The Stone Cafe is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

1. The Stone Cafe

Jl. Rancakendal Luhur No. 5 (Dago Pakar), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Café · 99 tips and reviews

Muhammad D.Muhammad Danar: Check out the live music , everyday dude!

Noor HazeanaNoor Hazeana: The food and live band are awesome!!! 

Chris L.Chris Lee: Nive view n good live band. Food so so

Atmosphere Resort Café is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

2. Atmosphere Resort Café

Jl. Lengkong Besar No. 97 (Jl. Cikawao), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Café · 154 tips and reviews

Witya M.Witya Masyithah: Seru bwt dinner..apalagi malming..ada live music plus big screen

Riza J.Riza Juliandri: Dinner with live music, recommended :)

Klaus R.Klaus Rachman: A great place for those who enjoy glamorous dinner and catchy live music.

SODA RESTO & BAR is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.


The 1O1 Bandung Dago (Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 3), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Steakhouse · 6 tips and reviews

Endi G.Endi G: Tempatnya cozy, setting dan theme-nya bagus. Makanannya bervariasi dan kalau malam minggu ada live music-nya. Enak buat nongkrong.

Iw@nk s.Iw@nk shiddiq: live music at soda

Hilman H.Hilman Hafizhan: Churrosnya enak! Tapi sayang coklatnya dikit. Live musicnya mantap!

Braga Permai - Maison Bogerijen is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

4. Braga Permai - Maison Bogerijen

Jl. Braga No. 58, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Eastern European Restaurant · 149 tips and reviews

Klaus R.Klaus Rachman: Located in the historical Braga street, this restaurant (also pedestrian café) offers you great selection of European course. The drinks are affordable enough. You'll be entertained by live music, too

Carolina S.Carolina Suwandi: zupa soupppp enak dan murah! suka ada live music. seru

Mariza S.Mariza Steffany: Try the Rump Steak and Steak ala Braga Permai. Orange fizz is nice and refreshing. There's live music on saturday nite. They also have a good service. Recommended :)

Congo Gallery & Cafe is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

5. Congo Gallery & Cafe

Jl. Rancakendal Luhur No. 8 (Dago Pakar), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Café · 103 tips and reviews

Riska InggridRiska Inggrid: Love this place...the view and there's live music while we're eat :)

Silka S.Silka Samanta Siregar: View nya oke banget. Suasana romantis dgn live music. Like this..

Rezky A.Rezky Aditra: Harganya MURAH.. Makananny LEZAT.. Pemadanganny BAGUS.. Pelayananny LUMAYAN.. Live Music Pula..

Cocorico Cafe and Resto is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

6. Cocorico Cafe and Resto

Jl. Bukit Pakar Timur No. 19 (Dago), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Restaurant · 67 tips and reviews

FiraFira: Live music on saturday night, cool vibe!

Cynthia A.Cynthia Ardiany: Place is great. When i came, new years night, theres live music and kinda party downstair. I got free 'terompet' to celebrate NY. Food great, staff very nice

mel p.mel pangrib: kalau malam view lampu kota bandungnya keren. dimalam minggu ada live music. penggemar gorengan ada nusantara platter terdiri dari tempe mendoan, singkong, cireng, bala bala. parkiran cukup luas

Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga) is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

7. Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga)

Jl. Tamansari No. 73 (Jl. Siliwangi), Bandung, Jawa Barat
College Auditorium · 156 tips and reviews

Reza &.Reza "Fachrie" Fachrizal: tgl 13 mei 2010 di adakan konser sandy sandoro,, dateng yeeh,, wkwkkwk

Reginald F.Reginald Fernando: "Twice Upon a Time" SMAN 2 Bandung Concert Hall Venue

Keru K.Keru Kartiwa: My first concert..

Warung Laos is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

8. Warung Laos

Jl. Dago Golf Raya No. 90, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Pizzeria · 38 tips and reviews

Eldiansyah P.Eldiansyah Prawira: Pelayanannya payah, pesanan saya lupa dibuat padahal pas pesan sudah dikonfirmasi. Varian menunya juga sedikit. Untung suananya masih enak dengan live music

Theresia P.Theresia Prilandika: Ketemu kupu" gede bgt disini, lasagna nya cair --" minumannya dikit harga mahal. View nya enak kalo pas cuaca nya ga mendung. Live music jam8 mlm tiap hari minggu

Nikita G.Nikita Gopwani: Good food, simple but all you need really. They have a lovely view with nice live music as well.

