A non-legislative policy Option O and 13 legislative policy options were considered and grouped into:
Block A: "WHY" should the competent authorities have access to or exchange financial information?
OPTION A.1: only to prevent and combat money laundering, its predicate offences and terrorist financing.
OPTION A.2: only in respect of the "Eurocrimes" set out in Article 83(1) TFEU.
OPTION A.3: in respect to the forms of crimes as set out in Annex I of the Europol Regulation.
Block B: "HOW" should public authorities access and exchange financial information?
OPTION B.1: provide competent authorities with access to the national centralised bank account registries according to 1) Sub-option B.1.a: direct access; or 2) Sub-option B.1.b: indirect access.
OPTION B.2: provide competent authorities with access to all other financial information according to 1) Sub-option B.2.a: direct access; or 2) Sub-option B.2.b: via the FIUs.
OPTION B.3: provide measures for the exchange of information between FIUs and for FIUs access to and exchange of information that competent authorities hold according to 1) Sub-option B.3.a: direct cooperation between FIUs; or 2) Sub-option B.3.b: establish a central FIU.
Block C: "WHO", to which public authorities do the conditions apply?
OPTION C.1: to public authorities responsible for preventing, investigating or prosecuting criminal offences
OPTION C.2: to the public authorities in Option C.1 and additionally 1) Sub-option C.2.a: the Asset Recovery Offices; 2) Sub-option C.2.b: Europol; 3) Sub-option C.2.c: OLAF
Regarding the access of competent authorities to information, contained in bank account registries, the preferred policy option is a combination of options A.3, B.1.a, C.2.a and C.2.b.
Regarding the access of competent authorities to additional financial information, the preferred policy option is a combination of options A.3, B.2.b and C.2.b.
In order to address obstacles in cross-border FIU cooperation and difficulties met by FIUs to cooperate with their domestic LEA partners the preferred policy option is a combination of options A.1, B.2.b, B.3.a and C.2.b.