāciju, darba pieredzi, valodu zināšanām u. tml.). Darbā pieņemšanas dienesti kandidātus informēs par to, kuri dokumenti (kopijas vai oriģināli) būs jāuzrāda un kad.
EPSO rīcībā nav informācijas par to, kādus noteikumus dažādi dienesti piemēro attiecībā uz apliecinošajiem dokumentiem. Zemāk sniegtais uzskaitījums ir uzskatāms tikai par juridiski nesaistošu piemēru tam, kādas prasības varētu tikt piemērotas.
- Papildus citiem dokumentiem kandidātiem būs jāuzrāda derīga personas apliecība vai pase.
- Lai pierādītu savu studiju līmeni un apmācību, kandidātiem būs jāiesniedz:
a) diploma(-u) un/vai (apmācības) sertifikāta(-u), kas apliecina viņu kvalifikāciju, kopija;
b) trešās valstīs izdotu diplomu/sertifikātu gadījumā – ES dalībvalsts kompetentās iestādes izdots līdzvērtīguma apliecinājums.
- Par visiem darba pieredzes periodiem ir vajadzīgi šādu dokumentu oriģināli vai apliecinātas kopijas:
a) bijušā(-o) un/vai pašreizējā(-o) darba devēja(-u) dokumenti: darba līgums(-i), kurā(-os) norādīts nodarbinātības sākuma un beigu datums, un/vai pirmā un pēdējā algas aprēķina izdruka. Šajos dokumentos ir jānorāda veikto pienākumu veids, līmenis, kā arī detalizēts apraksts, un tajos jābūt oficiālai darba devēja galvenei un zīmogam, kā arī atbildīgās personas uzvārdam un parakstam;
b) attiecībā uz nealgotu darbu, piemēram, pašnodarbinātajiem / brīvajām profesijām: rēķini vai pasūtījuma veidlapas, kurās norādīts paveiktais darbs, vai jebkādi citi attiecīgi oficiāli apliecinoši dokumenti, kuros norādīts veikto pienākumu vai sniegto pakalpojumu veids un ilgums;
c) ārštata tulkotājiem: dokumenti, kas apliecina nostrādāto laiku un pārtulkoto lappušu skaitu;
d) ārštata tulkiem: dokumenti, kas apliecina nostrādāto dienu skaitu un valodas, no kurām un kurās tulkots.
Kā novērtēs manu kvalifikāciju un pieredzi?
The Call for expression of interest (see Section 3) defines only the basic requirements for qualification and experience, that can also be found in the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants. The specific requirements will be defined by the recruiting services in accordance with their needs and vacancies. The recruiting services will assess the candidates’ eligibility based on information provided in the application form and supporting documents that they will ask the candidate to provide. This may be done at the stage of recruitment tests and/or before recruitment.
EPSO cannot provide information on the rules applicable in various recruiting services when assessing the qualifications and/or experience of candidates. The following should be considered only as non-binding illustration of requirements that may apply.
Educational qualifications
Degrees, diplomas and/or certificates, whether issued in EU or non-EU countries, must be recognised by a competent authority of an EU Member State.
Professional experience
- To be taken into account, professional experience must normally meet the following general conditions:
a) It must be acquired after obtaining the required minimum educational qualification indicated in the notice of competition;
b) It must constitute genuine and effective work;
c) It has to be remunerated;
d) It must involve a professional relationship, i.e. being part of an organisational structure or supplying a service;
e) It must comply with the relevance criteria defined in the notice of competition. - Professional experience listed below may also be considered in the light of specific rules, for example:
a) In case of voluntary work, ‘remuneration’ is to be understood as any financial contribution received, including cost reimbursement and insurance coverage. Furthermore, voluntary work must involve weekly hours and duration similar to a regular job.
b) In case of traineeships, ‘remuneration’ is to be understood as any financial contribution received, including cost reimbursement and insurance coverage. A compulsory traineeship which is part of a studies programme, may be taken into account provided that (i) the traineeship is undertaken after achieving the minimum educational qualification indicated in the notice of competition, and that (ii) the traineeship is remunerated.
