Here is a list of Other Groups who have commented on the Discussion Paper regarding Nutritional Claims and Functional Claims:
- Advertising Association
- Advertising Standards Authority
- Baby Milk - IBFAN
- BLL - Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde
- Danish Toxicology Centre
- European Heart Network
- European Food Law Association
- European Public Health Alliance
- Finnish Heart Association
- GDCh
- ILSI - International Life Sciences Institute
- Initiativ Liewensufank
- Istituto per l'infanzia
- JHCI - Joint Health Claims Initiative
- LeatherHead ELFRA
- Lebensmittelchem
- National Childbirth Trust
- Paolo Braghin, Member of the Economic and Social Committee
- Royal College of Midwives UK, Board for Scotland
- Wemos Foundation
- WFU - Women's Food and Farming Union