Invideo Studio Arvostelua 778

TrustScore 3,5/5 tähteä



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Saanut 5/5 tähteä

We reached out today and were pleasantly surprised by how quickly our questions and concerns were addressed. We dealt with Patrick, who was quick to address everything and take action. He was very attentive. It is the best online support/chat we have experienced to date. Appreciate that!

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

Rep Manny answered my questions clearly and quickly.

Separately, concerning video creation in one's Invideo account, it might help to have a clear video message or warning about how the AI mins a
nd Generative credits can get used up too quickly and how to avoid doing that while creating videos.

This would be helpful for someone like me who likes to learn by doing and doesn't like to read directions that much.

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

I bough 1 month subscription and tried it out. It is worthless and waste of money.

The image and text are not align correctly.
Even if you buy the subscription you will still have limited video
generation. I generated about 8 videos in the first day and it said you have reached the limit. wait until the end of the month or upgrade now.

Not recommending

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

The steps and guidelines were clear and LOVED the patients not as good as CapCut I feel like the should make more songs like just any song u know but I feel like it is fine💙💙💙💙💙💙🫶�🫶�🫶�🫶�🫶�🫶�🫶�☺�☺�☺�☺�☺�

Yrityksen tiedot

  1. Ohjelmistoyritys
  2. Verkkomarkkinointipalvelu

Yrityksen kirjoittama

At invideo, our mission is to re-invent video creation and make it accessible to the world. We firmly believe that the future of video creation is in the browser, across devices, collaborative, easy and fun! Currently armed with 5000+ unique designer templates, 9M+ premium media (including iStock), a large audio library for every mood/genre and a lot of customisable features, we are aggressively moving towards our north star metric. Invideo flexible timeline and drag & drop editor further enhance the user journey of making professional videos on the browser. Our 24*7 live customer support service and 26K+ strong Facebook Community further add value to every creator's workflow. Customer feedback is key to the way our product is shaping up everyday. We're only and only building for the end user, who makes videos for a living. With 7M+ users from 195+ countries who have made millions of videos in 100+ foreign languages on InVideo, we look forward to the road ahead.


Saanut 5/5 tähteä

Account Questions

We reached out today and were pleasantly surprised by how quickly our questions and concerns were addressed. We dealt with Patrick, who was quick to address everything and take action. He was very attentive. It is the best online support/chat we have experienced to date. Appreciate that!

Asiointipäivämäärä: 03. tammikuuta 2025

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

The speed of resolving problems is…

The speed of resolving problems is truly remarkable.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 28. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Hi Mike,

Thank you for your feedback! We’re thrilled to hear that you’re happy with the speed of our support.

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

I bough 1 month subscription and tried…

I bough 1 month subscription and tried it out. It is worthless and waste of money.

The image and text are not align correctly.
Even if you buy the subscription you will still have limited video generation. I generated about 8 videos in the first day and it said you have reached the limit. wait until the end of the month or upgrade now.

Not recommending

Asiointipäivämäärä: 28. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Hi Sam,

We’re sorry to hear about your experience. The limits you mentioned are likely tied to the specific plan and credits associated with it. Our team is available 24/7 to assist with any issues, and we’d be happy to help clarify how your plan works and ensure a better experience going forward. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Do not use this tool !!!! Don't give them your money

I purchased a subscription to try to shape a text I had written. The result was so disappointing that, after two hours, I couldn’t fix the video, which was completely incoherent. To my bitter surprise, I found out that those four minutes of video cost me €65, and there was nothing I could do about it because the video was unusable due to all the errors it contained.

I believe this is borderline scamming because, in the chat, they tell you that you signed up for that plan, but there’s no way for you to know when you subscribe that any errors in the video—and all attempts to fix them—consume credits. As a result, it becomes impossible to get a decent output without paying hundreds of euros.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 27. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Hi Michele,

We apologize for the disappointing experience you had. We want to clarify that we do not have any mechanism in place currently to charge for edits. The credits are used for generating the initial video, and any issues you encountered should not have led to additional charges for fixes. Our support team is available to assist with resolving such issues and ensuring that you get the value you expect from the platform. Please reach out to us so we can help resolve the matter for you.

