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Amendment of the EU ETS Monitoring and Reporting Regulation (MRR) in response to the ETS revision/Fit For 55
Регламент за изпълнение (ЕС) 2023/2122 на Комисията от 17 октомври 2023 година за изменение на Регламент за изпълнение (ЕС) 2018/2066 относно мониторинга и докладването на емисиите на парникови газове съгласно Директива 2003/87/ЕО на Европейския парламент и на Съвета
In the framework of the 'Fit for 55' package, the EU ETS Directive has been revised with the EU target set out in the European Climate Law to reduce net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. Following the revision of the EU ETS Directive, the European Commission needs to update several regulatory acts for the implementation of the EU ETS. One of these acts will update the rules for Monitoring and Reporting of emissions.