In October 2020, a sub-group on animal welfare labelling was established within the EU Platform on Animal Welfare. The objective of the sub-group is to assist the Commission by collecting experiences and opinions regarding information to consumers on animal welfare.
For this purpose, the sub-group will:
- Identify certification schemes claiming animal welfare attributes;
- Collect and establish criteria to compare these schemes;
- Analyse the schemes identified;
- Propose key actions that the Union could envisage with due regard to its competences and available policy instruments;
- Define baselines, indicators and monitoring tools to monitor the progress of the actions proposed.
Meetings 2021
The following meetings on 22 April, 5 May, 18 May and 4 June were dedicated to the conclusions of the sub-group.
- 7 April - Sixth meeting of the animal welfare labelling sub-group
- 10 March - Fifth meeting of the animal welfare labelling sub-group
- 9 February - Fourth meeting of the animal welfare labelling sub-group
- 13 January - Third meeting of the animal welfare labelling sub-group