This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Document 52011SC1139
/* SEC/2011/1139 final */
final} {COM(2011)612
final} Executive Summary This is the Impact Assessment of the
legislative proposal for the regulations laying down provisions on the European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Cohesion Fund (CF) and the European Territorial
Cooperation goal. It is part of a package of Impact
Assessments which also includes the Impact Assessment of the European Regional
Development Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Social Fund, the European
Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries
Fund covered by the Common Strategic Framework and laying down general
provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund
and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 (Common
provisions regulation), and the Impact Assessment of the ESF Regulation.
Problem Definition
European regional policy has an important
role to play mobilising local assets and focusing on the development of
endogenous potential. However, as the Budget Review has highlighted, the "EU
budget should be used to finance EU public goods, actions that Member States
and regions cannot finance themselves, or where it can secure better results". The IA focuses exclusively on the 3 areas are
where experience shows that adjustments are needed.
Support to enterprises
Cohesion policy support for enterprises has
produced significant results. There is evidence that in
2000-2006 cohesion policy has contributed to creating at least 1 million gross jobs
in supported projects. However, the policy is not sufficiently focused on SMEs
and on innovation. In the case of SMEs, access to finance on the
market for investments is particularly a problem. The case for supporting large
firms is different, as lack of access to finance typically does not apply to
large enterprises. Empirical evidence shows that direct aid for SMEs is more
effective, while "for larger companies crowding out of private investment
may prevail over positive effects." The funding of productive investments
of large enterprises where public intervention is not necessary has led to
criticisms that funding is given to firms which do not actually need it, and
that the funding is therefore crowding out private investment instead of having
added value. The focus of enterprise support varies
between MS, with a strong investment support focus in some, and a strong
emphasis on ‘softer’ measures such as innovation in others. However, in other
MS support which is not linked to innovation still has a very strong role. The
current scope of the ERDF is defined too broadly and allows for generic
business support for stimulating entrepreneurship in all sectors, regardless of
whether a market failure exists related to that sector, and irrespective of the
sector’s contribution to growth and employment. Thus, the main problem with the current scope
of the ERDF is that the scope of aid to enterprises is defined too broadly and
that the effectiveness and value added of aid to firms needs to be maximised.
Support for investment in infrastructure
The main
issue which has been identified with respect to the scope of transport infrastructure
funding in current cohesion policy is the lack of ability to ensure sufficient
concentration on EU priorities. Although cohesion
funding has focused on priorities as defined by the TEN-T guidelines, but not
necessarily on those parts which were identified as largest European value
added at the time of their definition. The challenge for cohesion policy will
be to effectively contribute to the identified €30 billion investment needs in
core TEN-T infrastructure in Cohesion countries until 2020. In addition, as the improving the
coordination of the different EU instruments in TEN-T financing is important. To
date the TEN-T programme has focused on soft measures such as the financing of
feasibility studies, and the Cohesion Fund has focused on investment in
infrastructure. The issue of coordination has become particularly relevant as
the scope of the Cohesion Fund as defined by the Treaty covers physical
investment in TEN-T, which the newly proposed Connecting Europe Facility will
also finance.
Territorial cooperation
With regards to territorial cooperation, the
added value of European territorial cooperation lies in the fact that it
offers possibilities for joint action which are needed to address challenges
that increasingly cut across national/regional boundaries: ·
transboundary problems; ·
sharing good practice; ·
cooperation where there are economies of scale
and critical mass; ·
cooperation aimed at improving governance; ·
cooperation on the EU’s external borders on
issues related to safety and stability, and mutually beneficial relationships. The European Territorial Cooperation objective
is financed by the ERDF, with a total budget of € 8.7 billion which
accounts for 2.5 % of the total 2007-13 allocation for cohesion policy. Despite its ability to address the range of
issues listed above, in the current period, there is scope for improvement in
European Territorial Cooperation programmes: ·
lack of strategic focus resulting in broad
intervention strategies which made it difficult to achieve clearly-identifiable
impact; ·
lack of effective coordination to find
compromises between the requirements of the EU Regulations and the legal
frameworks of the involved Member States.
Justification for EU action
EU action is justified both on the
grounds of the objectives laid out in Article 174 of the Treaty and on the subsidiarity
principle. The right to act is constituted by Article 3 of the Treaty on European
Union, which states that "[the Union] shall promote economic, social and
territorial cohesion and solidarity among Member States", as well as by
Article 175 of the TFEU which explicitly requests the Union to implement this
policy by means of Structural Funds, and Article 177 which defines the role of
the Cohesion Fund.
