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Food Safety

Work programmes

Our annual work programme identifies the work priorities in context of identified risks, legal obligations and Commission priorities.

About work programmes

DG Health and Food Safety develops and publishes an annual work programme, which includes a detailed list of audits and other controls planned in the areas of food and feed safety, food quality, animal health, animal welfare, plant health and some areas of human health. Control priorities are identified following a careful process, based on legal obligations, risk posed in the sectors concerned and the Commission´s political priorities, in particular the Farm to Fork Strategy. As there might be changes to the programme due to availability of resources, changes in risks or emerging issues, an update of the list of planned controls for July to December is usually presented in June.

Most recent programme

Health and food audits and analysis programme 2025


This document sets out the work programme of the European Commission’s Directorate for Health and Food Audit and Analysis for 2025. It contains the details of planned and demand-driven controls in 2025 in the areas of food and feed safety, animal health, animal welfare, plant health and certain areas of human health. It also describes what other activities are planned in 2025, for example on Member State networks and the Better Training for Safer Food programme. Finally, it outlines specific demand-driven controls such as on border control posts, medical devices notified bodies, and the third country listings for exports to the EU. 

Work ProgrammesDEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2025  
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2024, July to DecemberDEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2024DEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2023, July to DecemberDEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2023DEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2022, July to DecemberDEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2022DEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2021, July to DecemberDEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2021DEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2020DEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2019, July to DecemberDEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2019DEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2018, July to DecemberDEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2018DEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2017, July to DecemberDEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2017DEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2016, July to DecemberDEFR
Health and food audits and analysis - Programme 2016DEFR
Food & Veterinary Office - Work Programme 2015, July to DecemberDEFR
Food and Veterinary Office work programme 2015DEFR
Food and Veterinary Office work programme July to December 2014DEFR
Food and Veterinary Office work programme 2014DEFR
Food & Veterinary Office - Audits 2013, July to DecemberDEFR
Food & Veterinary Office - Audits 2013DEFR
Food & Veterinary Office - Audits 2012, July to DecemberDEFR
Food & Veterinary Office - Audits 2012DEFR
Food & Veterinary Office - Audits 2011, July to DecemberDEFR
Food & Veterinary Office - Audits 2011DEFR
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2010, July to DecemberDEFR
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2010DEFR
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2009, July to DecemberDEFR
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2009DEFR
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2008, July to DecemberDEFR
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2008DEFR
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2007, July to DecemberDEFR
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2007DEFR
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2006, July to DecemberDEFR
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2006DEFR
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2005, July to DecemberDEFR
Food & Veterinary Office- Inspections 2005DEFR
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2004, July to December  
Food and Veterinary Office programme of audits and inspections 2004DEFR

Further information

Annual reports

Our annual reports describe the overall outcome of national and Commission control activities to ensure a high level of health and food safety.

Work programmes

Our annual work programme identifies the work priorities in context of identified risks, legal obligations and Commission priorities.

Audit reports

Search and view Audit reports produced by the department.

Overview reports

Search and view Overview reports produced by the department.

Audit map

View the map, select a country to see a list of audits.

Country profiles

A compilation of key information for each Member State.


See our latest publications and news.


A selection of videos to help demonstrate what we do.