The arch was built by the roman authorities to celebrate Consantine's 'liberation' of Rome. The narrative strip above the side arches, in grand propoganda style, shows him as a man with a mission.
When Emperor Constantine (who had a vision that he’d win under the sign of the cross) defeated his rival Maxentius in A.D. 312, he became sole emperor of the Roman Empire and legalized Christianity.
Arch of Constantine 4.yydikilmiş oldukça iyi korumuş bi yapıdır.Yapı ilk hırıstyan imaparator olan konstantinin zaferini kutlamak amacı ile yapılmıştır.Kolezyum&palatine tepesi arasında yer almaktadır
Построена в 315 году и посвящена победе Константина над Максенцием в битве у Мильвийского моста 28 октября 312 года. использует элементы декора, снятые с более древних монументов (сполии).