VEED Arvostelua 2 274

TrustScore 4/5 tähteä


Videoiden editointipalvelu

Trustpilotin yritykset eivät voi tarjota arvosteluista kannustimia eivätkä maksaa piilottaakseen arvosteluja.

Katso, mitä arvostelun kirjoittajat sanovat

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

its very nice and good website, for me its very helpful to write or add caption easily in seconds, everything is 100%.
i would suggest, that if you will give us option to download alpha .mov file, s
o it will perfect.
but its usable even now. thankyou so much

Saanut 4/5 tähteä

Your doing very well. It very easy to to use, for creating a content. I would like to tell you something you need to add some features more. If could be a more interesting for us

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

I have been using VEED for a month now and have worked on solid amount of projects. The program has little bugs and issues but they can easily be managed and are quick to fix. The part I loved most about VEED is that it has great customer service. I had a problem of not able to open a project on a certain type of a browser and they developer team fixed the issue in just two days. The customer service was very patient with me and was quick to fix my problem and It felt really great.

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

$49 USD per month to translate automatically? What a joke. All it requires is literally processing the text through Google translate which is free. Absolute extortion.

Yrityksen tiedot

  1. Videoiden editointipalvelu

Yrityksen kirjoittama

At VEED, our mission is to make video creation accessible to anyone. No hard-to-use equipment, painful learning curve, or keeping track of multiple subscriptions to take your ideas from record → share. With VEED, you can do this with a single tool.


Saanut 5/5 tähteä

its very nice and good website

its very nice and good website, for me its very helpful to write or add caption easily in seconds, everything is 100%.
i would suggest, that if you will give us option to download alpha .mov file, so it will perfect.
but its usable even now. thankyou so much

Asiointipäivämäärä: 31. joulukuuta 2024

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

$49 USD per month to translate…

$49 USD per month to translate automatically? What a joke. All it requires is literally processing the text through Google translate which is free. Absolute extortion.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 31. joulukuuta 2024

Saanut 4/5 tähteä

Your doing very well

Your doing very well. It very easy to to use, for creating a content. I would like to tell you something you need to add some features more. If could be a more interesting for us

Asiointipäivämäärä: 26. joulukuuta 2024

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Totally useless

Totally useless. They claim to auto-translate subtitles, so I uploaded a short Chinese video with Chinese subtitles. When I tried to select the language to translate from, it defaulted to English(US). As soon as I clicked the drop-down list to select another language, it would jump back up to English. Tried, several times, no go, so I said, well maybe it's clever enough to recognize the language. So I left it to translate it, and I finally got an error that it could not not detect anything spoken. Right. The video was a dialogue between two people, with clear Chinese subtitles. Tried it a few times, gave up. I'm totally flabbergasted by the positive reviews here. Are they real?

Asiointipäivämäärä: 25. joulukuuta 2024

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Lies upon lies

This is what you get:
- A generative AI (which is actually false)
- They use STOCK footage (they EVEN say so)
- All it is are a mish mash of several random clips
- You can't select the amount of time of the clip
- If you're unlucky, you'll get a 6 second video
- If you're VERY lucky, several minutes

At the end of it, they claim one thing but then ALSO claim the opposite. If you're looking for an actual AI, this is NOT the place to go. Avoid at ALL cost.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 21. joulukuuta 2024


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