c) A compulsory traineeship which is part of a programme leading to, or which is a pre-condition for, registration with a professional association in order to obtain a right to practise a profession (for example, admission to the lawyers’ bar association) may be taken into account irrespective of whether the work was remunerated. However, where the work was not remunerated, the traineeship period may only be considered provided that the programme was successfully completed and the right to practise obtained. In all cases, only the minimum compulsory duration will be taken into account.
d) Compulsory military service that occurred before or after obtaining the required minimum educational qualification indicated in the notice of competition will be taken into account, including if it does not meet the relevance criteria defined in the notice of competition, but only for a period not exceeding the obligatory duration in the relevant Member State.
e) Maternity, paternity, adoption, or parental leave may be taken into account if covered by an employment contract.
f) In the case of doctorate studies, the period taken into account shall not exceed three years, provided the doctorate was obtained, and irrespective of whether the work was remunerated.
g) The period taken into account in cases of part-time work shall be calculated pro rata, e.g. half-time work for six months will count as three months.
Kādi norādījumi jāievēro, kārtojot datorizētos testus?
Izlasiet ar jūsu atlases procedūru saistīto paziņojumu par konkursu vai uzaicinājumu paust ieinteresētību, lai uzzinātu jautājumu skaitu, testu ilgumu un nokārtošanai nepieciešamo punktu skaitu.
Visi EPSO pārbaudījumi notiek tiešsaistē. Iepazīstieties ar EPSO nolīgtā jaunā testu nodrošinātāja IT prasībām un citām tehniskām prasībām attiecībā uz tiešsaistes pārbaudījumiem. Ir pieejama arī informācija par darbvietas (korporatīvo) datoru izmantošanu tiešsaistes testiem. Detalizētas instrukcijas tiešsaistes pārbaudījumiem tiek iesūtītas kandidātu EPSO kontā kopā ar uzaicinājumu uz pārbaudījumiem, un vēlāk tās nosūta arī ārējais nolīgtais darbuzņēmējs pa e-pastu.
Ko nozīmē dažādās amatpienākumu grupas?
Contract staff positions are available for a wide range of jobs, requiring different levels of qualifications. They are divided into four function groups:
- I. manual and administrative support-service tasks
- II. clerical or secretarial tasks, office management and other equivalent tasks
- III. executive tasks, drafting, accountancy and other equivalent technical tasks
- IV. administrative, advisory, linguistic and equivalent technical tasks.
Kādi ir līgumdarbinieku pienākumi ES iestādēs?
The specific duties will depend on the profile you are interested in. See Annex I to the Call for Expressions of Interest for detailed examples of duties per profile.
Contract staff are employed for a limited period, with an initial contract of 6-12 months.
In some EU bodies, it may be possible for the contract to be renewed for an indefinite duration.
Vai mans pieteikums procedūrai CAST/P/2015 joprojām ir derīgs?
Visi pieteikumi procedūrai EPSO/CAST/P/1-4/2015 (CAST procedūra izpildaģentūrām), kas ir validēti līdz 25.11.2016. (plkst. 12.00 pēc Briseles laika), ir tikuši automātiski pārnesti uz CAST pastāvīgo atlases procedūru (CAST Permanent (EPSO/CAST/P/1-4/2017)).
Ja esat jau nokārtojis EPSO rīkotos atlases testus procedūrai EPSO/CAST/P/1-4/2015, jūsu rezultāti joprojām ir spēkā.
Vai varu mainīt sava pieteikuma saturu, kad tas jau ir apstiprināts?
With the exception of the CAST Permanent for contract agents (see more information about this selection procedure), once validated, you can no longer modify the content of your application, as EPSO will immediately process the data.
For CAST Permanent:
You can modify the content of your application(s) for the CAST Permanent selection procedure and upload or update your CV within your EPSO Account at any time.
Don’t forget to update your application(s) at least every six months if you wish to remain visible to the recruiting services. This applies regardless of whether you passed or failed the tests.
Kā CAST pastāvīgajā atlases procedūrā notiks kandidātu atlase?
Tas, ka esat iesniedzis pieteikumu CAST pastāvīgajai atlases procedūrai, vēl nenozīmē, ka jūs uzaicinās kārtot pārbaudījumus. Kad atbrīvosies kāda darbvieta, uz atlases testiem uzaicinās tikai tos kandidātus, kurus būs izraudzījušies darbā pieņemošie dienesti.