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

I tried their program and their plan is…

I tried their program and their plan is a scam. They just charge anormous $$ and with every mistake the program makes, you edit and you lose entire month of credit. This is just a cheap money making machine, very disappointing.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 18. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Hi Shilpi,

We're sorry to hear about your experience. We want to clarify that we do not charge extra for edits, and credits are only used for generating the initial video. If you've encountered any issues with the platform, please reach out to our support team, and we'll do our best to assist you in resolving them. We strive to provide a quality service and appreciate your feedback.

Saanut 1/5 tähteä



I just wanted to generate a voiceover
and it took me to AI videos whatsoever and every click I make it pushes you to PURCHASE or SUBSCRIBE! You can't even do anything at all. SO MUCH FOR THE 'FREE' It's just taking me into circles. SO FRUSTRATING. Don't every try to click the INVIDEO Link in Google Search.

I would have subscribed if I only have a smooth experience, but again even with someone who just tried the tool and learning the knots, THEY ARE VERY PUSHY! Such a red flag. Goodbye

Asiointipäivämäärä: 24. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Hey Jane,

Thank you for sharing your feedback. We’re really sorry to hear about your frustrating experience. Our goal is to provide a smooth and helpful experience, and it seems we fell short in your case. The functionality of our platform, including voiceover generation, is available on paid plans only, and we always aim to be transparent about what’s included.

We’d love the opportunity to address your concerns more directly. If you're open to it, please feel free to reach out to our support team from the website for further assistance.

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

Immediate and amazing support provided…

Immediate and amazing support provided by Trisha, very cooperative and understanding, make a big difference.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 22. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio


Thank you for the great feedback! We're so glad to hear Trisha's support made a positive impact. We truly appreciate your kind words!

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

"En dyr läxa – undvik denna tjänst!"

"En dyr läxa – undvik denna tjänst!"

Jag har sällan känt mig så grundlurad som med InVideo AI. På ytan verkar det som en spännande och kraftfull tjänst för att skapa AI-genererad video – deras marknadsföring är polerad och lovar stordåd. Men i verkligheten får du något som är extremt begränsat, ofärdigt, och kantat av dolda kostnader.

Jag betalade för en månad för att testa tjänsten och upptäckte snabbt att det mesta av deras funktionalitet är låst bakom fler betalväggar. Vill du till exempel använda deras "generative media"? Då måste du betala extra för varje minut video, utöver din prenumeration. Det som faktiskt ingår är i princip bara tråkig stockmedia – något jag lätt kunde ha gjort själv, utan att betala för den här "AI-upplevelsen".

Den färdiga videon jag testade att skapa var rent skräp. En generisk, rörig film med klichéartad bakgrundsmusik och intetsägande voiceover – helt oanvändbar för det jag behövde. Och det värsta? Ska du ladda ner videon utan vattenmärke, ja, då kostar det ännu mer!

Slutligen är deras kundsupport obefintlig, och jag känner mig nu som en idiot som spenderat pengar på något som inte levererar på sina löften. Jag hoppas att min recension kan spara någon annan från att göra samma misstag.

Tips: Om du är ute efter AI-video, sök någon annanstans. Det finns bättre och mer transparenta tjänster där ute.

Betyg: 1/5 (bara för att jag inte kan ge 0 stjärnor)

Asiointipäivämäärä: 21. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Hej Peter,

Tack för att du delar med dig av din feedback. Jag skulle vilja förtydliga några saker angående våra generativa krediter och hur de fungerar. Detaljerna om hur generativa krediter används och beräknas är tydligt beskrivna i vår FAQ, och vårt supportteam är alltid uppmärksamma om det om du kontaktar dem innan du köper en plan. Det är ganska enkelt: om din plan innehåller generativa krediter, kan du skapa videor med dessa krediter. Om inte, kan du fortfarande skapa videor med hjälp av stockmedia. Denna information visas tydligt när du skapar videon.

