In September 2018, a thematic sub-group on welfare of pigs was established within the EU Platform on Animal Welfare.
The overall objective of the pig sub-group is to assist the Platform and initially will consider how the risk of tail biting can be reduced through meeting the relevant legal requirements included in Directives 98/58/EC, 2008/120/EC and taking into account Commission Recommendation (EU) 2016/336. The pig sub-group shall take into account, coordinate and complement any ongoing activities in this area such as: the activities on pig welfare of the first EU Reference Centre for animal welfare and the three-year Project on reducing systematic tail-docking of piglets in the EU countries.
The pig subgroup will review the use of indicators and assessment criteria, in quality assurance, agri-food schemes and in research, for issues related to tail-biting. The subgroup will advise the Commission on current practice and how such indicators and criteria could be further developed.
The sub-group will promote the exchange of information, experience and good practices and facilitate cooperation in this area, with the purpose of supporting the Platform's work and contributing to the achievement of its objectives.
The sub-group will meet for the first time in Grange (Ireland) on 26th November 2018. Thereafter it will meet twice a year.
Meetings 2019
- 10-11 July - Third meeting of the pig sub-group