Atlases procesa posmi ir šādi.
- Kandidāti sagatavo un validē savu(-us) pieteikumu(-us) un to(-s) vismaz reizi sešos mēnešos atjaunina, lai apliecinātu, ka joprojām ir ieinteresēti, un lai datubāzē joprojām būtu redzami.
- Kad rodas vakance, darbā pieņemošie dienesti no visu apstiprināto un redzamo pieteikumu datubāzes priekšatlasa vairākus kandidātus, kuru profili atbilst šo dienestu prasībām.
- Šādi atlasītos kandidātus uzaicina uz EPSO rīkotajiem atlases testiem aptuveni 10 dienas pirms pārbaudījumiem. Tie ir daudzizvēļu testi (jautājumi ar atbilžu variantiem). Vairāk informācijas par IT prasībām un citām tehniskām prasībām pārbaudījumu kārtošanai tiešsaistē varat atrast te.
- Kandidātus, kuri izturēs šos atlases testus, uzaicinās uz darbā pieņemšanas pārbaudījumiem, kuras rīko darbā pieņemošie dienesti. Tie var izpausties kā intervija un cita veida novērtēšana.
- Kandidātiem, kam labi veicies atlases testos, dienests, iespējams, piedāvās darbu.
Kas notiek pēc tam, kad esmu iesniedzis pieteikumu?
Darbā pieņemošie dienesti pārlūkos visu reģistrēto kandidātu datubāzi un priekšatlasīs vairākus tādus kandidātus, kuri atbilst attiecīgajai vakancei. Noteikti atjauniniet savu pieteikumu reizi sešos mēnešos, lai jūsu pieteikums datubāzē būtu redzams un atrodams.
Vienīgi šie atlasītie kandidāti savā EPSO kontā saņems uzaicinājumu kārtot EPSO rīkotos atlases testus.
Pārbaudiet savu EPSO kontu vismaz reizi trīs kalendārajās dienās. Ja būsiet atlasīts, jūs saņemsiet uzaicinājumu, kurā būs norādīts jūsu pārbaudījuma datums.
Orientējošie testēšanas periodu datumi ir publicēti mūsu tīmekļvietnes lapās par profiliem.
Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka jūsu pārbaudījumu datumu un laiku nav iespējams mainīt. Visi kandidāti tiks pārbaudīti vienlaicīgi.
Kāda veida testi man būs jākārto, ja izturēšu priekšatlasi?
Candidates shortlisted by the recruiting services will be invited to sit a series of reasoning tests in a multiple-choice question format. Candidates will take these tests in their language 1. See more information on the IT and technical requirements for online testing.
Should you be successful in the tests organised by EPSO, the recruiting service may ask you to sit further tests that it considers relevant for the job, such as a drafting test, a driving test, a language test, etc. All the information about these tests will be provided by the recruiting services.
Please check our sample tests (‘Contract Agents’) for further information.
Kad uzzināšu savus EPSO pastāvīgās atlases procedūras (<em>CAST-P)</em> atlases testu rezultātus?
Tos saņemsiet savā EPSO kontā, kad būs pagājušas aptuveni divas nedēļas pēc tam, kad beidzies pārbaudījumu periods, kurā kārtojāt testus.
Pirms publicēšanas tie ir tikuši pārbaudīti, apstiprināti un validēti. Kolīdz rezultāti ir paziņoti, jautājumu pareizību vairs nevar apstrīdēt.
Pārbaudījumu periodi tiek rīkoti regulāri visu gadu. Ar grafiku varat iepazīties attiecīgajā profila lapā.
Kādēļ mani nav priekšatlasījuši EPSO rīkoto atlases pārbaudījumu kārtošanai?
CAST Permanent selection procedure attracts a high number of applications. However, the recruiting services only pre-select and shortlist a certain number of candidates whose profiles fit their needs.
Vai labāks testa rezultāts uzlabos manas izredzes tikt pieņemtam darbā?
No. The recruiting services can only see if a candidate has passed or failed the tests.
Your score will only be visible to you, via your EPSO Account.
