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Contact for media

Martina Vráblik Solčányiová

+421 2 59 398 102

We answer journalists’ questions and provide expert opinions on EXIMBANKA SR and its activities, issue press releases, organise professional events, workshops and press conferences and arrange interviews with EXIMBANKA SR representatives.

Mgr. Tatiana Harmady

has been working in the banking sector for almost 15 years. Since 2013, she has been working at Eximbanka, first in export financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, and later in financing of large companies. Since May 2017, she has been managing the entire financing department, initially focused on export financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, and since 2018 also on financing of large companies.

Ing. Tomáš Kuruc

has over 20 years of experience in the financial and banking sector. He started in an investment company managing mutual funds. Later he worked in several managerial positions in banking groups ČSOB and UniCredit. Since 2023, he has been Head of Structured Finance at Eximbanka, which provides small, medium and large enterprises with support for their investments abroad.

Ing. Martin Schaner

has held managerial positions in the banking, factoring and insurance sectors. He started in Tatra Leasing, a subsidiary of Tatra banka. Later he was Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of OTP Faktoring Slovensko, a subsidiary of OTP Bank Slovakia. He was also involved in factoring in Intermarket bank group and its subsidiary Transfaktor Slovakia. He also worked in the Credendo Group in the field of credit insurance, as country manager and CEO for Slovakia.

Michal Demák

has worked in the finance industry over 20 years, either with legal, banking, insurance, advising or brokering responsibilities supporting trade and investments. Michal enjoys finding new ways, models, and people to strengthen industries’ ecosystem and strive to keep it sustainable and ecologically friendly.

Matúš Šársky

worked at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, where he was mainly engaged in economic diplomacy. He also represented the Slovak Republic at the United Nations Headquarters in New York as part of the Foreign Service. Since 2017, he has been working on the international relations agenda at Eximbanka, where, among other things, he represents the interests of Eximbanka, the Slovak Republic and Slovak exporters at the EU and the OECD on issues related to state support for exports.

Diana Polónyi

came to Eximbanka from private sector. She has extensive background in the areas of consulting, banking, IT, where she has worked for both B2C and B2B clients. She leads a team in charge of external partnerships and communication projects.

Martina Vráblik Solčányiová

Exporters also perceive persistent restrictions in trade in services

Trade in services continues to face significant regulatory barriers that hamper economic growth and competitiveness….

EU Global Gateway: Opportunity for Slovak entrepreneurs

We invite you to the event (EU Global Gateway: Opportunity for Slovak entrepreneurs) aimed at…

Slovak exporters can definitely gain from the mutual cooperation of export credit agencies of the V4 countries

The annual meeting of the V4 Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) took place in Prague this…
Interviews and presentations
Events and workshops
Annual Reports
Economic results

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Ukraine: export, investment and economic recovery.

EXIMBANKA SR is the only available Slovak product for financing Slovak exports to Ukraine

Update: Coverage of short-term receivables from Eximbanka

Current: Are you interested
Interested in expanding into Ukraine? Let us know

What are the opportunities for Slovak entrepreneurs in rebuilding the Ukrainian economy

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