Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Moscow to go with friends:

  • 9.4

    Meshersky Park

    Park Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (77 tips):

    • Grace A.
      Grace Alexandra: "It is more beautiful to live simply but as it is, than to live in luxury with debt everywhere."
  • People also say (109 tips):

    • Pavel M.
      Pavel Molchanov: "For me, best seats are on right side of balcony. Acoustics is awesome like on any other non-central seats, yet much cheaper and with good view and no queues to get seated or to leave."
  • 9.4

    BeauMonde Lounge (Бомонд Лаунж)

    Hookah Bar Никольская ул., 25 Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (21 tips):

    • H & N
      H & N: "Best shisha and view,, you can find it in the mall opposite to St.Regis hotel in 5th floor"
  • 9.4


    Sports Bar ТЦ «Ковчег» Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (27 tips):

    • Банк Русский Стандарт
      Банк Русский Стандарт: "При оплате кaртами Visa и MasterCаrd Банка Русский Стандарт - скидка 10% (не суммируется с другими). О желании воспользоваться скидкой предупредите официанта заранее."
  • 9.5


    Sports Bar ТЦ «Южный» Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (19 tips):

    • Ash S.
      Ash Statue: "Место нашлось случайно. Достойная кухня, хороший выбор пива, и главное, могут по вашей просьбе включить у вашего столика любой канал, чтобы вы смотрели именно тот матч, ради которого пришли."
  • 9.2

    Золотое яблоко

    Cosmetics Store Пресненская наб., 2 Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (15 tips):

    • Anna K.
      Anna Kaminova: "Amazing choice of cosmetics, in addition to well known High end brands there is a big choice of Russian, Korean and Japanese cosmetics, niche perfumes. My favourite find was Romanova makeup brand."

People are talking about these places in Moscow:

  • 9.3

    Red Square

    Plaza Красная пл. Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (918 tips):

    • Eugenia
      Eugenia: "My favorite place in Moscow: St. Basil's Cathedral, Spasskaya Tower with chimes, Kremlin, Historical Museum. Here were many events and facts from history of Russia. Must see for each newbie in Moscow"
    • Ma H.
      Ma Hi: "Heart of moscow!you can feel the history and soul of russia in there!magnificent architecture!GREAT symbol of russia!if you have'nt seen this you have'nt seen moscow!my favorite place in moscow!"
  • 9.3

    Парк «Останкино»

    Park 1-я Останкинская ул. Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (190 tips):

    • Lefteris M.
      Lefteris Mposmos: "I loved this place. Walk through trees and the small lake. Perfect place to walk on Sunday with friends and your crush. Romantic and quite! I visited in the middle of the winter with snow"
    • Stacey H.
      Stacey Hollander: "Great park with lots of modern sports equipment. Neat and well maintained."
  • 9.3

    Vorobyovy Gory

    Park Воробьёвская наб. Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (231 tips):

    • Julia S.
      Julia Shuvalova: "At Vorobyovy Hills you get some of the best panoramas of Moscow - and you can also take a funicular down to the embankment. Cue in vast walking areas, too"
    • Aeroexpress
      Aeroexpress: "One of the most beautiful places in Moscow. The metro station "Vorobevy Gory""

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