The National Human Trafficking Hotline's National Referral Directory is comprised of service providers, government organizations, task forces, coalitions, and other organizations that are working to combat human trafficking through victim services or other indirect services available to the trafficking field.
To ensure the National Hotline can meet its goal of providing up-to-date and high quality referrals to meet survivors' unique needs in a given area, the National Hotline reviews and vets every application prior to adding new organizations to the National Referral Directory. Organizations interested in being included in the database are asked to complete the following form. Only authorized staff members from the organization should complete this form. Organizations that already exist in the National Referral Directory will be asked to complete an annual update process, reviewing and updating all fields on this form to ensure accuracy as well as to fill in newly added information aimed to improve the referral process for victims and survivors.
Once the form has been submitted, National Hotline staff may follow-up with you via email or a phone call to discuss your agency's structure, service delivery policies and procedures, available services, and to develop specific referral protocols. The National Hotline may also request letters of support to verify the organization’s experience working directly with survivors of human trafficking and/or other at-risk or related populations, as well as to confirm that the organization is in good standing within its field. You will receive a response regarding your application. Our response times may vary depending on volume of annual updates and new applications.
The National Hotline does not endorse or certify organizations included in our database. Your answers to the questions listed below will help us to determine if your agency meets the minimum criteria for inclusion, and to ensure that you are receiving the appropriate referrals based on your mission, capacity, and service area. For more information about the database, policies, and inclusion criteria, click on the following
It is recommended that you create a login in order to save your progress and resume later.
If your organization has the following documents, you will be asked to upload them for the Hotline's vetting records:
- Official Confidentiality Policy
- Non-Discrimination Policy
- Housing License
- Non-Profit Status documentation (if current documentation is not available on IRS site or Guidestar)
- Screening Form (optional)
- Safety Policies (if offering shelter)
- Training materials (if offering training as a service)
By completing this form, you are affirming that you are a staff member of the organization applying to be included, and are authorized to provide information on behalf of your organization. It is recommended that only a staff member who would be the designated Referral Directory primary point of contact for communication with our Partnerships team complete this form.