The general objective is defined in
Article 176 of the TFEU, that the aim of the ERDF is "to help to redress
the main regional imbalances in the Union through participation in the
development and structural adjustment of regions whose development is lagging
behind and in the conversion of declining industrial regions". As
stipulated in Article 177 of the Treaty, the aim of the Cohesion Fund is to
finance "projects in the fields of environment and trans-European networks
in the area of transport infrastructure". Given the scope of this IA, the specific
objectives are to ensure that the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund are spent in:
an effective way;
an efficient way;
a way which provides a high European value added.
The operational objectives relate to the individual issues
discussed and are the following:
Enterprise support to ensure that investment
support to enterprises contributes to sustainable growth and employment and
that support for innovation contributes to developing local and regional
Infrastructure investment: to ensure that there is a sufficient
concentration on European priorities.
Territorial cooperation: to ensure that there is a sufficient
focus on European priorities, with flexibility for MS and regions to
choose thematic objectives.
Policy Options
The different options have been included in
the Impact Assessment to address the problem of scope in accordance with the
defined objectives, reflecting alternatives from moderate adaptations of the
current arrangements to more fundamental changes.
Option 1 – No policy change
The scope of the ERDF continues to be broad
focusing on productive investment and development of endogenous potential. ·
Direct aid is given primarily but not
exclusively to SMEs.
Option 2 – More targeted support to large
enterprises focusing on R&D, innovation and key enabling technologies
Aid for general productive investment to create
and safeguard jobs is limited to SMEs. ·
Support for development of endogenous potential
to both large and small firms by supporting regional and local development and
research and innovation.
Option 3 – No grants to large firms; only loans
and equity finance for SMEs
All productive investment is supported through
non-grant aid through innovative financing instruments.
Scope of infrastructure support through the ERDF
and Cohesion Fund
Option 1 ‑ Status quo
The ERDF and the Cohesion Fund continue to
finance major infrastructure in all regions of the EU, with funding
concentrated in less developed regions. Funding from the Cohesion Fund is only
available in poor MS. ·
In less developed regions the focus is on both priority
projects of European interest as identified by the new TEN-T framework, as well
as on secondary infrastructure. ·
In addition, the TEN-T programme continues to
fund infrastructure projects with high EU added value in developed regions,
concentrating in particular on soft interventions (e.g. feasibility studies,
etc.) ·
National operational programmes cover the
infrastructure investments, with priorities being set at national level.
Option 2 ‑ Enhanced focus on European priorities
in major infrastructure investments in less developed regions and Connecting Europe Facility in more developed regions
The Cohesion Fund finances infrastructure investments in the
area of strategic European priorities. The fund is only available in poor
The ERDF would target projects of national and/or regional
Major infrastructure investments are covered by national
programmes and alignment of investment with EU priorities is ensured
through a binding list of strategic investment projects to be realised
until 2020, selected and negotiated with the Member States and included in
the Partnership Contracts. Funding for these projects will be ringfenced.
Ex-ante conditionalities in the area of strategic planning will
accompany the focus on strategic investments in sustainable transport.
Investments of national and regional significance would be prioritised
according to their contribution to sustainability and their network
The dedicated CEF would complement cohesion policy investment
in physical infrastructure, not only soft investments. The CEF would
finance infrastructure projects with high EU added value. € 10 billion would be ring-fenced inside the financial
allocation for the Cohesion Fund for the CCEF.
Option 3 – Enhanced focus on national
infrastructure through the Cohesion Fund
The Cohesion Fund finances infrastructure investments in the
area of strategic European priorities in the area of core and
comprehensive TEN-T.
The ERDF would target projects of national and/or regional
As in option 2, major infrastructure investments are covered by
national programmes.
The CEF would focus its investments in the more developed
Member States only and finance infrastructure projects with high EU added.
The Cohesion Fund would fund projects in the less developed
Member States and therefore be geographically complementary to the CEF. There
would be no transfer of €10 billion from the Cohesion Fund to the CEF.
Territorial Cooperation
Option 1 – No policy change
Priorities for cooperation programmes would
continue to be broadly defined. ·
No formal link would be established between
cooperation programmes and Convergence/Competitiveness programmes.
Option 2 – Thematic concentration and
strengthened link to other programmes
The number of thematic objectives that
cross-border and transnational cooperation could choose from would be limited
in number. ·
Cooperation aspects would be an integral part of
the overall strategic framework.
Option 3 – Integration of cooperation in the
regional programmes
No more separate Territorial Cooperation
programmes. ·
Cooperation activities would be carried out in
the framework of the existing regional programmes which would include an
opening to provide for cooperative action.