När det gäller vattenstämpeln har vi inga avgifter för att ladda ner videor utan vattenstämpel på betalplaner. Exporten är obegränsad på dessa planer, och det enda som räknas för dina nedladdningar är användningen av istocks. Det här kan vara problemet du stötte på, eftersom din betalda plan kommer med ett bestämt antal istocks, som räknas när du laddar ner en video gjord med istocks. Du får också obegränsat med standardmedia från Shutterstock, Storyblocks, Pexels och Pixabay.

Vi erbjuder kundservice dygnet runt, alla dagar i veckan, så om du hade svårt att nå support skulle vi uppskatta om du kunde utveckla din upplevelse så att vi kan ta itu med det.

Saanut 5/5 tähteä


The steps and guidelines were clear and LOVED the patients not as good as CapCut I feel like the should make more songs like just any song u know but I feel like it is fine💙💙💙💙💙💙🫶�🫶�🫶�🫶�🫶�🫶�🫶�☺�☺�☺�☺�☺�

Asiointipäivämäärä: 16. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Hello Brianna,

Thank you for your feedback! We’re glad you found the steps clear and enjoyed the platform. We’ll keep your suggestion about adding more songs in mind as we work to improve.

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Invideo AI is the worst software

Invideo AI is the worst software; it is greedy. It makes at the beginning excellent videos, then worsens it. You have to correct them, so he uses plenty of generative credits, and you have to pay money endlessly. Don’t use it; I use it for my Videos, and I am poor now. All my money for presents for Christmas is out. My children don’t get anything this year.

You can see here my first Video in Youtube, Graga Production, "Solitär".

It is the first, and it is almost beautiful. The others on my Channel, like "Heaven’s Gate II", are also made with Invideo. Then I struggled for "Joy within her Life" to get a good Video, I didn’t have money to buy generative credits, and I used Stock marks. This Video is not so good. Then I wanted to make another Video for a disco Song I wrote. That was a long work because I got only mistakes: for example, a woman had a normal shoe and the other shoe was a roll shoe, and many more mistakes. Every time I correct a mistake with a prompt, the video makes another one. After 2 hours of work, I used so many generative credits that my Bank Account was empty. Don’t do this; it is a big trap. Go to some other AI to make Videos, this is too expensive when you want a good job.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 15. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio


We appreciate your honest feedback and truly regret hearing about your experience. It’s clear that you’ve put a lot of time and effort into creating videos, and we’re sorry to hear that the process has caused you frustration.

To clarify, generative credits are deducted each time a video is generated, with the amount depending on the duration of the AI generated image or video. This is outlined in our FAQs to ensure transparency. Generative media—which includes creating visual elements from scratch using AI—is more resource-intensive than using stock media, which pulls from existing libraries.

As AI technology continues to evolve, occasional inconsistencies may occur, such as those you mentioned (e.g., mismatched shoes). However, we are actively working to improve the platform to minimize such issues.

Purchasing additional generative credits is always optional, but we understand that costs can add up, especially when revisions are needed. Your feedback is important, and we’ll continue striving to make the video creation process smoother and more accessible for all users.

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

Rep Manny answered my questions clearly…

Rep Manny answered my questions clearly and quickly.

Separately, concerning video creation in one's Invideo account, it might help to have a clear video message or warning about how the AI mins and Generative credits can get used up too quickly and how to avoid doing that while creating videos.

This would be helpful for someone like me who likes to learn by doing and doesn't like to read directions that much.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 13. joulukuuta 2024

Saanut 3/5 tähteä

There was an issue with the product

There was an issue with the product. I spent all my generative credits. They said they would refund AI credits, but since they did not refund the generative credits I was not able to use the refunded credits. I mean, what is the point of giving somebody a gun, if you refuse them bullets. Totally insane. So it seems like a trick: "we will refund you" (but you will not be able to use it). Basically I paid over 100 dollars for nothing.

And dont even get me started on all the time I waisted on this project, talking to support and trying to navigate something that doesnt work. Their bug made it more timeconsuming to sit and correct the script manually, because it was all screwed up. Small changes throughout the whole script and it is more difficult to change in a video editor than in a word file.

To be honest I think the service could be good over time, but they are not ready right now. Customer support say they cannot refund the one type of credits, only the other. And who the hell has "Generative credits" and "premium generation". They confuse the sh@"t out of you on purpose, so you dont really know what it actually cost.

