Noname Arvostelua 11

TrustScore 2,5/5 tähteä


Akku- ja paristokauppa

Trustpilotin yritykset eivät voi tarjota arvosteluista kannustimia eivätkä maksaa piilottaakseen arvosteluja.

Yrityksen tiedot


Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Inferior quality

I ordered 2 replacement batteries for a Logitec Squeezebox Duet.
Same specs as the original.
After a while the batteries arrived and I tested the first.
Result was very bad with performance less than the old battery. The second was the same so this batteries were of an inferior quality.
I contacted the company which asked me to send them back on my own expenses so they could test and send replacements.
On my reply that the batteries were not faulty but inferior and if the would send me other brands i got no answer.
When i returned the useless batteries on my own costs to an address in the Netherlands they returned my money but subtracted 3 euro without explanation.
This is a Czech company operating under local websites.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 06. marraskuuta 2024

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Issues with Canceled Orders and Shipping Costs

The company ships canceled orders. This is highly unfair because if you place a new order after canceling, they still send the canceled item and expect you to return it at your own expense. Their website manipulates shipping costs—after canceling the original order, I placed a new one with the same price and product, but the shipping cost was converted to a more expensive option for the same address. I do not recommend this company; you will only encounter problems.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 30. syyskuuta 2024

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

I ordered and paid for my battery on…

I ordered and paid for my battery on the 8th September. It is now the 24th September and there is no sign of my battery and the tracking says that it has arrived in the UK on the 13th at 15:06:00. From there there is nothing. on the 21st they said that I must wait for a few more days and then I must contact them again as it may be delayed by customs and only then then they will contact the delivery company for an investigation. At this stage I feel that they should gave already started the process of contacting their delivery company. A VERY POOR SHOW.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 24. syyskuuta 2024

Saanut 1/5 tähteä


ESTAFA!! No te dan ningún número de seguimiento del pedido,me tenía que haber llegado ya una batería que compré y aún sigo esperando.A la semana de hacer el pedido mandé un mail pidiendo un número de seguimiento de mi pedido,me contestaron que tardaría unas 2 semanas,sigo sin poder seguir el pedido,ahora después del plazo indicado me pongo en contacto con ellos de nuevo y sorpresa,ya no contestan el correo.NO COMPRÉIS EN ESTA PAGINA SI NO QUERÉIS TIRAR EL DINERO

Asiointipäivämäärä: 23. marraskuuta 2023

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Don't trust in this company!!!

Asked for refund before they sent the product and still they sent it to me. Didn't get full refund like they promised -10.6€ for shipping. Don't buy from this company!!!!

Asiointipäivämäärä: 25. toukokuuta 2023

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Fehlerhafte Beschreibung + schlechter Kundenservice

Obwohl ich laut Beschreibung auf der Techtek-Website den richtigen Akku für mein Babyphone bestellt hatte, passte dieser nicht. Die Beschreibung auf der Website war somit fehlerhaft. Obwohl der Fehler nicht bei mir lag, bekam ich die ca. 3 € Rückversandkosten von Techtek nicht erstattet. Auf meine E-Mail diesbezüglich wurde mir nicht geantwortet.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 27. huhtikuuta 2023

Noname logo

Vastaus yritykseltä Noname

Dear customer, we are very sorry for the trouble. You are not showing your order ID, name, e-mail address or any other means of contact. Please write us a message and we will definitely help you.


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