This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Road safety: promoting road safety in the European Union
This Communication aims to improve road safety with a view to reducing the number of accidents in the European Union.
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Promoting road safety in the European Union: - the programme for 1997-2001 [COM (97) 131 final - Not published in the Official Journal].
The Communication takes stock of road safety matters in the European Union for the years 1993-1996:
The trends and characteristics of road safety in the European Union are as follows:
The Commission advocates a cost-benefit approach in the formulation of future road safety policy.
The record shows that road accidents are estimated to cost 45 billion euros per year, consisting of 15 billion for medical care, police involvement and vehicle repairs, and 30 billion in lost economic production due to fatalities or injuries. With 45 000 vicitims annually, the avoidance of a fatal accident would save 1 million euros. There is therefore an economic justification for taking measures costing up to one million euros rder to save a single life ("the million euros rule").
Using this approach, the Commission identifies several courses of action involving:
The aim of this new policy is to reduce the annual total of victims to 18 000 in 2010 (as against 27 000 if the current policy is maintained).
The primary role of the Commission is:
The main elements of the programme for 1997-2001 are the following:
Council resolution of 26 June 2000 on the improvement of road safety [Official Journal C 218 of 31.7.2000].
The Council welcomes the publication of the Progress Report (see point 8 below), which forms part of the second Community action programme for the promotion of road safety in the European Union for the period 1997 - 2001. The Council finds that progress needs to be made in three areas:
Priorities in EU road safety: Progress Report and Ranking of Actions. Communication from the Commission of 17 March 2000 [ COM (2000) 125 - Not published in the Official Journal]. The Communication takes up suggestions from the Council and the European Parliament to issue a progress report on the Action Programme. It gives a ranking to future measures at Community level and makes a recommendation to decision-makers at all levels to give more weight to the fact that the cost of preventing accidents is generally much lower than the economic cost of the casualties and damage they cause.
The Commission considers the current Action Programme (1997 - 2001) a success. Much has been achieved in the strategic fields of improving enforcement of traffic rules and regulations, raising public awareness of road safety, and the gathering and dissemination of information on safety issues.
A multi-criteria analysis followed by a cost-effectiveness assessment of the actions listed in the 1997-2001 Programme has led to the definition of the following short and medium-term priorities in road safety in the EU:
Beyond these key priorities the Communication lists a further five measures for which more research into cost-effectiveness is desirable: medical standards for driving licences; standards for driving tests; daytime running lights; effects of medicines on driver behaviour; post-accident care.
Three supporting measures also receive a high priority: the CARE accident statistics data base; an integrated information system; research into vehicle standards and telematics.
Finally, the Communication contains a Recommendation from the Commission encouraging the governments and local and regional authorities of the Member States to establish the practice of calculating the costs and effects of road safety measures, to increase investments in these measures and to develop mechanisms that will enable the benefits of road safety measures to be felt more directly by those taking the decisions and bearing the costs of their implementation.
Last updated: 31.08.2007