Kas notiks tad, ja man izdosies nokārtot EPSO rīkotos pārbaudījumus?
If you pass the selection tests organised by EPSO (the reasoning tests) you will be invited for an interview and/or further tests by the recruiting service.
The validity of the reasoning tests results (from the date when the results have been published in your EPSO Account) is 10 years.
The results are always valid for the function group for which you were tested and for any lower function group.
Kas notiek, ja atlases testus (loģiskās analīzes testus) neizturu?
If you fail the reasoning test, you cannot be invited to take another reasoning test for the same or higher function group for the next 4 months. However, you can still be invited to take reasoning tests for lower function groups.
The 4-month period is counted from the day on which the test was taken.
Please note that the recruiting services are not obliged to invite you for re-testing, after the 4-month period is over.
Note: the above 4-months period applies to candidates who took their tests from January 2025 on. Candidates who took their tests before cannot be re-invited for 6 months as in the previous version call for expression of interest.
Kas notiek tad, ja es sekmīgi nokārtoju EPSO rīkotos pārbaudījumus, bet ne ar pieņemšanu darbā saistītos pārbaudījumus?
The recruiting services may invite several candidates for recruitment tests for each vacant position. It is up to the recruiting services to provide feedback on the outcome of those tests to the candidates concerned.
However, should you not be successful on that occasion, your EPSO tests results will remain valid for 10 years (*), counting from the date when they are published in your EPSO Account.
Therefore, you may be invited to other interviews and/or recruitment tests by the same or another recruiter.
Don’t forget to update your application(s) at least every six months if you wish to remain visible to the recruiting services.
(*) This only applies to CAST/P procedures. Note that your tests results in the CAST/P selection procedure are not valid for other selection procedures.
Kad es uzzināšu, kas interesējas par manu profilu?
If pre-selected and successful in the tests, the recruiting services interested in your profile will contact you (via the e-mail address in your EPSO Account) and invite you for a competency test comprising interviews and/or other tests organised by the recruiting services.
EPSO does not provide information to candidates on which recruiting service is interested in them at any stage of the selection procedure.
Kāda ir līgumdarbinieku sākotnējā alga?
You can find more information about the employment conditions in the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants and in the Staff Regulations, as well as the latest information on salaries for officials and contract staff (annual update).
Kad un kur man būs jākārto EPSO rīkotie atlases testi CAST pastāvīgajā atlases procedūrā?
Only candidates pre-selected (shortlisted) by the recruiting services will be invited to sit the selection tests organised by EPSO.
If shortlisted, you will receive in your EPSO account an invitation to test. This invitation is usually published at least 2 weeks before the test date in your EPSO account. Please check your EPSO account at least every three calendar days. You must sit your test within the given timeframes.
The tests are computer-based multiple-choice tests. See more information on the IT and technical requirements for online testing
Kāda veida līgumu man piedāvās?
The type of contract will depend on many elements including on the recruiting service.
For more information about the contractual arrangements, please refer to Chapter 5. Recruitment of the Call for expression of interest.
Vai mani var priekšatlasīt vairākiem profiliem un/vai funkciju grupām?
Yes, you can be pre-selected (shortlisted) for more than one profile and/or function group.
If pre-selected more than once (by more than one recruiter) for the same profile in the same function group, you will only take the tests once.
If pre-selected for different profiles/function groups, you will be invited to sit the tests for these profiles/function groups in the order in which the requests were sent to EPSO by the recruiting services.
Neither the recruiter nor the candidates or EPSO can influence the order of test requests being processed.
Kas man jādara, ja esmu uzaicināts kārtot testus, bet vairs nevēlos piedalīties?
Ja vairs nevēlaties piedalīties, jums nekas nav jādara.
Ja nolemsiet testus nekārtot, tas nekādi neietekmēs jūsu atbilstību un jūsu kandidatūra netiks bloķēta.
Nākotnē jūs varēs atlasīt citi darbā pieņemšanas dienesti.
Kas man jādara, ja vairs nevēlos, lai mani pieņem darbā?
If you are no longer interested in being tested and/or recruited for a specific profile/function group, you can simply stop confirming your interest via your EPSO account. Six months after the last confirmation of interest or update to your application for that profile/function group, the application will become invisible to recruiters.
