Festival Citylink is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

1. Festival Citylink

Jl. Peta No. 241, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Shopping Mall · Suka Asih · 179 tips and reviews

Sitti S.Sitti Sholihat: Foodcourt yg outdoornya enak banget buat nongkrong. ditambah open wifi! Mantep!

yeniyeni: Foodcourtnya nyaman, ada outdoor area dgn view kota Bandung, kalo lagi cerah puncak Gn Tangkuban Perahu pun keliatan

Boldy M.Boldy Matters: nyaman,tenang,parkir gampang,foodcourt ok..laperrrr :)

riaujunction is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

2. riaujunction

Jl. Laksamana Laut R.E. Martadinata No. 17-21 (Jl. Trunojoyo), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Shopping Mall · 229 tips and reviews

Daniel W.Daniel Winardi: check level 3, food court has many nice food, and free Hotspot!

Adi Wibowo O.Adi Wibowo Octavianto: Saya sih sering pesan nasi begana daging di foodcourtnya. Plus, ini salah satu tempat yg sudah pasti ada teh upet favorit

Viona A.Viona Anastasia: food court

Trans Studio Mall (TSM) is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

3. Trans Studio Mall (TSM)

Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 289, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Shopping Mall · 830 tips and reviews

Frieka N.Frieka N: food court

inke s.inke slovasky: cool place to hang out with friends.pleasant for a stroll or shopping here for hours.go to food court, cheap and tasty food here.go to bsm xx1

SetoSeto: Food court baru, new design. Crap ventilation, feels like eat in the fire jungle. :)

Kartika Sari is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

4. Kartika Sari

Jl. Kebon Jukut No. 3C, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Bakery · x · 65 tips and reviews

Franky K.Franky Kawilarang: Makan di food courtnya enak banget, tempatnya ok, menu makanan banyak pilihan n yang pasti murah ga mahal.. :)

Klaus R.Klaus Rachman: The building has food court on its third floor, offering you great selection of food and beverages. The place is simply nice, decorated with fancy photographs and artificial tree.

alifya s.alifya sasmi: stik keju stik keju stik keju :-*<3<3<3<3

Martabak San Francisco is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

5. Martabak San Francisco

Jl. Burangrang No. 42, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Snack Place · 73 tips and reviews

Barnard W.Barnard Wiraharja: Krn modelnya foodcourt, jadi pastiin ordernya udah dicatet dg baik. Kalo gak, bisa runyam urusannya, ketuker-tukerlah, gak lengkaplah.. soal rasa mararantaplah. Mie kocok 7.5/10

Epicurina IndonesiaEpicurina Indonesia: Legendary. Premium Martabak with interesting choices for both sweet and meat varieties; cost is high but worth it. Now sells various other food in a food court style. Ambigue connection to SF, USA.

Yohan Gabriel L.Yohan Gabriel Liutama: It's somewhat like an open-air food court with various stalls. Its Ovomaltine and Chocolate Cheese Martabaks are must try. Open until midnight.

Paskal Food Market is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

6. Paskal Food Market

Paskal Hyper Square (Jl. Pasirkaliki No. 25-27), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Food Court · 332 tips and reviews

ronny w.ronny wilman: food court.. Read more.

Eduard d.Eduard de Grave: Di foodcourtnya banyak pilihan makanan enak, harga cukup terjangkau.

Ari V.Ari Vanuaranu: The best part of this place is the food court with its vast variety of Bandung's favorites.

In & Out Urban Eatery is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

7. In & Out Urban Eatery

Jalan Wayang No. 6 (Burangrang), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Food Court · 9 tips and reviews

Bunda D.Bunda Dafa: foodcourt sih tp tempatnya kebanyakan sekat jd pabaliut... makanannya lumayan

Rosmala D.Rosmala Dewi: Makanan bervariasi (karena sejenis food court), self service , rasa standar aja

Judo W.Judo Wibawa: Live music!

Istana Bandung Electronic Center (BEC) is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

8. Istana Bandung Electronic Center (BEC)

Jl. Purnawarman No. 13-15, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Shopping Mall · 691 tips and reviews

Daniel W.Daniel Winardi: Check the food court on 3th level, it's got a lot nice food and cheap. also wifi hotspot!

Daniel W.Daniel Winardi: Check out the food court on 3rd level, a lot of nice and cheap food. Also wifi Hotspot!