UPDATE: Ok, I was refunded some credits, so I thank you for that. After using it now, it seems that it is better. The only bug that I can find now is that the voice over speaks the command out, (gap: 2s), instead of just making the two seconds gap. For me it is not crucial, since I do an edit after I export the video. The other lack is that you can only get mp4-files, which is not suitable for video editing. Those are files for publishing. I think this plattform will be good when all the little quirks have been fixed. If you will do a second round of editing, just get rid of background music in the editor and put this on yourself. Be careful with those generate credits. You would probably be better off generate somewhere else and layer it on top when editing where needed, but it can be a bit time consuming to work that way.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 13. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Hello Bill,

We’re sorry to hear about your experience and understand how frustrating this must have been. To clarify, we did refund the credits as promised, and our support team has worked to explain the details of your plan, including the difference between generative credits and premium generation. We’re always here to help and ensure you can make the most of your account.

We appreciate your feedback and will take it into account to improve both the platform and the clarity of our processes. If you face any further issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out—our team is here to assist you.

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

Works well

Works well. Good support team

Asiointipäivämäärä: 11. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Hey Jareer,

Thanks for your feedback!

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Hate this program

Hate this program
It takes literally a day to make a 10 min simple video because it doesnt take the edits, needs refreshes, etc. When you contact customer service they tell you that you are doing something wrong when really its just the crappy program.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 04. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Apologies for the frustration, Lyme! It sounds like you’ve run into some technical issues, and that’s definitely not the experience we want for our users. Our team is always here to help, and we’ll take your feedback seriously to improve the process. If you’re open to it, we’d love another chance to help resolve these issues and improve your experience.

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

I purchased the $60 plan last night…

I purchased the $60 plan last night thinking I will have access to everything and that wasn’t the issue. I have to pay extra money to generate a video and they give you the bare minimum credits . It’s very much a scam and I’m not happy with this at all. I wouldn’t ask give anyone else a recommendation for this app.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 03. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Apologies for the confusion, Jashuana! We want to assure you that everything is clearly outlined on the pricing page, including the features and any credits. There are no hidden or extra charges beyond what’s listed. Our team is always available to assist before purchase to make sure all details are clear. We understand your frustration and are here to help if you need further clarification.

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Super excited to try out this service…BUT it is a SCAM

Super excited to try out this service after it being recommended by AI Samson on YouTube. Got to site from influencer's site and created a simple one paragraph, 6 hours later, the invideo AI generator is still creating???? I was then prompted to do another video, so I wrote a one sentence prompt and guess what?? I am still waiting after 5 hours??? In short, I will no longer trust invideo AI and I want all of my money back!! This was a total scam by this AI company. If you want to get your money taken, then by all means sign up with these guys! As for me, I will now be jumping thru all kinds of BS hoops over the coming days to get my hard earned money back from these immoral and unethical clowns. Trust me and stay far away from invideo AI or YOU and your money will soon be parted

Asiointipäivämäärä: 03. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Hello Jeff,

We're sorry to hear about your frustrating experience, and we understand your concerns. It sounds like there were significant delays and misunderstandings with the service. Please reach out to our support team directly so we can investigate the issue, address the delays, and make sure you're taken care of.

We want to ensure you're satisfied with your experience and resolve any concerns you have as quickly as possible. Your feedback is important to us, and we truly appreciate you bringing this up.

Saanut 4/5 tähteä


Easy and Effective tools.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 03. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Hello Lincoln,

Thank you for the feedback! We're glad to hear you find the tools easy and effective. We’re committed to making your experience as smooth as possible. Happy creating! 😊

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

Kenny was patient and very informative

Kenny was patient and very informative. He made an effort to find me a great deal. Most definitely, he's been great and got me an even better deal than i initially expected. thanks again.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 02. joulukuuta 2024

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Vastaus yritykseltä Invideo Studio

Hello San,

Thank you for sharing your positive experience! We're so glad to hear that Kenny was able to assist you patiently and find you a great deal. It’s wonderful to know you got an even better deal than expected. We’ll be sure to pass along your kind words to him! 😊


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