2. Jing Paradise
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 269-275, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Chinese Restaurant · 16 tips and reviews
Sena Wiguna: Join us for your special events with a trully chinese fine dining experience...prices may vary upon requests..prove it yourself and you'll never regret it at all..cheers!! 😉
Shelly Wijaya: Chinese fine dining.. Nice place, must try the shark fin in the stone pot, lobster fruit salad, beef cube, seabass with teriyaki
wu bei ying: Jing is the best chinese restaurant in bandung!! Spacious ambience and cozy, the food was amazing too!! Love it so much.
Epicurina Indonesia: Legendary. Among the earliest classy uptown restaurant in Bandung, and is still in business. Comfy and cosy open air seating; suitable for both family gathering and romantic dining.
Angelica Ellen: You should try fried mozarella and chicken cordon blue in here. Love the place, so comfy and classy, and the price worth it.
Shelly Wijaya: love the chicken soup, sachlick, potato salad, sausage barbeque, black beauty for dessert n the cakes: rum ball, apple pie n lots
6. Wild Grass
Jl. Gunung Kareumbi No. 10 (Ciumbuleuit), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Café · 21 tips and reviews
Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie: A tad crowded, fancy place. I ordered cajun chicken but they just sprinkled cajun seasoning atop of fried chicken, and the potato is w/ coconut cream and it's not good. And GOD the service is lame.
Icha Sachruddin: Not a fan of this place. The food was ok, the place was fancy, the service was quite slow. And the mushalla/musolah is..... Really guys?
Just Ade: Steak, ribs, pizza, and burger for maincourse, spicy chocolate for dessert...
Adhi Rachdian: Ballroomnya termewah, termegah dan terlengkap di Bandung dgn fasilitas layar raksasa, indoor skylift buat mengantar pengantin (u/ resepsi) dr lt2 lgsg ke podium atau dr basement ketengah lantai podium
Adhi Rachdian: Wedding chappelnya keren, mewah, pemandangannya cakep, langit2nya tinggi menjulang. Berkelas bgt emang...
Andre Sibuea: Very nice hotels, modern kind of hotels with terrific view, very relax full. If you just want to get away from normal activity and just want to relax, I would recommend for you to stay here.
9. Miss Bee Providore
Jl. Rancabentang No. 11A (Ciumbuleuit), Kelurahan Ciumbuleuit, Jawa Barat
Café · 85 tips and reviews
Fanina: Perfect place for meal or coffee. Loving the ambience
annastasya isabelle: comfortable place especially for your satnite and the foods are also great even it's a lil bit expensive. the nutella-berries pizza is very yummy and the kitty kats (kit kat) shake is the best :)
adi nugroho: Lovely classic dori, lovely four cheese pizza. Nice place, definitely will b back
Dilla Anindita Purnawan: Comfortable place even though it's not too fancy. The chocolate tastes good, very nice employees and service with good price+
COKOTETRA Drinks & Library: Thank you for contributing on making a place in foursquare. Now we have an official foursquare: COKOTETRA Drinks&Library under the category Coffee Shop&Library. Find the best Chocolate in Dago here :)
Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie: Cute small place w/ nice selection of tea. Quite good coffee. Very friendly service. Several in-store reads available.
Robertus Raindy: It is a good idea for lovebird to order pancake..it is fancy
Gerry Haeruman: Cheezy Fries yummy,,
Aini Maryani: Asik bgt kongkow disini! Tempatnya gak luas tp posisi kursi bs maksimal krn designnya. Ada live acoustic band yg asik bgt, makanan murah, dan enak! Cocok buat anak muda.. Pgn kesini lagiiii 😋