Klaus Rachman: Located in the historical Braga street, this restaurant (also pedestrian café) offers you great selection of European course. The drinks are affordable enough. You'll be entertained by live music, too
Carolina Suwandi: zupa soupppp enak dan murah! suka ada live music. seru
Mariza Steffany: Try the Rump Steak and Steak ala Braga Permai. Orange fizz is nice and refreshing. There's live music on saturday nite. They also have a good service. Recommended :)
Fira: Live music on saturday night, cool vibe!
Cynthia Ardiany: Place is great. When i came, new years night, theres live music and kinda party downstair. I got free 'terompet' to celebrate NY. Food great, staff very nice
mel pangrib: kalau malam view lampu kota bandungnya keren. dimalam minggu ada live music. penggemar gorengan ada nusantara platter terdiri dari tempe mendoan, singkong, cireng, bala bala. parkiran cukup luas
8. Warung Laos
Jl. Dago Golf Raya No. 90, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Pizzeria · 38 tips and reviews
Eldiansyah Prawira: Pelayanannya payah, pesanan saya lupa dibuat padahal pas pesan sudah dikonfirmasi. Varian menunya juga sedikit. Untung suananya masih enak dengan live music
Theresia Prilandika: Ketemu kupu" gede bgt disini, lasagna nya cair --" minumannya dikit harga mahal. View nya enak kalo pas cuaca nya ga mendung. Live music jam8 mlm tiap hari minggu
Nikita Gopwani: Good food, simple but all you need really. They have a lovely view with nice live music as well.
Luthfi Khoeruddin: great sunday and live music accoustic
Inova Supriadi: Cozy place. The food was standart. But the view is great!!! The live music also nice. But the way to get there was not good enough
Dewi Pompon: Mojito mint 😊. Very nice place with some ecclectic arts. The fettuccine carbonara is quite okay, but the real gem is the fried cube singkong, and it's free!
AgNeeLasTaRi: Ada live music,, bisa request,,, heheh
Erwin P. Pratama: Ini tempat nongkrongnya anak muda banget, ada live music juga. Harga? Terjangkau kok, cocok lah recommended
Sunnie: Good food👍
Sung Park: Take relaxing walk, delicious Indonesian cusine, and nice live local music~
Socratesloverr: Aneka macam jajanan ada disini. Bersantai sambil belanja pun bisa. Selagi menunggu waiting list ditemani live music sangat menyenangkan.
Elika Layla Eka: Cozy place, nice view, delicious meal, and fresh air !