You will be able to reactivate your application at any time in the future.
Procedūrā “CAST Permanent” manā testā bija problēma ar vienu no daudzizvēļu jautājumiem. Ko varu darīt?
Should you have a serious doubt about the content of a test question please contact EPSO's Candidate Contact Service within one (1) calendar day (that is, by the end of the day which follows the day of the tests) clearly stating the circumstances and your candidate number (see the procedure in the Call for Expression of Interest).
If an identified item does not comply with the EPSO's quality criteria, the following corrective measures will be applied:
- The item will be corrected or taken out of the database;
- Corrective measures may be taken in instances where EPSO finds that a candidate was negatively impacted. In such cases, EPSO will grant to that candidate an additional point for each annulled question, up to a maximum of one point per question in total.
Candidates whose test results cannot be impacted by the outcome of their complaint - either because they achieved the pass scores or because they would not reach the pass score(s) even if their complaint were upheld - will not have corrective measures applied.
Complaints submitted after the deadline or complaints which do not clearly describe the contested question(s) and/or alleged error(s) will not be considered. Complaints merely pointing out alleged issues of translation, without specifying the problem, will not be considered.
Kā pastāvīgajā atlases procedūrā (CAST Permanent) tiks pārbaudītas manas valodas zināšanas tulkotāja profilam?
EPSO tests will only assess your knowledge of language 1 (L1), which can be any of the 24 official EU languages. It will be tested through the verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning tests in a form of multiple-choice questions. Your knowledge of L1 needs to be at least at level C1 (proficient user).
Your knowledge of language 2 (L2) (to be chosen from amongst English, French and German, but different from L1) will be tested by the recruiting services. Your knowledge of L2 needs to be at least at level B2 (independent user).
Further information on the above tests is published on our sample tests’ page.
Recruiting services may organise additional language tests.
Vai pastāvīgajā atlases procedūrā “CAST Permanent” es varu izveidot vairāk nekā vienu pieteikumu tulkotāja profilam?
No. Creating more than one application for the same profile, including with different target languages is not permitted.
You can declare all your languages under ‘Linguistic skills’ in the application form if you have a working knowledge of more than two official languages. This will allow the recruiting services to find your application according to their specific language needs.
Man ir invaliditāte vai veselības traucējums, tādēļ, lai es procedūrā “CAST Permanent” varētu kārtot atlases testus, man ir vajadzīgi pielāgojumi. Ko man darīt?
You can request special adjustments of selection tests for the CAST Permanent procedure in your application form by ticking the box ‘special requirements’. You will also need to fill in a detailed information form on your special needs and send us relevant supporting documents.
Should you be granted reasonable accommodations for the tests organised by EPSO, you will be informed on the details before your test date. In some cases, defining and putting in place the necessary adjustments may take some time, and therefore you might be invited to take the tests during the next testing period. Should this be the case we will inform you as soon as possible.
EPSO will make sure that all pre-selected (shortlisted) candidates are invited and tested in the best possible conditions.
Please note that other (recruitment) tests are organised directly by the recruiting services. Should you need special adjustments at the stage of the recruitment tests, please inform the recruiter as soon as you have received an invitation for the recruitment tests. Please note that EPSO will not share any information regarding your condition or special needs with the recruiters.
Kur varu uzzināt vairāk par līgumdarbinieku darba nosacījumiem?
You can find more information about the employment conditions in the "Conditions of Employment of Other Servants" section in the Staff Regulations, as well as the latest information on salaries for officials and contract staff (annual update applicable from 14.12.2022).
Further information about the rules applicable to contract agents in the European Commission is available in the Commission decision C(2017)6760
For further information about the employment conditions in other EU institutions and bodies, we invite you to get in touch directly with their Human Resources services.
Kādēļ nevaru augšupielādēt apliecinošos dokumentus CAST/P pieteikumam?
Candidates to contract agent selection procedures (CAST/P) cannot link supporting documents to their CAST/P application(s). Candidates will be notified by the recruiting services as to when they must provide documents supporting the declarations made in their application form. The recruiting services will determine which documents are acceptable.