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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Document 52022DC0332

Initiative summary:
Innovation is critical to navigate the twin green and digital transitions and to secure the EU’s open strategic autonomy. This initiative builds on strong foundations to address the scale-up financing gap; need for regulation to enable innovation in rapidly evolving fields; to better interconnect innovation ecosystems and bridge the innovation divide between regions and Member States; and to harness the potential of all innovation ecosystems’ players while developing and attracting talents.
EuroVoc thesaurus:
regionálna politika EÚ; politika vzdelávania; výskumná politika EÚ; nová technológia; verejné obstarávanie; rozdelenie finančných prostriedkov EÚ; investície EÚ; výskum a vývoj; stratégia EÚ; „zelené“ hospodárstvo; inovácia; digitálna transformácia