Eleanore Leichtenberg: "Bread, popcorn, chips and crackers are very unhealthy for ducks and their ducklings. Instead, feed them halved grapes, rice, salad leaves, bird seed or vegetable trimmings :)"
Erinn Frances: "This place has such a fun and relaxed vibe here. Amazing beer selection, if you can’t find what you want on draft they have a side room full of coolers of beer from all over. Will be back."
National Car Rental: "A true 1950s theater, Loft Cinema has great food and drinks, and an always solid mix of films. It operates as a non-profit and volunteers run the production. Plus, its a great place to beat the heat!"
Eric Nelson: "Great spot for a coffee or a lunch. The market itself has wonderful ingredients, herbs, spices, and other things you won't find in your normal grocery store."
Eric Nelson: "The requirement when you're in Tucson is to stop here. The Sonoran dogs are a world famous original for a reason, the Carne Asada is the best in town."
FrecklesUSA: "Take a look at the cat(s) and mouse/mice on the front face of the entry. Purportedly, when the cat catches the mouse, the world ends."
K12 Inc: "Did you know? San Xavier Mission was founded in 1692. Construction of the current church began in 1783 and was completed in 1797. It is the oldest intact European structure in Arizona"
Brandon F.: "Walk amongst the dessert cacti and enjoy the sites. Not a strenuous “hike”... look at it as more of a stroll."
Dealitout Von: "Awesome trails.. Recommend taking the telephone trail or sometimes called the powerline trail... Back to the rangers station. It's a great hike!"