Lawangwangi Creative Space is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

9. Lawangwangi Creative Space

Jl. Dago Giri No. 99 (Warungcaringin - Mekarwangi), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Art Gallery · 81 tips and reviews

Luthfi K.Luthfi Khoeruddin: great sunday and live music accoustic

Inova S.Inova Supriadi: Cozy place. The food was standart. But the view is great!!! The live music also nice. But the way to get there was not good enough

Dewi P.Dewi Pompon: Mojito mint 😊. Very nice place with some ecclectic arts. The fettuccine carbonara is quite okay, but the real gem is the fried cube singkong, and it's free!

Teater Tertutup Dago Tea House is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

10. Teater Tertutup Dago Tea House

Taman Budaya Jawa Barat (Jl. Bukit Dago Utara No. 53), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Music Venue · 3 tips and reviews

Lina L.Lina Latifah: Celebrate Parent's Day with SMA Alfa Centauri Bandung :D

Deri D.Deri David: Ratu Pantai Selatan @aapbdg akan berlangsung di Teater Tertutup Dago Tea House (Taman Budaya Jawa Barat) pada tanggal 6, 16, dan 17 Maret 2013. Dont miss it!

Lanny M.Lanny Meyland: liat penonton dan teater di lighting room #nyusup

Waroeng Setiabudhi is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

11. Waroeng Setiabudhi

Jl. Cihampelas No. 159A, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Snack Place · 15 tips and reviews

AgNeeLasTaRiAgNeeLasTaRi: Ada live music,, bisa request,,, heheh

Erwin P. P.Erwin P. Pratama: Ini tempat nongkrongnya anak muda banget, ada live music juga. Harga? Terjangkau kok, cocok lah recommended

SunnieSunnie: Good food👍

Aula Barat ITB is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

12. Aula Barat ITB

Institut Teknologi Bandung (Jalan Ganesha No.10), Bandung, Jawa Barat
College Auditorium · 9 tips and reviews

Ida S.Ida Syukur: Nusantara Infrastructure DIALOG SERIES "The challenges in Investing in Indonesia's PPP Projects: Focus on West Java"

andromeda c.andromeda cp: Kembaran not identical Aula Timur

Astri N.Astri Novia: Demo time ... fiuhh :)))

Stasiun Bandung is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

13. Stasiun Bandung

Jalan Kebon Kawung No. 43 (Jalan Stasiun Timur No. 1), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Rail Station · 512 tips and reviews

Vijay D.Vijay Dylan: Asik nunggu kereta d stasiun ini, kalo minggu ada live music

Dhinie Harining P.Dhinie Harining Permata Putri: Live music nya keren

Wigaty W.Wigaty Widya: Seruuuu ! Ada live musicnya wohooooo

Kampung Daun Culture Gallery & Cafe is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

14. Kampung Daun Culture Gallery & Cafe

Jl. Sersan Bajuri KM 4,7 No. 88 RR1 (Cihideung), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Café · 300 tips and reviews

Sung P.Sung Park: Take relaxing walk, delicious Indonesian cusine, and nice live local music~

SocratesloverrSocratesloverr: Aneka macam jajanan ada disini. Bersantai sambil belanja pun bisa. Selagi menunggu waiting list ditemani live music sangat menyenangkan.

Elika Layla E.Elika Layla Eka: Cozy place, nice view, delicious meal, and fresh air !

In & Out Urban Eatery is one of The 15 Best Places with Live Music in Bandung.

15. In & Out Urban Eatery

Jalan Wayang No. 6 (Burangrang), Bandung, Jawa Barat
Food Court · 9 tips and reviews

Judo W.Judo Wibawa: Live music!

Rosmala D.Rosmala Dewi: Makanan bervariasi (karena sejenis food court), self service , rasa standar aja

Widya Y.Widya Yuliana: Berbagai macam makanan, self service dan banyak spot tmpt utk duduk.