This place is wonderful. Had an awesome experience! The butterflies fluttering by and landing on me. They also have a giant aquarium, a stingray section, an anthill AND a beehive! Truly amazing!
Looking to connect to nature in a cool environment? Bring yourself and your family to see over 3,000 butterflies. Stop at the cafe and visit the reptiles, bees and exoticfish before you leave.
This is a wonderful, family friendly place to visit. The butterflies seem to land on people wearing blue the most. It's amazing to watch the butterflies hatch. The aquarium was wonderful too!
Just take your time and relax. Sit down and enjoy the peacefulness of the butterflies and don't freak out if one lands on you :-) oh and watch where you step :-)
Okay, not to be a downer but you go in, watch a 14 min. film, walk through the small exhibit, and exit through a 5 tank acquarium. I'm glad I didn't have to pay full price for this. Find a coupon...