Comparing the Options
Scope of
enterprise support funded by the ERDF Under the no policy change option, a
relatively broad scope of intervention allows Member States sufficient
flexibility to choose the areas of intervention that most meet their
challenges, with most of the support going to SMEs and RTDI. However, investment
support for large firms remains, which can lead to the crowding out of private
investment by public funding. Under option 2, support to large companies would
be limited to specific investments designed to support the development of
endogenous potential of the region, notably in the field of innovation, new
technologies and research. cooperation and joint initiatives between large
firms, SMEs, and other institutions. Furthermore, under this option, there is
scope to increase the role of non-grant based instruments especially in
relation to investment support which generally associated with lower risk and
involves increased deadweight loss compared with investment in innovation and
high risk activities. These measures would reduce deadweight loss, but also
reduce flexibility for MS. Under Option 3, prohibiting grant-based
support to large firms increases the efficiency of funding and greater leverage
effects. However, innovative and research activities necessary to achieve EU
headline targets may be discouraged as the non-repayable support is more
effective for innovative, R&D intensive projects far from the market. A
move from non-refundable to refundable forms of aid to large enterprises could
also imply a significant rise in administrative costs for managing authorities.
On the basis of improving the
effectiveness of support, as well as its contribution to local and regional
potential and growth and employment, Option 2 is the preferred option. Scope of infrastructure support through
the ERDF and Cohesion Fund Under the no policy change scenario, the
benefits which EU funding for infrastructure has produced would continue.
However, focused on European network priorities would remain suboptimal, and
infrastructure investments in richer regions would lead to efficiency losses. Without
coordination between cohesion policy and the CEF, EU funding for infrastructure
would continued to be fragmented. Under Option 2, an enhanced focus on European
priorities, the CEF, and ringfencing €10 billion from the Cohesion Fund
would enable concentration on EU priority projects. However, this option reduces
flexibility for MS and regions. Option 3 would allow for the focus on
infrastructure investments to remain in Convergence regions, where basic
infrastructure needs are the most. The main advantage
of this option is it allows Cohesion countries full flexibility to address regional
and national priorities in these regions. The main drawback of this option is
the non sufficient concentration of the Cohesion Fund on core TEN-T projects. On the basis of EU added value and
coordination between the CEF and Cohesion Fund, Option 2 is the preferred
option. Territorial
cooperation Under the no policy change option, European
Territorial Cooperation programmes have greater flexibility in choosing the
policy areas they would like to address. However, an overall lack of strategic
focus and no clear definition of expected programme outputs results. Furthermore,
this option makes it difficult to ensure complementarity with other EU
programmes. Option 2 would more firmly align cooperation
programmes with the Europe 2020 Strategy. It would lead to an improved
intervention logic within the programmes resulting from the setting of
programme objectives to the definition of expected outputs and results.
Furthermore, synergies with regional operational programmes would be increased.
Nevertheless, this option could lead to less flexibility in programme design. Option 3 would lead to increased synergies and benefit the regional programme
by adding an EU dimension. Nevertheless, it would only allow for cooperation on
specific projects, and not foster the long-term development of an integrated
strategy for a cross-border or transnational territory. There would also be a
risk that the EU dimension would be neglected in programming. Joint projects
would be more difficult to develop without a support structure. On the basis of better focus on
European priorities, developing a clear programme intervention logic and
improved added value, Option 2 is the preferred option.
Monitoring and evaluation
The monitoring and evaluation systems for
cohesion policy will be reinforced compared to the current situation, with an improved focus on results and alignment with the Europe 2020 Strategy.
In concrete terms, this would mean the following: ·
Programmes would include a clear articulation of
the changes sought, how this would contribute to the Europe 2020 targets, and
how spending the resources on particular interventions (outputs) will
contribute to change (results). This will be expressed in output and result
indicators. A set of common indicators, aligned with EU2020 objectives, will be
used where relevant. ·
Each programme would include a performance
framework fixing quantified milestones for each priority axis, established on
the basis of a limited number of programme indicators in order to provide a
clear indication of progress towards delivery priorities linked to Europe 2020.
These milestones for the performance framework
would be proposed by the Member State and agreed between the Commission and the
Member States. ·
The Partnership Contract would contain a summary
of the milestones, methodology and the key principles. The performance of
operational programmes would be monitored regularly on the basis of the set of
programme indicators. Annual Implementation Reports would contain reports on
outputs achieved compared to targets with analysis of reasons for under or over
achievement of targets. Monitoring Committees would reflect on the need for any
changes or other initiatives to ensure that the programme stays on course. Results
will be monitored also and reported on as data becomes available and will be
discussed in the Monitoring Committee and Annual Review meetings. It is envisaged that
there would be two formal review points to examine progress against the
milestones defined in the performance framework. The Commission would undertake
the first review of progress in attaining the agreed milestones in 2017 on the
basis of Annual Implementation Reports in relation to the absorption and
outputs. A second review will take place in 2019.