This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Pollutant gases of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors
In order to reduce the atmospheric pollution caused by agricultural or forestry tractor engines, the European Union (EU) is laying down standards for acceptable emissions that apply to those engines.
Directive 2000/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2000 on action to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants by engines intended to power agricultural or forestry tractors and amending Council Directive 74/150/EEC [See amending acts].
This Directive details the action to be taken against air pollution by agricultural or forestry tractors. It therefore aims to reduce the level of pollutants emitted while ensuring the smooth functioning of the internal market.
Vehicles involved
This Directive deals with the requirements concerning emissions by agricultural and forestry tractors . They concern, in particular, the definition of the component type-approval procedures applying to engines intended to be fitted to tractors and thus also the definition of the type-approval procedures for such vehicles in terms of their pollutant emissions.
Obligations to be complied with
The manufacturer of the vehicle shall submit an application for type-approval concerning the pollutants emitted. They must provide certain information relating to the vehicle, such as the type of motor.
The manufacturer shall also comply with certain specifications concerning tests, engine marking and the conformity of production.
Replacement motors shall comply with the limit values which were applicable to the motor to be replaced at the time when the later was placed on the market.
Flexibility mechanism
A limited number of tractors may be placed in service on the condition that they are equipped with a motor approved in accordance with the requirements relating to the emissions limits of the phase immediately prior to that which is applicable.
The number of these tractors placed on the market under the framework of the flexibility mechanism shall not exceed 40 % of the annual number of tractors placed on the market by the manufacturer.
Limit values
The Directive has the same test requirements as have been adopted for off-road mobile machinery and the corresponding limit values for levels of emissions.
At the same time, the Directive comes within the field of the type-approval procedure for agricultural or forestry tractors put in place by Directive 2003/37/EC .
As it draws a distinction between four chemical pollutants - carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulates (PT) - the Directive supplements Directive 77/537/EEC on action to be taken against pollutants emitted by diesel engines intended to power tractors.
This directive is repealed by Regulation (EU) No 167/2013 with effect from 1 January 2016.
Act |
Entry into force |
Deadline for transposition in the Member States |
Official Journal |
Directive 2000/25/EC |
12.7.2000 |
31.12.2000 |
OJ L 173 of 12.7.2000 |
Amending act(s) |
Entry into force |
Deadline for transposition in the Member States |
Official Journal |
Directive 2005/13/EC |
21.3.2005 |
31.12.2005 |
OJ L 55 of 1.3.2005 |
Directive 2006/96/EC |
1.1.2007 |
- |
OJ L 363 of 20.12.2006 |
Directive 2011/72/EU |
13.10.2011 |
24.9.2011 |
OJ L 246 of 23.9.2011 |
Directive 2011/87/EU |
8.12.2011 |
9.12.2012 |
OJ L 301 of 18.11.2011 |
Directive 2013/15/EU |
1.7.2013 |
1.7.2013 |
OJ L 158 of 10.6.2013 |
Directive 2014/43/EU |
9.4.2014 |
1.1.2015 |
OJ L 82 of 20.3.2014 |
Successive amendments and corrections to Directive 2011/87/EU have been incorporated in the basic text. This consolidated version is for reference purpose only.
Last updated: 02.07.2014