Expert group on General Food Law and sustainability of food systems
About this Expert Group
The expert group on general food law was established in 2014 to monitor the application of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 on general food law in the Member States, as well as to address any future revision of that Regulation.
It is composed of Member States' representatives, responsible for the above-mentioned Regulation and having expertise in food law.
The original configuration of the group was not considered appropriate to discuss issues relating to the implementation of the Farm to Fork Strategy which go beyond matters of food law as such and require a broader and deepened range of expertise.
Therefore, the group was revamped in 2021 to include further expertise in health/nutrition, environment/climate, and agriculture/fisheries-related areas.
Terms of reference and procedures
Meetings and Consultations
Written consultation 17-31 October 2023 / Preparation of a draft Commission Delegated Regulation
The Commission is consulting the expert group on the preparation of a draft Commission Delegated Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the number and names of the permanent Scientific Panels of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
This draft Delegated Act aims to split EFSA's Panel on food contact materials and enzymes and processing aids into two newly created Panels named respectively "the Panel on food enzymes" and "the Panel on food contact materials, decontamination substances and extraction solvents".
The creation of these two new Panels is expected to improve the operational efficiency and effectiveness of EFSA's scientific work in the respective areas.
The work of the new panels would become targeted and dedicated to the fields of enzymes and food contact materials, supporting a more efficient distribution of workload and use of the available expertise.
13 November 2024:
Fifth meeting of the expert group on general food law and sustainability of food systems
19 September 2023:
Fourth meeting of the expert group on general food law and sustainability of food systems
12 July 2023:
Third meeting of the expert group on general food law and sustainability of food systems
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentation - Legislative framework for a Union sustainable food system
20 May 2022:
Second meeting of the expert group on general food law and sustainability of food systems
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentation - Legislative framework for a Union sustainable food system
- Presentation - Monitoring of the Farm to Fork Strategy
21 November 2021:
First meeting of the expert group on general food law and sustainability of food systems
- Agenda
- Minutes
- General presentation on the expert group on GFL SFS
- Presentation on the legislative initiative on a framework for a Union sustainable food system
- EU code of conduct on responsible food business and marketing practices
Related links
- Regulation (EC)178/2002, General Food Law Regulation
- Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Counci, The European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - A Farm to Fork Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system
- Archive of "Expert group on General Food Law" meetings