Railway safety and connectivity concerning the cross-border
infrastructure through the Channel Fixed Link
European Economic and Social Committee
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Certain aspects of railway safety and connectivity with regard to the cross-border infrastructure linking the Union and the United Kingdom through the Channel Fixed Link
[COM(2020) 782 final - 2020/0347 (COD)]
Referral |
Council of the European Union, 02/12/2020 |
European Parliament, 14/12/2020 |
Legal basis |
Articles 91(1) and 304 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union |
Section responsible |
Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society |
Adopted at plenary |
02/12/2020 |
Plenary session No |
556 |
Outcome of vote
210/1/4 |
Since the Committee unreservedly endorses the content of the proposal and feels that it requires no comment on its part, it decided, at its 556th plenary session of 2 and 3 December 2020 (meeting of 2 December 2020), by 210 votes to 1 with 4 abstentions, to issue an opinion endorsing the proposed text.
Brussels, 2 December 2020
Christa Schweng
The president of the European Economic and Social Committee