Maria (European Commission)

"My name is Maria and I am Spanish, from Madrid. I have lived in Brussels for the last 20 years and I have to say that I have very much enjoyed it since the start. Brussels is a not so big, but it is very cosmopolitan, which suits me very well. In the streets, you overhear so many languages and see so many different types of people, which strangely makes me feel at home.
Having a background as a lawyer, I have been working in DG ECHO since 2008. DG ECHO deals with Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection. Specifically, since 2016 I have been working in the directorate dealing with emergencies, first in the European Emergency Response Center (ERCC) and now dealing with the European Humanitarian Response Capacities (EHRC).
The ERCC helps to coordinate a coherent EU response to major disasters occurring inside and outside the EU: earthquakes, conflicts, cyclones, floods, etc. The unit provides a platform for coordination within the EU institutions and Member States. The Center also has a 24/7 duty system that coordinates with partners like the UN, international organizations, NGOs and other crises centers in the EU and the world.
Concretely, now I work as a Team Leader in the EHRC which designs, follows, and monitors DG ECHO's directly implemented operations outside the EU, especially after emergencies: transport of humanitarian cargo, passengers, establishment of warehouses for partners, regular routes for inaccessible areas in central Africa, emergency expertise, etc.
Unfortunately, there are too many crises in the world, but what I really like about my job is that I can bring my contribution whenever disasters strike vulnerable populations, partially fighting the feeling of helplessness that we all have before them.
If you feel this itch and like to work in an international environment, I encourage you to join us. It is also a very dynamic environment, with many dedicated colleagues driven by a shared passion to bring European solidarity to those in need. Good and committed professionals have plenty opportunities to grow, travel, live abroad while doing a fulfilling job at the European institutions."