Arvostelua 25 394

TrustScore 4,5/5 tähteä



Trustpilotin yritykset eivät voi tarjota arvosteluista kannustimia eivätkä maksaa piilottaakseen arvosteluja.

Katso, mitä arvostelun kirjoittajat sanovat

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

I enjoy this site so much I do all my shopping through MyPoints and they other opportunities as well , surveys, daily goal , point perks. I highly recommend trying. I’ve been a loyal member for over a year. They have many cash outs available including pay pal.

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

Surveys are working again, making it easier to reach the Daily Goals. I wish the Upload a Receipt was a bit easier & I could restore the products that I accidentally removed from my List. Some products I buy regularly- but trying to Submit a receipt, I hit Remove from the list and can no longer submit a receipt for those items to qualify for all 9 daily

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

I love My Points surveys because although I am a little older than others who take these surveys, they have been very gracious in not refusing to let me take the majority of them-no all survey companies are this considerate. I love that when you redeem your points that are swift in sending you your redward.

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

Points for reading and clicking thru on various emails for companies and products with goods for sale. If you purchase thru the link, you receive additional points. Points can be redeemed for various gift cards and such. Just a few minutes a day can net you $100 Amazon card in a reasonable period of time.

Yrityksen tiedot

  1. Pelikasino


Saanut 3/5 tähteä

I don't care for e-gift cards

I don't care for e-gift cards, would rather have a physical card in hand. I have too many apps on my phone, and don't want to add more to keep track of e gift cards on their app.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 16. tammikuuta 2025

Saanut 4/5 tähteä

I am not really sure what this refers…

I am not really sure what this refers to. But if it is regarding a rewards gift card, it took much longer to receive that expected. I I see stand it can take a few days but if I recall correctly it took 5 days.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 09. tammikuuta 2025

Saanut 4/5 tähteä

Good for a little extra money

You can get points for a number of different things. And can turn them in for a lot of different gift cards. One thing I don’t like is that some surveys asks a lot of pre questions and then disqualify you, sometimes without getting any points.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 09. tammikuuta 2025

Saanut 5/5 tähteä

What I love about My Points!

I love My Points surveys because although I am a little older than others who take these surveys, they have been very gracious in not refusing to let me take the majority of them-no all survey companies are this considerate. I love that when you redeem your points that are swift in sending you your redward.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 16. tammikuuta 2025

Saanut 2/5 tähteä

I wasn't able to figure out how to…

I wasn't able to figure out how to print the rewards like I used to in the past, so I ended up getting the physical gift card and was charged three dollars for it. That didn't make me very happy that I wasn't informed in advance about the charge.

Asiointipäivämäärä: 16. tammikuuta 2025


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