Vanny R.Vanny Rahmadona: nahh BEC tempatnya semua perlengkapan electronik dan gadget misal laptop, ipad, hp, camera selagi milih" gadget bisa stay di lantai teratas di foodcourtnya banyak pilihan makanan, betah sambil wi-fian

Toserba YOGYA is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

9. Toserba YOGYA

Jl. Sunda No. 56-62 (Jl. Baranangsiang), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Department Store · 63 tips and reviews

Dian M.Dian Mardyana: tempatnya enak nih buat belanja sama keluarga :) makan deh di lantai 3 foodcourtnya enak2 ada hokben :P

Astrid CTAstrid CT: ~¶ Food Court Cozy ^_°

Astrid CTAstrid CT: ¶~ Cozy Food Court ^_°

Tahu Susu Lembang is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

10. Tahu Susu Lembang

Jl. Raya Lembang No. 177, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Food Court · 117 tips and reviews

Bunda D.Bunda Dafa: oleh2 lembang? y tahu susu, enak banget tahunya :9 mentahnya 25rb, gorengnya 10pcs 15rb. susu kedelainya jg enak, asli. ada foodcourt, atv, balon air sm taman buat istirahat

Aini M.Aini Maryani: Giant food court. Pilihan makanannya banyak, yg di luar tahu jg banyak. Harga tdk terlalu murah. Lapangan parkir luassss..

Se7enthAngelSe7enthAngel: Option 2 get fried & ready to eat or the fresh ones to be fried at home. It can be a rather addictive snack. Other than fresh tofu, they have a number of local cooked food in the food court.

Grand Yogya Kepatihan is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

11. Grand Yogya Kepatihan

Jl. Kepatihan No. 18 (Jl. Dewi Sartika), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Department Store · 116 tips and reviews

Windy K.Windy Kristanty: Foodcourt-nya asik , banyak pilihan dan luas banget. Secara keseluruhan juga tempatnya jd nyaman dan menyenangkan ...

Astrid CTAstrid CT: ~ New Food Court. Very Cozy ;)

Astrid CTAstrid CT: ~¶ Food Court Lt 5

dusun bambu Family Leisure Park is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

12. dusun bambu Family Leisure Park

Jl. Kolonel Masturi KM. 11 (Cijanggel, Kertawangi), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Recreation Center · 195 tips and reviews

Yohan Gabriel L.Yohan Gabriel Liutama: Basically food court with outdoor fun areas for families. Can be super crowded during lunch hours.

A H.A Hazet: Bisa diakses lewat lembang & cimahi atau jalan alternatif dr setiabudhi bdg lewat sersan bajuri.Konsep Perkemahannya, resto, foodcourt & lokasinya bagus bgt, little bit pricey#Traveling#LembangBandung

tiQa H.tiQa Hidayah: kapasitas tempat makan masih kurang banget, mau cobain yg di bird's nest musti nunggu sampe 2-3jam, ke food court terlalu crowded, jadi ke burangrang cafe aja, nice view!

The Kiosk is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

13. The Kiosk

Setiabudhi Supermarket, Lt. 2 (Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 42-44), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Food Court · 38 tips and reviews

Cacuk A. FistantoCacuk A. Fistanto: Food court dengan booth makanan favorite di Bandung

Evi Karlina A.Evi Karlina Ambarwati: Since it hosts the most famous and favorite restos in Bdg (heavy meals &snacks), the foods by themselves are delicious. A convenient one-stop-eating place to avoid a long queue in the famous restos :D

Boy G.Boy GP: Wedang ronde maknyus

Toserba Yogya is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

14. Toserba Yogya

Riau Junction (Jl. L.L.R.E Martadinata No. 17-21), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Supermarket · 66 tips and reviews

Rizki S.Rizki Santoso: Enak jg foodcourt nya..

ᴡ A.ᴡ Ayu Windari: If you could go to one place with so many famous & yum food from all over the city, this would be the place guys! Free hot-spot too ;-)

desie s.desie sundari: Try Magic pizza sblhnya Yogya,lumayan bwt cemilan penahan lapar sejenak..delicious!

Sudirman Street is one of The 15 Best Places for Food Courts in Bandung.

15. Sudirman Street

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 107 (Jl. Cibadak), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Food Court · 34 tips and reviews

Anang G.Anang G: confusing variations...need to come here often and try more each stalls! they may have a hidden talent in cooking specialty dishes

FeliciaFelicia: wibisana porky satay

Nona H.Nona Hey: This is heaven for pork lovers in Bandung.