The Country Planning Cycle Database which is an open, online resource that provides a country by country overview of the national planning, health programmatic and project cycles, together with information on donor involvement and technical support, for all Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO). The Country planning cycle database promotes WHO support to national health policy dialogues to develop more robust health policies, strategies and plans since the 2011 WHA 64.8 resolution.
The Global Assessment of National Health Plans, Policies, Strategies (NHPSP) and Annual Health Sector Reviews. This annual assessment is conducted by WHO gather related data on the processes of NHPSP development and sector review process with the emphasis on the achievement of UHC. The Country Planning Cycle database facilitates the collection and analyses on the Global NHPSP and sector review trends as well to inform reports on the WHA 64.8 resolution and the production of data for the GHO.
In-depth mapping of Gavi and GFATM investments in health system strengthening. Following a Phase 1 review of GFATM RSSH investments, WHO has started the development of a comprehensive online mapping platform of Gavi and GFATM investments on health systems strengthening (HSS). The mapping creates a common framework that profiles on the scope and impact of HSS support, detailing the targeting of investments and the potential for the harmonization of donor contributions. This online mapping will permit health ministries, donors and partners to assess HSS contributions and better avoid gaps or duplicative funding, improve predictability of resources, resulting in better leveraging and impact from more strategically aligned investments in UHC and HSS.
The From Whom to Whom platform visualizes data on Official Development Assistance (ODA) flows in health, thereby increasing transparency and providing a more complete overview of resources for health. It also provides insights to the global development priorities, frequency and volume of commitments and disbursements, modalities and channels of aid delivery. In 2018, the development of a new Whom to Whom platform was launched to make it more relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals, and targets by taking advantage of the increased granularity of the ODA data. As well as, insights and analysis into the development cooperation resources, their purposes and volumes as well as offering views and comparisons of countries health development and their trends.
The UHC Country Support Plans (UHC-CSPs) and Monitoring Platform plays a catalytic role in advancing WHO’s triple billion goals at the country level. UHC-CSPs are country specific plans defining what each of the three levels of the Organization are committed to delivering to support countries to achieve their priorities and shared results by the Organization. . These plans play a key role as they help the MoH, with WHO support, to agree on key priorities and activities towards UHC, in line with national priorities. This allows for a flexible bottom-up approach according to countries’ needs and progress achieved.
A Quarterly live monitoring was launched as a key function to support the implementation of the UHC Country support plans at all levels of the organization. Through this process WHO gathers country intelligence on UHC progress, activities, events and promote knowledge sharing across the organization and with our partners of our efforts and successes in supporting UHC. A key aspect of the live monitoring is a three-levels response to the technical and financial needs to implement the UHC CSPs. To have an agile approach to mobilizing and deploying support that is cross-cutting based on the current needs in the country. The UHC Partnership provides WHO with the flexibility to be responsive to shift in priorities by providing the financial resources combined with technical expertise and political commitment.