Kapwing Arvostelua 1 331

TrustScore 4/5 tähteä


Trustpilotin yritykset eivät voi tarjota arvosteluista kannustimia eivätkä maksaa piilottaakseen arvosteluja.

Katso, mitä arvostelun kirjoittajat sanovat

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

If i could give this company less than one star I would. No phone number, no email address, just a on-line email form. When I did find a 'customer service' phone number it turned out to be a crappy Google AI assistant that didn't take any info just said 'I've shared our conversation with the party.' and hung up. Fun fact-- we didn't have a conversation. I got in contact when I got informed that my account had been charged (without even using the app) but they are totally unresponsive. STAY AWAY from their crappy customer service.

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Llevo 3 dias que no funciona el dubbing ,o traduccion de la voz, y me esta dejando el trabajo colgado, el servicio tecnico va a respuesta por dia.Resultado 3 dias sin trabajar, no recomendable

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

I used Kapwing for a couple of years and found it very glitchy on browsers other than Chrome. Even on Chrome, it takes forever to export.

One day, I waited 24 hours, tried exporting a 55-min
ute video. I contacted their customer lack-of-support, which responds usually 24 hours later, asking for the link to the video. 24 hours later, still nothing. I wrote again and they said they had a bug and didn't have a fix for it, nor an ETA.

One WEEK later I asked again, and they responded with a question: "Are you still having trouble exporting?" I'm thinking, are you kidding me right now? The following day they told me they expected a fix the next week.

The following week when the bug wasn't fixed, I asked to cancel my subscription, which I'd recently purchased, and asked for a refund. They said they do not offer refunds.

So, that's what you can expect from Kapwing.

Yrityksen tiedot

  1. Ohjelmistoyritys
  2. Videoiden editointipalvelu

Yrityksen kirjoittama

Kapwing is a collaborative video editor for modern creators. Try it out to repurpose content for social media by adding subtitles, resizing, clipping, and working with a team to share your story. Kapwing uses AI to automate video editing tasks like transcription, translation, removing silences, leveling volume, and more. Add your teammates to collaborate and make more and better video content faster.




TrustScore 4/5 tähteä

1 t. arvostelua

5 tähteä
4 tähteä
3 tähteä
2 tähteä
1 tähti

Ei ole vastannut huonoihin arvosteluihin

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

If i could give this company less than…

If i could give this company less than one star I would. No phone number, no email address, just a on-line email form. When I did find a 'customer service' phone number it turned out to be a crappy Google AI assistant that didn't take any info just said 'I've shared our conversation with the party.' and hung up. Fun fact-- we didn't have a conversation. I got in contact when I got informed that my account had been charged (without even using the app) but they are totally unresponsive. STAY AWAY from their crappy customer service.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 12. maaliskuuta 2025

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

I used Kapwing for a couple of years…

I used Kapwing for a couple of years and found it very glitchy on browsers other than Chrome. Even on Chrome, it takes forever to export.

One day, I waited 24 hours, tried exporting a 55-minute video. I contacted their customer lack-of-support, which responds usually 24 hours later, asking for the link to the video. 24 hours later, still nothing. I wrote again and they said they had a bug and didn't have a fix for it, nor an ETA.

One WEEK later I asked again, and they responded with a question: "Are you still having trouble exporting?" I'm thinking, are you kidding me right now? The following day they told me they expected a fix the next week.

The following week when the bug wasn't fixed, I asked to cancel my subscription, which I'd recently purchased, and asked for a refund. They said they do not offer refunds.

So, that's what you can expect from Kapwing.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 27. helmikuuta 2025

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

I like the interface and found it…

I like the interface and found it user friendly. However the fact that it is browser based has given me a lot of headaches. Uploads not working or taking forever. As your videos get more complex, the program can't download them and you need to break them up into chunks. Many times my videos dont download unless I chunk them down into 2 minute increments. For 10-15 minute videos this gets very annoying and time consuming. I'm sad to say I just can't continue using this program, yet I still have many months left in my subscription. But like so many other companies out there, once they get your money, you'll never see it again, even if the product stops working for you. And sure enough, Kapwing will not refund me my remaining subscription months. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of giving away my hard earned money. Because that's essentially what I'm doing. I paid for a video editing program to make my YT videos. But when it takes me 5 times longer to make a video with that program than it does on something like ClipChamp, the product is not what I paid for. Too bad for me though, the money has vanished and can never return.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 26. tammikuuta 2025

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Utter rubbish

Utter rubbish - complex, fails to upload images, adds watermark - avoid, plenty of others on the internet that much better

Asiointipäivämäärä: 24. tammikuuta 2025

Saanut 1/5 tähteä

Bad service

Bad service, video exporting cannot read even by vlc. They delete my own video after end of period of payment. We should have right to keep it. Please keep away from these thugs

Asiointipäivämäärä: 10. maaliskuuta 2024


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